A project for Members in Minehead and surrounding area:
We are pleased to announce that five ENHS members recently met with Ben Parker of Somerset West and Taunton Council in Blenheim Gardens, Minehead. It was then agreed that we will produce a new booklet about the Gardens with sections on their History, the SpecimenTrees, and the Wildlife. Sue Lloyd and Carol Giddens are to deal with the first two sections but we would like as many members as possible to contribute to the third, i.e. by recording the wild birds, animals, insects and plants seen in Blenheim Gardens between now and next summer. These records to be collated and written up by Carol.
This is something we can do to relieve the stress of CoronaVirus restrictions: a gentle walk through the gardens (observing social distancing) say once a month should prove both interesting and relaxing. Even a single visit can add to our knowledge and contribute towards this project which also encompasses our aims as a Registered Charity.
Please send your records to carol.enhs.org.uk Make sure to include the date of your observations and they may take the form of a simple list. If you prefer to submit written records on our usual recording forms, this is fine as long as you make sure we receive them by the end of July, 2021 (sooner if possible). We will endeavour to keep you informed of any changes or updates.
In addition, we ask you all to keep a record of your wildlife sightings particularly of birds, plants, butterflies, deer etc. Send in your records either on line by using the online form here or by filling in record slips, available free of charge from the Secretary: Carol Giddens carol@enhs.org.uk