
Membership And How To Join

Annual Subscription: Adults – £10.00 Young folk still in education – £5.00.

For an extra £2.50 per year you can sponsor a bird nest-box and receive details of its inhabitants after we have checked the boxes in autumn plus an extra newsletter in spring.

TO JOIN, PRINT OFF A COPY OF THE APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP FORM BELOW (or see printer friendly link below) AND SEND IT, TOGETHER WITH YOUR CHEQUE TO THE ADDRESS SHOWN. For those preferring to make an online payment please see the standing order form below for account details. YOU WILL THEN BE SENT A COPY OF OUR CURRENT PROGRAMME AND RECEIVE THE NEXT EDITION OF OUR MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER. Details of the Society’s Data Protection Privacy Notice can be found on the 2nd page of the application form.  

If you do not have access to a printer and require an application form to be posted please contact our Membership Secretary, Ms C Tickner,
ENHS: 07775 851515.  Email: here

Printer friendly form

Printer friendly Standing Order form

We welcome to our membership all who enjoy the wealth of wildlife amidst the beauty of Exmoor.
The aims of the Society are:-
(a) To further the study and recording of the botanical and wildlife of Exmoor
(b) To assist, where possible and desirable, in its preservation

The Society provides for its members:-

  • The magazine Exmoor Naturalist published in April and September. This contains details of winter and summer activies, also reports from our wildlife recorders, articles and photographs from members.
  • Members may sponsor one or more of 200 nest boxes in Exmoor Woodlands and receive news of its contents. Nest boxes are aimed at encouraging Pied Flycatchers in particular as well as other tree nesting birds.
  • The Natural History Centre at Porlock Weir has displays, a bookstall and volunteers to assist in showing Exmoor to visitors and help with identifying wildlife seen. Regular walks are conducted from the Centre for members and the public from June to September.
  • At Luckbarrow, West Luccombe,. we have our Office, Reference Library and Wildlife garden. Monthly meetings are also held here by our Luckbarrow Study Group.
  • An opportunity to assist in conservation work, particularly at Woodcock Gardens or Luckbarrow.
  • Conducted Nature Walks on Exmoor.
  • Free recording slips for wildlife reports on request to the Secretary.
  • Monthly indoor meetings from October to March in Minehead. (Illustrated talks, etc).