In 1996 ENHS produced The Flora and Fauna of Exmoor National Park listing 8243 species which had been recorded. (Now out of print). Since then there have been a number of additions published annually in Exmoor Naturalist magazine. The following lists show what we have recorded as of June 2020 , now 10,261 species from the Exmoor National Park Area, plus Minehead and Dunster Beach. It is hoped there will also be future additions and updates.
AmphibiansBees, Wasps, Sawflies, AntsBeetles and Weevils A-GBeetles and Weevils H-MBeetles and Weevils N-ZBirdsBugs Bush-Crickets, Grasshoppers and AlliesButterfliesDragonflies, Damselflies, Mayflies, Stoneflies & Caddis FliesFish (Saltwater and Fresh)FleasFlies and HoverfliesFreshwater AlgaeFungi Ascomycetes (Cup Fungi)Fungi BasidiomycetesFungi Rusts & SmutsFungi Slime MouldsFungi ZygomycetesLacewings and Allies LiceLichensLiverworts,Hornworts and MossesMacro MothsMammals (Land and Sea)Maritime Invertebrates and SeaweedsMicro MothsOther InvertebratesPlants A-G - Wild Flowers, Ferns, Trees, ClubmossesPlants H-M- Wild Flowers and TreesPlants N-Z - Wild Flowers and TreesReptilesSnails and SlugsSpidersWoodlice, Centipedes and MillipedesWorms and Leeches
Amphibians: Updated to September 2020 to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No. 46 Pt 2.
Amphibians.Common Name | Scientific Name | Notes |
Warty Newt | Triturus cristatus | Known at Selworthy c1950 but no recent records. |
Smooth Newt | Triturus vulgaris | More terrestrial than other species; easily confused with Palmate Newt which is the common Exmoor newt. No recent records. |
Palmate Newt | Triturus helveticus | Breeds in shallow water, puddles, ponds and garden pools, also in brackish water. Occurs on the moor and on coastal marsh. Adults found in various habitats near breeding sites. |
New Toad | ||
Common Toad | Bufo bufo | Widespread and common in various fairly dry places except in breeding season when it seeks ponds and pools on moorland and gardens. |
Common Frog | Rana temporaria | Very common in damp places. |
Bees, Wasps, Sawflies, Ants Updated to 2024 to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No. 49 Pt2 BS 50 Pts 1 & 2
Introduction to Hymenoptera.The Hymenoptera are here divided into five sections each listed alphabetically A-Z by Scientific name. The sections are: 1. Sawflies, 2. Parasitic Wasps, 3. Wasps and The Hornet, 4. Ants and 5. Bees.
Scientific name | Common name | Notes | |
Abia candens | a club-horned sawfly | ||
Aglaostigma aucupariae | a sawfly | ||
Allantus cinctus | a sawfly | Visits various flowers. | |
Arge clavicornis | a sawfly | ||
Arge ochropus | a sawfly | ||
Arge cyanocrocea | Bramble Sawfly | Status not known | |
Arge pagana | a sawfly | ||
Arge ustulata | A sawfly | ||
Athalia lugens | A sawfly | ||
Blennocampa pusilla | Leaf-rolling Sawfly | On roses | |
Caliroa cerasi | a sawfly | Larvae on Prunus species. | |
Cephus cultratus | a sawfly | ||
Cimbex conatus | A sawfly | ||
Cimbex femoratus | Birch Sawfly | Larvae feed on birch. | |
Croesus latipes | A sawfly | Larvae on birch. | |
Croesus septentrionalis | Birch Sawfly | On birch. | |
Dolerus liogaster | a sawfly | ||
Dolerus madidus | a sawfly | ||
Euura venusta | a sawfly | Galls on leaf stalks of willow. | |
Fenella nigrita | a sawfly | Mines on Agrimony. | |
Fenusa dohrnii | a sawfly | Mines on alder | |
Fenusa pusilla | A sawfly | ||
Fenusa ulmi | a sawfly | Mines on elm | |
Heterarthrus aceris | Jerking Disc Sawfly | Mines on sycamore. | |
Heterarthrus healyi | A sawfly | Mines on field maple. | |
Heterarthrus microcephalus | a sawfly | Mines on willow. | |
Heterarthrus nemoratus | a sawfly | Mines on birch. | |
Heterarthrus vagans | a sawfly | Mines on alder. | |
Messa nana | a sawfly | Mines on birch. | |
Metallus gei | a sawfly | Mines on Wood Avens. | |
Metallus pumilus | a sawfly | Mines on Raspberry | |
Monosoma pulverata | Alder Sawfly | Larvae on alder. | |
Monostegia abdominalis | a sawfly | Larvae on Pimpernel and loose-strife. | |
Nematus ribesii | Gooseberry Sawfly | On gooseberry. | |
Pachyprotasis rapae | a sawfly | ||
Phytomatocera aterrima | Solomon's Seal Sawfly | Larvae on Solomon's Seal. | |
Pontania pedunculi | a sawfly | Galls on Grey willow. | |
Pontania proxima | a sawfly | Galls on willow | |
Pontania vesicator | a sawfly | Galls on willow | |
Pontania viminalis | Goat Willow Sawfly | Galls on Goat willow. | |
Pristiphora mollis | a sawfly | Larvae on Whortleberry. | |
Profenusa pygmaea | a sawfly | Mines on oak. | |
Profenusa thomsoni | a sawfly | Mines on birch. | |
Rhogogaster viridis | a sawfly | ||
Scolioneura betuleti | a sawfly | Mines on birch | |
Strombocerus delicatulus | a sawfly | Common on bracken. | |
Strongylogaster lineata | a sawfly | ||
Tenthreda atra | a sawfly | ||
Tenthredo balteata | a sawfly | Larvae on Hypericum. | |
Tenthredo celtica | a sawfly | ||
Tenthredo mesomelas | a sawfly | Common. | |
Tenthredo scrophulariae | figwort sawfly | Larvae on Scrophularia spp. | |
Tenthredopsis nassata | a sawfly | ||
Trichiocampus viminalis | Poplar Sawfly | ||
Trichiosoma tibiale | Hawthorn Sawfly | Larvae feed on hawthorn. | |
Urocerus gigas | Greater Horntail Wasp | Local. | |
Amblyteles armatorius | an ichneumon wasp | In grazed water meadows | |
Andricus anthracina | Oyster Gall | on oak | |
Andricus curvator | a gall wasp | Galls on oak | |
Andricus fecundator | Artichoke Gall | on oak | |
Andricus glandulae | a gall wasp | ||
Andricus kollari | Marble Gall | on oak | |
Andricus lignicola | Cola-nut Gall | on oak | |
Andricus quadrilineatus | a gall wasp | galls on oak | |
Andricus quercuscalicis | Knopper Gall | Abundant on oak in some years. Whole acorn crops failûcausing food shortage for jays, etc. | |
Andricus quercusradicis | a gall wasp | Galls on oak | |
Andricus quercusramuli | Cottonwool Gall | Galls on oak catkins. Rare. | |
Andricus solitarius | a gall wasp | Galls on oak | |
Apanteles glomeratus | A parasitic wasp | Parasite of White butterflies | |
Biorhiza pallida | Oak Apple | Gall on oak | |
Chrysocharis polyzo | A parasitic wasp | Parasite of Cerodontha ireos | |
Codrus niger | a small parasitic wasp | Parasite of Carabid beetles | |
Cynips divisa | Red Currant Gall | Galls on oak | |
Cynips longiventris | a gall wasp | ||
Cynips quercusfolii | Cherry Gall | Galls on oak | |
Diastrophus rubi | Bramble Stem Gall | Galls on brambles. | |
Diplazon laetatorius | an ichneumon wasp | ||
Diplolepis eglanteriae | a gall wasp | Galls on wild roses. | |
Diplolepis nervosa | a gall wasp | Galls on wild rose | |
Diplolepis rosae | Robin's Pin-cushion Gall | Bedeguar Gall. Galls on wild rose. | |
Elampus panzer | A parasitic wasp | Parasite on Mimesa wasps. | |
Enicospilus ramidulus | an ichneumon wasp | Parasite of Hawkmoths and Noctuid moths. | |
Gasteruption assectator | Hunger Wasp | Parasite of various bees. | |
Heteropelma amictum | A parasitic Wasp | Status not known | |
Ichneumon deliratorius (Coelichneumon d.) | an ichneumon wasp | ||
Ichneumon stramentarius | an ichneumon wasp | ||
Ichneumon suspiciosus | an ichneumon wasp | On Hemlock water-dropwort. | |
Liposthenus latreillei | a gall wasp | Galls on Ground-ivy (Glechoma) | |
Lissonota lincolaris | an ichneumon wasp | ||
Lissonota setosa | An ichneumon wasp | Parasite on Goat Moth | |
Megastigmus dorsalis | a chalcid wasp | Parasite in oak marble galls | |
Meraporus graminicola | a chalcid wasp | ||
Mesochorus politus | An ichneumon wasp | ||
Metopius citratus (Ichneumon c.) | an ichneumon wasp | Parasite on Geometrid moth. | |
Mymaridae spp. | Fairy flies | Parasites in eggs of bugs and dragonflies. | |
Netelia opaculus | an ichneumon wasp | Occasional in light traps. | |
Neuroterus albipes | Smooth Spangle Gall | On oak | |
Neuroterus numismalis | Silk-button Spangle Gall | on oak | |
Neuroterus quercusbaccarum | Common Spangle Gall | on oak | |
Neuroterus tricolor | a gall wasp | ||
Opheltes glaucopteris | an ichneumon wasp | Parasite on Cimbex connatus. VC4. | |
Ophion costatus | an ichneumon wasp | Parasite of Noctuid moths | |
Ophion longigena | an ichneumon wasp | ||
Ophion luteus | an ichneumon wasp | Common. | |
Ophion obscuratus | an ichneumon wasp | ||
Opilion scutellaris | an Ichneumon wasp | Uncommon | |
Perispuda bignellii | An ichneumon wasp | ||
Perispuda facialis | An ichneumon wasp | ||
Perithous divinator | an ichneumon wasp | Parasite on larvae in stems. | |
Phanacis hypochoeridis | a gall wasp | Galls on cats-ear (Hypochoeris) | |
Pimpla hypochondriaca | an ichneumon wasp | On ivy flowers. | |
Platygastridae spp. | A parasitic wasp | Parasites of gall midges. | |
Praon spp. | an aphid parasitic wasp | Parasite of aphids. | |
Prestwichia aquatica | A parasitic wasp | Parasite in eggs of aquatic bugs and beetles. | |
Pteromalus puparum | a chalcid wasp | Parasite of Lepidoptera | |
Rhyssa persuasoria | Sabre Wasp | Parasite on wood wasps, in conifers. | |
Synergus apicalis | a gall wasp | Inquiline in oak galls | |
Synergus rotundiventris | a gall wasp | Inquiline in oak galls | |
Syspasis lineator | an ichneumon wasp | Parasite of Heterarthrus vagans | |
Therion circumflexum | an ichneumon wasp | ||
Torymus nitens | a chalcid wasp | Parasitoid in oak marble galls | |
Tromatobia variabilis | an ichneumon wasp | ||
Ammophila sabulosa | Red Banded Sand Wasp | Nests in sandy soil; parasite of Lepidoptera. | |
Ancistrocerus gazella | a potter wasp or mason wasp | ||
Ancistrocerus nigricornis | a potter wasp or mason wasp | Nests in cavities. Parasite of Tortricid larvae. | |
Ancistrocerus oviventris | a potter wasp or mason wasp | ||
Ancistrocerus parietinus | a potter wasp or mason wasp | Parasite of Lepidopterous larvae. | |
Ancistrocerus parietum | Wall Mason Wasp | Parasite of Lepidopterous larvae | |
Anoplius concinnus | a spider-hunting wasp | Parasite of Lycosid spiders | |
Anoplius nigerrimus | a spider-hunting wasp | Parasite of Lycosid spiders | |
Anoplius viaticus | Black Banded Spider Wasp | Parasite of various spiders | |
Arachnospila anceps | a Spider Hunting Wasp. | Uncommon | |
Argogorytes mystaceus | Field Digger Wasp | Nests in light soil; parasite of Homoptera. | |
Cerceris ruficornis | a solitary wasp | Common. | |
Chrysis angustula | a rubytail wasp | ||
Chrysis ignita | a rubytail wasp | Parasite of other Hymenoptera | |
Chrysis rutiliventris | a rubytail wasp | Mainly coastal. | |
Chrysis schenkei | a rubytail wasp | Notable. | |
Crabro cribrarius | Slender Bodied Digger Wasp | On sandy heathland; parasite of Diptera. | |
Crossocerus capitosus | a solitary wasp | Parasite of Diptera and Hymenoptera | |
Crossocerus cetratus | a solitary wasp | Nests in hollow stems and dead wood; parasite of Diptera and Hymenoptera. | |
Crossocerus dimidiatus | Blunt Tailed Digger Wasp | Nests in rotten wood; parasite of Diptera. | |
Crossocerus distinguendus | a solitary wasp | Scarce. | |
Crossocerus elongatulus | Slender Digger Wasp | Common. | |
Crossocerus megacephalus | a solitary wasp | Nests in rotten wood; parasite of Diptera | |
Crossocerus pusillus | a solitary wasp | Nests in soil; parasite of small Diptera | |
Crossocerus quadrimaculatus | 4-spotted Digger Wasp | Nests in soil; parasite of Diptera | |
Diodontus tristis | Melancholy Black Wasp | Nests in sand or mortar; parasite of aphids. | |
Dolichovespula media | a social wasp | Nests in bushes; very rare. A recent arrival in Britain, first Exmoor record early 1990s. | |
Dolichovespula norwegica | Norwegian Wasp | ||
Dolichovespula sylvestris | Tree Wasp | Nests in trees. | |
Dryinidae sp. | a dryinid wasp | Parasites of leaf-hopper bugs. | |
Ectemnius cephalotes | a solitary wasp | Nests in dead wood; parasite of Muscids and Syrphids. | |
Ectemnius continuus | a solitary wasp | Nests in dead wood; parasite of Muscids and Syrphids. | |
Ectemnius lituratus | a solitary wasp | Nests in dead wood, parasite of Muscids. | |
Epyris niger | a bethylid wasp | ||
Evaetes dubius | a spider-hunting wasp | Rare. Na | |
Gorytes bicinctus | a solitary wasp | Nests in light soils; parasite of Diptera | |
Gymnomerus laevipes | a mason wasp | Scarce. | |
Mellinus arvensis | Field Digger Wasp | Nests in light soils; parasite of Diptera | |
Miscophus concolor | a solitary wasp | Nests on heaths; parasite of small spiders. | |
Nysson spinosus | Large Spurred Digger Wasp | Kleptoparasite of Argogorytes spp. | |
Odynerus spinipes | Spiny Mason Wasp | Parasite on Coleoptera larvae | |
Oxybelus uniglumis | Common Spiny Digger Wasp | Nests in sandy soils; parasite of Diptera | |
Passaloecus gracilis | a solitary wasp | Nests in beetle burrows; parasite of same. | |
Pemphredon lugubris | MOURNFUL WASP | Nests in plant stems and wood. | |
Pompilus spissa | a spider-hunting wasp | Scarce. | |
Priocnemis exaltata | A Spider Hunting Wasp. | Rare. | |
Priocnemis parvula | a spider-hunting wasp | Common. | |
Psen bicolor | Two Coloured Mimic Wasp | Nests in sandy soils; parasite of Homoptera | |
Rhopalum coarctatum | a solitary wasp | ||
Symmorphus connexus | a potter wasp or mason wasp | Nests in plant stems | |
Symmorphus gracilis | a potter wasp or mason wasp | Visits flowers of Scrophularia | |
Tiphia femorata | a solitary wasp | Parasite of dung beetles | |
Trichrysis cyanea | a rubytail wasp | A kleptoparasite of wood boring aculeates | |
Trypoxylon attenuatum | Slender Wood Borer Wasp | Parasite of various spiders | |
Vespa crabro | The Hornet | Nests in tree holes; locally common. Nests sometimes found in ENHS bird nest boxes in woodlands. | |
Vespula rufa | Red Wasp | Usually nests in the ground. | |
Vespula vulgaris | Common Wasp | Nests in various sites. | |
Formica cunicularia | an ant | Nests under stones and in dry turf banks. | |
Formica fusca | Negro Ant | Nests under stones and tree stumps | |
Formica lemani | an ant | In upland areas. | |
Formica rufa | Red Wood Ant | Frequent in suitable woodlands. | |
Lasius alienus | an ant | On heather moorland | |
Lasius flavus | Yellow Meadow Ant | Common in fields and gardens. | |
Lasius fuliginosus | Jet Ant | Nests in varying sites. | |
Lasius niger | Small Black Ant | Abundant in gardens. | |
Lasius umbratus | an ant | Nests at base of old trees. | |
Leptothorax acervorum | Slender Ant | Nests in tree stumps under bark | |
Mutilla europaea | Large Velvet Ant | Parasite of Bumble bees. | |
Myrmica lobicornis | an ant | Nests in open woodland or moorland | |
Myrmica ruginodis | Red Ant | Nests under stones in woods & moorland | |
Myrmica scabrinodis | an ant | Nests in varying sites. | |
Myrmica sulcinodis | an ant | Nests under flat stones on heather moorland | |
Stenamma sp. | An ant | Species uncertain, possibly debile. | |
Tapinoma erraticum | Erratic Ant | Nests on heathland | |
Tetramorium caespitum | Turf Ant | Nests under stones on heaths and cliffs | |
Andrena apicata | Large Sallow Mining Bee | Rare in our area | |
Andrena bicolor | Gwynne's Mining Bee | ||
Andrena cineraria | Grey mining bee | Local. | |
Andrena clarkella | a solitary bee | Frequent. | |
Andrena coitana | a solitary bee | Visits bramble and apple flowers. | |
Andrena denticulata | a mining bee | Local in meadows and moorland edge. | |
Andrena dorsata | a solitary bee | Local. | |
Andrena flavipes | Yellow-legged Mining Bee | In various habitats. | |
Andrena fucata | a solitary bee | Visits various flowers. | |
Andrena fulva | Tawny Mining Bee | ||
Andrena fuscipes | a solitary bee | Local. | |
Andrena haemorrhoa | Early Mining Bee | Nests in ground; visits flowers of Crataegus and Salix. | |
Andrena helvola | Woodland edges and meadows. | ||
Andrena lapponica | a solitary bee | Visits Vaccinium flowers. | |
Andrena marginata | On scabious flowers only. Na. | ||
Andrena minitula | In various habitats. | ||
Andrena nigroaenea | a solitary bee | Visits various flowers. | |
Andrena nitidiusculus | a solitary bee | Very rare. RDB3. | |
Andrena ovatula | a solitary bee | Visits various flowers. | |
Andrena pubescens | a solitary bee | Local. | |
Andrena praecox | Small Sallow Mining Bee | Local | |
Andrena rosae | a solitary bee | Grasslands. Rare. RDB | |
Andrena saundersella | a solitary bee | Visits Umbelliferous flowers. | |
Andrena scotica | a solitary bee | ||
Andrena similis | Red backed mining bee. | Scarce | |
Andrena strangula | a solitary bee | Very rare. | |
Andrena subopaca | a solitary bee | Visits various flowers. | |
Andrena tarsata | a solitary bee | Local | |
Andrena thracicia | a solitary bee | Local. | |
Andrena trimmerana | Trimmer's Mining Bee | Visits flowers of various shrubs. | |
Andrena wilkella | In grasslands. | ||
Anthidium manicatum | Wool-carder Bee | Nests in woodland; visits flowers of Labiates | |
Anthophora plumipes | Hairy Footed Flower Bee | Nests in walls and in ground; visits Labiates. | |
Apis mellifera | Honey Bee | Commercially maintained; wild colonies sometimes found; very common on flowers. | |
Bombus barbutellus | Barbut's Cuckoo bee | ||
Bombus bohemicus | a Bumble-bee | ||
Bombus campestris | a Bumble-bee | ||
Bombus hortorum | Small Garden Bumble Bee | Nests among tree roots and in banks. | |
Bombus hypnorum | Tree Bumble Bee. | Numbers increased. | |
Bombus jonellus | Heath Bumble Bee | Nests subterranean; heathland. | |
Bombus lapidarius | Large Red Tailed Bumble Bee | Nests subterranean; visits flowers. | |
Bombus lucorum | White-tailed Bumble Bee | Nests subterranean; visits various flowers | |
Bombus magnus | Northern White-tailed Bumble Bee | Rare in our area | |
Bombus monticola | Mountain Bumble Bee | Scarce. | |
Bombus pascuorum | Common Carder Bee | Nests on surface; widespread. | |
Bombus pratorum | Early Bumble Bee | Nests early in season in various sites; visits blossoms of fruit trees. | |
Bombus sylvestris | a Cuckoo bumble-bee | ||
Bombus terrestris | Buff-tailed Bumble Bee | Nests subterranean; visits various flowers. | |
Bombus vestalis | Vestal Cuckoo Bee. | Preys on B.terrestris | |
Coelioxya conoidea | Large Sharp-tail Bee | ||
Coelioxya elongata | A Cuckoo Bee | Parasitic on Megachile willughbiella bee. | |
Colletes fodiens | a bee | Local | |
Colletes hederae | Ivy Bee | ||
Colletes marginatus | The Margined Colletes | Nests in loose sand; a coastal species. | |
Colletes succinctus | a solitary bee | Nests in ground; visits flowers of Calluna and Erica | |
Dasypoda altercator | Hairy Legged Mining Bee | In sandy localities. | |
Epeolus cruciger | A Cuckoo Bee | On Collettes bees. Local | |
Epeolus variegates | A Cuckoo Bee | On Collettes bees. Local | |
Eucera longicornis | a nomad or mason bee | Nests in ground, sometimes in large colonies. | |
Halictus eurygnathus | a solitary bee | ||
Halictus rubicundus | a solitary bee | Nests in ground; often in large colonies. | |
Halictus tumulorum | a solitary bee | Often stylopised. | |
Hoplitis claviventris | a solitary bee | Local. | |
Hylaeus communis | Common Yellow-face bee | Local | |
Hylaeus confusus | a solitary bee | Uncommon. | |
Hylaeus cornutus | a solitary bee | Scarce. Na. | |
Hylaeus hyalinatus | a solitary bee | ||
Hylaeus pictipes | a solitary bee | RDB | |
Lasioglossum albipes | a solitary bee | Visits Senecio etc. | |
Lasioglossum calceatum | Slender Mining Bee | Visits Senecio and Umbelliferous flowers. | |
Lasioglossum cupromicans | a solitary bee | Visits flowers of yellow Composites | |
Lasioglossum fratellum | a solitary bee | A moorland species. Visits flowers of Senecio. | |
Lasioglossum laevigatum | a solitary bee | Visits flowers of Scrophularia | |
Lasioglossum leucopum | a solitary bee | Nests in sandy ground. Visits flowers. | |
Lasioglossum malachurus | a solitary bee | Visits Trifolium flowers. | |
Lasioglossum minutissimum | Least Mining-bee | Uncommon. | |
Lasioglossum morio | Brassy Mining Bee | Nests in wall mortar; common in gardens. | |
Lasioglossum punctatissimum | a solitary bee | Visits gorse flowers on heath and near coast. | |
Lasioglossum smeathmanellum | a solitary bee | Common. | |
Lasioglossum villosulum | Shaggy Mining Bee | Visits flowers of yellow Composites | |
Lasioglossum xanthopum | Yellow Footed Mining Bee | Visits various flowrs. | |
Megachile centuncularis | Patchwork Leaf-cutter Bee | Nests in wood or soil; visits flowers of Rubus. | |
Megachile ligniseca | A leaf-cutter bee | ||
Megachile versicolor | A leaf-cutter bee | Local. | |
Megachile willughbiella | Willughby's Leaf-cutter Bee | Nests in pre-existing holes in wood, walls or soil. | |
Nomada argentata | A Cuckoo Bee | Scarce. RDB3. | |
Nomada fabriciana | Fabricius' Nomad Bee | Kleptoparasite of Andrena spp. Visits flowers. | |
Nomada flava | a nomad or mason bee | Kleptoparasite of Andrena spp. Visits flowers. | |
Nomada flavoguttata | a nomad or mason bee | Kleptoparasite of Andrena spp. Visits flowers. | |
Nomada flavopicta | Blunt-horn Nomad Bee | At Dunster 2020 | |
Nomada fucata | a nomad or mason bee | Very local. | |
Nomada glabella | Bilberry Nomad Bee | Scarce. Among Vaccinium | |
Nomada goodeniana | Gooden's Nomad Bee | Kleptoparasite of Andrena spp. Visits flowers. | |
Nomada lathburiana | A Cuckoo Bee | Scarce. RDB3. | |
Nomada marshamella | Marsham's Nomad Bee | Kleptoparasite of Andrena spp. Visits flowers. | |
Nomada obtusifrons | Local | ||
Nomada panzer | Panzer’s Nomad Bee | Scarce | |
Nomada ruficornis | Red-horned Nomad Bee. | ||
Nomada rufipes | Golden-rod Nomad Bee | Kleptoparasite of Andrena spp. Visits flowers. | |
Osmia aurulenta | Gold-ringed Mason Bee | Local | |
Osmia fulviventris | a solitary bee | Probably incorrect record. Recorded by visiting naturalists. | |
Osmia rufa | Red Mason Bee | ||
Panurgus banksianus | a solitary bee | Nests in sandy ground. Visits dandelion flowers. | |
Panurgus calcaratus | a solitary bee | Local | |
Psithyrus sylvestris | Four Coloured Cuckoo Bee | Parasite of Bombus pratorum Common. | |
Psithyrus vestalis | Vestal Cuckoo Bee | Social parasite of B.lucorum and B.terrestris | |
Sphecodes crassus | a solitary bee | Visits various flowers. | |
Sphecodes monilicornis | Box-headed Blood Bee | Local. | |
Stelis ornatula | A Cuckoo Bee | on Hoplitis claviventris. RDB3. Scarce |
Beetles and Weevils A-G
Beetles and Weevils A-G. Updated dated to to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No 50 Pt. 1 Spring 2024. Listed alphabetically by scientific name.Scientific Name | Common Name | Notes | ||||
Abax parallelepipedus | a ground beetle | In woodland. | ||||
Abdera biflexuosa | a false darkling beetle | [NS] 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Abdera flexuosa | a false darkling beetle | [NS] 1999 Horner Wood | ||||
Abraeus globosus | a carrion beetle | In decaying wood. | ||||
Acalles ptinoides | a weevil | In dead wood. | ||||
Acanthephodus onopordi | a seed weevil | On thistles. | ||||
Acidota crenata | a rove beetle | In moss and leaf litter. | ||||
Acidota cruentata | a rove beetle | Cultivated ground or in moss. | ||||
Acilius sulcatus | a water beetle | In shallow, muddy pools. | ||||
Acrolocha sulculus | a rove beetle | In dung | ||||
Acrotona aterrima | In dung | |||||
Acrotona muscorum | In fungus. | |||||
Acrotrichis atomaria | a featherwing beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||||
Acrotrichis montandonii | a beetle | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Acrotrichis rosskotheni | a featherwing beetle | In ancient valley woodland. | ||||
Acrotrichis sitkaensis | a featherwing beetle | In damp leaf litter. | ||||
Acrulia inflata | a rove beetle | in old parkland | ||||
Actenicerus sjaelandicus | Marsh Click Beetle | On wet moorland. | ||||
Actidium aterrimum | a featherwing beetle | Shingle by rivers and streams. | ||||
Actocharis readingii | Under stones on coast. RDBK. VC4 | |||||
Acupalpus dubius | a ground beetle | In coastal marshes | ||||
Acupalpus exiguus | a ground beetle | In coastal marshes. | ||||
Acupalpus meridianus | a ground beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||||
Adalia bipunctata | Two-spot Ladybird | Usually very common in a range of habitats. | ||||
Adalia decempunctata | Ten-spot Ladybird | A range of habitats. | ||||
Adrastus pallens | a click beetle | Minehead 1935. In woodland. | ||||
Aegialia arenaria | a dung beetle or chafer | On sandy soils at the coast | ||||
Aeletes atomarius Aub? | [RDB3] | |||||
Aepus marinus | a ground beetle | Rare under stones on sand at around high water mark. | ||||
Aepus robinii | [NS] - VC4 | |||||
Agabus affinis | a water beetle | In spring-head mires. | ||||
Agabus biguttatus | a water beetle | Small streams and springs. Last Exmoor record Porlock 1896. | ||||
Agabus bipustulatus | a water beetle | In standing and flowing freshwater. | ||||
Agabus conspersus | a water beetle | In brackish coastal ditches. | ||||
Agabus guttatus | a water beetle | in streams and springs. | ||||
Agabus melanarius | a water beetle | In puddles and pools. | ||||
Agabus montanus | a water beetle | In Sphagnum bogs. | ||||
Agabus nebulosus | a water beetle | In shallow, muddy pools. | ||||
Agabus paludosus | a water beetle | Local in still water. | ||||
Agabus paludosus | ||||||
Agabus sturmii | ||||||
Agathidium convexum | ||||||
Agathidium nigrinum Sturm | A fungus beetle | Recorded 2021 | ||||
Agathidium rotundatum | a round fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. Only record was from Minehead inû1948. | ||||
Agathidium seminulum | a round fungus beetle | Under bark of decaying oak. | ||||
Agathidium varians | a round fungus beetle | In leaf litter in woodland. | ||||
Agelastica alniLinnaeus,`758) | a Longhorn beetle | on Alder 2023 | ||||
Agonum albipes | a ground beetle | In a range of habitats near water. | ||||
Agonum assimile | a ground beetle | Under bark in deciduous woodland. | ||||
Agonum dorsale | a ground beetle | On cultivated ground. | ||||
Agonum fuliginosum | a ground beetle | In a range of wet habitats. | ||||
Agonum gracile | a ground beetle | In fens. | ||||
Agonum marginatum | a ground beetle | Local on open muddy substrates in wetlands. | ||||
Agonum moestum | a ground beetle | Grass tussocks at edge of lake. | ||||
Agonum muelleri | a ground beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||||
Agonum obscurum | a ground beetle | In coastal fens. | ||||
Agonum piceum | a ground beetle | In fens. | ||||
Agonum thoreyi | a ground beetle | In coastal marshes. | ||||
Agrilus sinuatus | Hawthorn Jewel Beetle | On Hawthorn. | ||||
Agriotes acuminatus | a click beetle | woodland | ||||
Agriotes lineatus | Wireworm (larva) | In open habitats on the coast. | ||||
Agriotes obscurus | a click beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||||
Agriotes pallidulus | a click beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Agriotes sordidus | a click beetle | In strandline litter. Porlock Weir 1946 and 1998. | ||||
Agriotes sputator | a click beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||||
Agrypnus murinus | a click beetle | Coastal grassland. | ||||
Alaobia linderi (Brisout) | ||||||
Alaobia pallidicornis | In fungus. | |||||
Alaobia sodalis | In fungus. | |||||
Aleochara bilineata | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Aleochara bipustulata s.l. | a rove beetle | In dung. | ||||
Aleochara cuniculorum | a rove beetle | In rabbit burrows. Dunster 1919. | ||||
Aleochara curtula | a rove beetle | In carrion. Minehead & Dunster 1951. | ||||
Aleochara funebris | a rove beetle | |||||
Aleochara intricata | a rove beetle | Hopcott Common, 1951. In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Aleochara lanuginosa | a rove beetle | In dung. | ||||
Aleochara lata | ||||||
Aleochara maculata | a rove beetle | In old valley woodland. East Lyn, 1870. | ||||
Aleochara ruficornis | a rove beetle | [N.] | ||||
Aleochara sparsa | a rove beetle | In old birds nest. | ||||
Aloconota cambrica | a rove beetle | In flood litter. Last record Porlock 1896. | ||||
Aloconota currax | a rove beetle | Last record Porlock 1896. In flood litter | ||||
Aloconota gregaria | a rove beetle | In wetlands. | ||||
Aloconota insecta | a rove beetle | River banks. | ||||
Aloconota sulcifrons | a rove beetle | On river shingle and in flood litter. Last record Porlock 1907. | ||||
Alophus triguttatus | a weevil | Grassland | ||||
Alosterna tabacicolor | a longhorn beetle | in woodland. | ||||
Altica longicollis | [NS] Devon, coastal heath. | |||||
Altica lythri | a leaf beetle | Coastal marshes. On willowherb. | ||||
Altica oleracea | a leaf beetle | On moorland and heathland. | ||||
Amalorrhynchus melanarius | a weevil | On water-cress. | ||||
Amara aenea | Common Sun Beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||||
Amara apricaria | a ground beetle | On open weedy ground | ||||
Amara aulica | a ground beetle | On open weedy ground | ||||
Amara communis | a ground beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||||
Amara consularis [ | a ground beetle | [Nb] | ||||
Amara convexior Stephens.. | Heathland. VC4. | |||||
Amara convexiuscula | a ground beetle | On sandy soils at the coast. | ||||
Amara familiaris | a ground beetle | In a range of dry open habitats. | ||||
Amara lucida | a ground beetle | On sandy soil at the coast. | ||||
Amara lunicollis | a ground beetle | On moorland | ||||
Amara ovata | a ground beetle | On open weedy ground | ||||
Amara plebeja | a ground beetle | In a range of habitats | ||||
Amara similata | a ground beetle | On open weedy ground. | ||||
Amara tibialis | a ground beetle | On dry sandy soils. | ||||
Amischa analis | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats | ||||
Amischa cavifrons | a rove beetle | in moss. Last record Minehead 1946. | ||||
Amischa decipiens | a rove beetle | In woodland. | ||||
Amischa forcipata | a rove beetle | In flood litter. | ||||
Ampedus balteatus | a click beetle | On birch foliage or sometimes under bark and in rotten woodûof birch or oak. Last record Porlock Weir 1947. | ||||
Amphicyllis globus (Fabricius) | ||||||
Amphimallon solstitialis | Summer Chafer | Formerly abundant in some years but now rather scarce. On shrubs or trees or comes to light. | ||||
Anacaena bipustulata | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. Last Exmoor record Minehead 1935. | ||||
Anacaena globulus | a scavenger water beetle | In a range of freshwater and wetland habitats. | ||||
Anacaena limbata s.l. | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Anacaena lutescens | a scavenger water beetle | Upland pools. | ||||
Anaglyptus mysticus | a longhorn beetle | Woodland. | ||||
Anaspis costai | a tumbling flower beetle | On hawthorn flowers in woodlands | ||||
Anaspis frontalis | a tumbling flower beetle | On hawthorn blossom | ||||
Anaspis garneysi | a tumbling flower beetle | On hawthorn blossom. Horner Woods 1948 | ||||
Anaspis humeralis | a tumbling flower beetle | On hawthorn blossom. | ||||
Anaspis lurida | a tumbling flower beetle | in woodlands. | ||||
Anaspis maculata | a tumbling flower beetle | On hawthorn blossom | ||||
Anaspis pulicaria | a tumbling flower beetle | On hawthorn blossom. | ||||
Anaspis regimbarti | a tumbling flower beetle | On hawthorn blossom | ||||
Anaspis rufilabris | a tumbling flower beetle | On hawthorn blossom | ||||
Anatis ocellata | Eyed Ladybird | On conifers. | ||||
Anisosticta novemdecimpunctata | Water Ladybird | On vegetation near fresh water. (19 spot ladybird) | ||||
Anisotoma humeralis | a round fungus beetle | In decaying wood in woodland and parkland. | ||||
Anitys rubens Sturm | [Nb] | |||||
Anobium punctatum | Woodworm | In dead wood and old buildings. | ||||
Anommatus duodecimstriatus | a cerylonid beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||||
Anomognathus cuspidatus | a rove beetle | Under bark | ||||
Anoplus plantaris | a weevil | On birch. | ||||
Anoplus roboris | a weevil | On alder. | ||||
Anotylus complanatus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Anotylus inustus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus and dung. | ||||
Anotylus nitidulus | ||||||
Anotylus rugosus | a rove beetle | Grassy or mossy places. | ||||
Anotylus sculpturatus | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||||
Anotylus tetracarinatus | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||||
Antherophagus nigricornis | a silken fungus beetle | Thought to associate with humble bees. | ||||
Antherophagus pallens | a silken fungus beetle | Thought to associate with humble bees. | ||||
Anthicus antherinus | an antlike beetle | In hedges. | ||||
Anthicus floralis | an antlike beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Anthicus tobias | an antlike beetle | On rubbish dumps. | ||||
Anthobium atrocephalum | a rove beetle | In leaf litter | ||||
Anthobium unicolor | a rove beetle | Widespread | ||||
Anthonomus bituberculatus | a weevil | |||||
Anthonomus pedicularius | a weevil | On hawthorn | ||||
Anthonomus rubi | Strawberry Blossom Weevil | On rosaceous plants. | ||||
Anthonomus ulmi | a weevil | On elm. | ||||
Anthrenus fuscus | a museum or larder beetle | In birds nests and on flowers in summer. Larvae eat woollen carpets etc. in buildings. | ||||
Anthrenus verbasci | Carpet beetle | in houses. | ||||
Anthribus nebulosus | a fungus weevil | |||||
Aphidecta obliterata | Larch Ladybird | On coniferous trees. | ||||
Aphodius ater | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung in open country. | ||||
Aphodius coenosus | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung on dry heathland. | ||||
Aphodius conspurcatus | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. | ||||
Aphodius contaminatus | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. | ||||
Aphodius depressus | a dung beetle or chafer | in dung | ||||
Aphodius equestris | a dung beetle or chafer | On dung in woodland. | ||||
Aphodius erraticus | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. Minehead 1946. | ||||
Aphodius fimetarius | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung | ||||
Aphodius foetidus | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. | ||||
Aphodius fossor | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. Also comes to m/v light. | ||||
Aphodius granarius | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung | ||||
Aphodius haemorrhoidalis | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. | ||||
Aphodius ictericus | a dung beetle or chafer | In vegetable detritus or in dung. | ||||
Aphodius luridus | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. Minehead 1946. | ||||
Aphodius merdarius | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. Alcombe Common 1947. | ||||
Aphodius obliteratus | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. Minehead 1906. | ||||
Aphodius plagiatus | a dung beetle or chafer | In coastal marshes. | ||||
Aphodius prodromus | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung and vegetable detritus. Alcombe Common 1947. | ||||
Aphodius pusillus | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. | ||||
Aphodius rufipes | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung and at light. | ||||
Aphodius sphacelatus | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. | ||||
Aphthona euphorbiae | Large Flax Flea Beetle | Feeds on spurges. | ||||
Aphthona nonstriata | Iris Flea Beetle | On yellow flag iris. | ||||
Apion frumentarium | a seed weevil | On dock. | ||||
Apion haematodes | a seed weevil | On sheeps sorrel. | ||||
Apion rubens | a seed weevil | On Sheep's sorrel. | ||||
Aplotarsus incanus | a click beetle | In wetlands | ||||
Apoderus coryli | Hazel Leaf-roller Weevil | On hazel | ||||
Apteropeda globosa | a leaf beetle | On Lamium album. | ||||
Apteropeda orbiculata | a leaf beetle | In woodlands. | ||||
Arhopalus rusticus | a longhorn beetle | In pine trees. | ||||
Arhopalus tristis | a longhorn beetle | On coniferous timber in houses. | ||||
Aridius bifasciatus | a mould beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Aridius nodifer | a mould beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Asaphidion curtum | Horner Wood. | |||||
Asemum striatum | a longhorn beetle | On coniferous logs. Minehead 1952. Probable introduction. | ||||
Aspidapion (Koestilinia) aeneum | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion aeneum. On Mallow. Minehead 1949. Perhaps decreasing. | ||||
Aspidapion radiolus | a seed weevil | On mallow. | ||||
Aspidiphorus orbiculatus | a slime mould beetle | In fungi. | ||||
Astenus lyonessius | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Astenus pulchellus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Atheta atricolor(Sharp, 1869) | a rove beetle | In pony dung. 2023 | ||||
Atheta amicula | a rove beetle | In fungi. | ||||
Atheta amplicollis | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||||
Atheta aquatica | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. Porlock 1896. | ||||
Atheta aquatilis | a rove beetle | In moss by coastal waterfall. VC4. Notable. | ||||
Atheta atramentaria | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus and dung. | ||||
Atheta autumnalis | a rove beetle | Under beech bark. RDB | ||||
Atheta basicornis | a rove beetle | Under beech bark. Notable. | ||||
Atheta britanniae | a rove beetle | |||||
Atheta cadaverina | a rove beetle | In fungi. | ||||
Atheta celata | a rove beetle | In fungus. | ||||
Atheta cinnamoptera | a rove beetle | In fungus. | ||||
Atheta clientula | a rove beetle | Local in damp grass. | ||||
Atheta corvina | a rove beetle | |||||
Atheta crassicornis | a rove beetle | In rotting fungi. | ||||
Atheta debilis | a rove beetle | In flood litter. | ||||
Atheta divisa | a rove beetle | In rotting fungi in woodland. | ||||
Atheta elongatula | a rove beetle | In litter. 1948 Withypool. 1935 Minehead. | ||||
Atheta excellens | a rove beetle | Rare. | ||||
Atheta fungi | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Atheta fungicola | a rove beetle | In fungus. | ||||
Atheta glabricula | a rove beetle | [NS] 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Atheta graminicola | a rove beetle | Watersmeet, Devon, | ||||
Atheta harwoodii | a rove beetle | On sappy beech stump | ||||
Atheta hepatica | a rove beetle | In woodland. | ||||
Atheta hypnorum | a rove beetle | In litter in woodland. Withypool 1948. | ||||
Atheta incognita | VC4 | |||||
Atheta intermedia | a rove beetle | In fungus. | ||||
Atheta ischnocera | a rove beetle | |||||
Atheta laevana | a rove beetle | In dung. | ||||
Atheta laticollis | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Atheta liturata | a rove beetle | In fungi in woodland. Nettlecombe 1866 (Blue Anchor 1935) | ||||
Atheta longicornis | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||||
Atheta luridipennis | a rove beetle | In flood litter. Porlock 1907. | ||||
Atheta marcida | a rove beetle | In rotten fungus. | ||||
Atheta melanaria | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus and dung. Porlock 1896. (? later records) | ||||
Atheta melanocera | a rove beetle | In flood litter. Porlock 1907. | ||||
Atheta monticola | a rove beetle | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Atheta muscorum | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Atheta nigra | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Atheta nigricornis | a rove beetle | In damp bird and animal nests | ||||
Atheta occulta | a rove beetle | In fungi. | ||||
Atheta orbata | a rove beetle | In wet litter. Selworthy 1949. | ||||
Atheta pallidicornis | a rove beetle | In rotting vegetation. | ||||
Atheta pertyi | a rove beetle | In rotting fungi. | ||||
Atheta pilicornis | a rove beetle | In Polyporus squamosus brackets. | ||||
Atheta ravilla | a rove beetle | In rotting fungi. | ||||
Atheta setigera | a rove beetle | In beech litter. | ||||
Atheta sodalis | a rove beetle | Local. | ||||
Atheta strandiella(Brundin,1954) | a rove beetle | [N] In valley bog, 2023 | ||||
Atheta sordidula | a rove beetle | |||||
Atheta subsinuata | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. Withypool 1948. | ||||
Atheta triangulum | a rove beetle | On sappy beech stump | ||||
Atheta trinotata | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. Minehead 1946. | ||||
Atheta vestita | a rove beetle | In strandline litter. | ||||
Atheta xanthopus | a rove beetle | In moss. Nettlecombe 1866. | ||||
Atholus duodecimstriatus | a carrion beetle | In dung and vegetable detritus. | ||||
Athous bicolor | a click beetle | A range of habitats | ||||
Athous haemorrhoidalis | Red-brown Skipjack. | A range of habitats. | ||||
Athous vittatus | a click beetle | In old woodland. | ||||
Atomaria atricapilla | a silken fungus beetle | In vegetable detritus. Records from Minehead and Selworthy inû1949. | ||||
Atomaria fuscipes | a silken fungus beetle | In fungi. | ||||
Atomaria gutta | a silken fungus beetle | Coastal marshes. Minehead 1935. | ||||
Atomaria lewisi Reitter. | ||||||
Atomaria linearis | Pygmy Beetle | In haystack refuse. | ||||
Atomaria pusilla | a silken fungus beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Atomaria rubella | a silken fungus beetle | In haystacks. | ||||
Atomaria rubida | a silken fungus beetle | In dung | ||||
Atomaria testacea | a silken fungus beetle | In grass litter. | ||||
Atrecus affinis | a rove beetle | Under bark in woodland. | ||||
Attagenus pellio | Two-spotted Carpet Beetle | In houses and outdoors. | ||||
Attelabus nitens | Oak Leaf-roller | In old woodland | ||||
Autalia impressa | a rove beetle | in decaying fungi. | ||||
Autalia longicornis | a rove beetle | A segregate of the former Autalia impressa aggregate. A. longicornis appears to be much the commoner of the two on Exmoor. (See Exmoor Naturalist No. 27 Spring 2000). In decaying fungi. | ||||
Autalia rivularis | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Badister bullatus Schrank (Syn. B. bipustulatus | A ground beetle | Dry open ground | ||||
Barynotus obscurus | Ground Weevil | In woodland. | ||||
Barypeithes araneiformis | Spider weevil | A range of habitats. Hopcott Common 1949. | ||||
Barypeithes duplicatus | A spider weevil | Low vegetation, Minehead 1946 | ||||
Barypeithes pellucidus | Hairy spider weevil | A range of habitats. | ||||
Batophila aerata (Marsham) | ||||||
Batophila rubi | Raspberry Flea Beetle | On branbles. | ||||
Bembidion aeneum | a ground beetle | Local on muddy riverbanks and in coastal marshes. | ||||
Bembidion articulatum | a ground beetle | Rare on banks of streams and rivers. | ||||
Bembidion assimile | a ground beetle | Scarce, generally occurring in reed-beds. | ||||
Bembidion atrocoeruleum | a ground beetle | Rare. Damp sandy soils;coast. | ||||
Bembidion biguttatum | a ground beetle | In coastal marshes | ||||
Bembidion decorum | a ground beetle | Scarce on shingle and gravel banks by streams and rivers. | ||||
Bembidion dentellum | a ground beetle | Under bark. | ||||
Bembidion guttula | a ground beetle | In fens. | ||||
Bembidion harpaloides | a ground beetle | Common in a range of habitats. | ||||
Bembidion lampros | a ground beetle | Common in a range of habitats. | ||||
Bembidion laterale | a ground beetle | Rare in salt-marshes. Last recorded Dunster, 1919. | ||||
Bembidion lunulatum | a ground beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Bembidion mannerheimi | a ground beetle | Local in a range of habitats. | ||||
Bembidion minimum | a ground beetle | Rare on sparsely vegetated, brackish soils by the coast. | ||||
Bembidion nitidulum | a ground beetle | Rare in humid woodland | ||||
Bembidion obliquum Sturm | a ground beetle | In willow carr | ||||
Bembidion obtusum | a ground beetle | Rare on open cultivated land. | ||||
Bembidion properans | a ground beetle | Damp soil and river banks. | ||||
Bembidion punctulatum | a ground beetle | Scarce on shingle and gravel banks by streams and rivers. | ||||
Bembidion quadrimaculatum | a ground beetle | Rare on damp, sparsely vegetated soils. | ||||
Bembidion quinquestriatum | a ground beetle | In old walls. | ||||
Bembidion tetracolum | a ground beetle | Common in a range of habitats. | ||||
Bembidion tibiale | a ground beetle | Common on shingle and gravel banks by streams and rivers. | ||||
Bembidion varium | a ground beetle | Scarce on coastal marshes | ||||
Bembidon monticola | Woodlands. [NS] | |||||
Bembidon normannum | Bossington. [NS] | |||||
Berosus affinis | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. Last Exmoor record Minehead 1935 | ||||
Bessobia exceliens | In dung. | |||||
Biphyllus lunatus | a biphyllid beetle | In Daldinia (Cramp-ball) fungi on dead wood. | ||||
Bisnius sordidus (Gravenhorst) | ||||||
Bitoma crenata | a narrow timber beetle | Under bark of beech. | ||||
Blaps mucronata | Cellar Beetle | In buildings. | ||||
Bledius annae Sharp. | ||||||
Bledius germanicus | a rove beetle | Syn. B. limicola. In brackish mud. | ||||
Bledius unicornis | a rove beetle | On the coast. | ||||
Bolitobius analis | a rove beetle | In grass tussocks | ||||
Bolitobius cingulatus | a rove beetle | In moss. Last record Porlock 1907 | ||||
Bolitobius inclinans | In leaf litter | |||||
Bolitochara bella | a rove beetle | On fungi in woodland and parkland. | ||||
Bolitochara lucida | a rove beetle | On fungi in old parkland. Last recorded Nettlecombe 1866. | ||||
Bolitochara mulsanti | a rove beetle | On bracket fungi in woodland. | ||||
Bolitochara obliqua Erichson | ||||||
Bolitochara pulchra | a rove beetle | On fungi. | ||||
Bolitochara tecta (Assing) | Previously erroneously recorded as B. lucida. | |||||
Boreophilia eremita (Rye) | ||||||
Brachygluta haematica | a short-winged mould beetle | In wet woodlands. | ||||
Brachygluta helferi | a short-winged mould beetle | in salt-marshes. | ||||
Brachygluta simplex | a short-winged mould beetle | In salt marshes. | ||||
Brachypterolus pulicarius | Antirrhinum Beetle | On toadflax | ||||
Brachypterus glaber | a pollen or sap beetle | On stinging nettle | ||||
Brachypterus urticae | Nettle Pollen Beetle | On stinging nettle | ||||
Bradycellus caucasicus(Chaudoir,1846) | a ground beetle | [NS] In moorland vegetation 2023 | ||||
Bradycellus harpalinus | a ground beetle | In a range of dry open habitats. | ||||
Bradycellus ruficollis | a ground beetle | On heather moorland. | ||||
Bradycellus sharpi | a ground beetle | In moss | ||||
Bradycellus verbasci | a ground beetle | On dry sandy soils. Last recorded Minehead, 1949. | ||||
Broscus cephalotes | a ground beetle | Scrce on sandy substrates on the coast. | ||||
Bruchus atomarius (Linnaeus) | Nb | |||||
Bruchus loti | a seed beetle | On vetches. | ||||
Bruchus rufimanus | Bean Beetle | In grassland or cultivated Broad Beans. Minehead 1946. | ||||
Brundinia meridionalis | Litter in upper saltmarsh. | |||||
Bryaxis curtisi | a short-winged mould beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Bryaxis puncticollis | a short-winged mould beetle | in woodlands. Withypool 1948; Alcombe 1935. | ||||
Brychius elevatus | a crawling water beetle | Rivers and streams. Last record Dunster 1927. | ||||
Byrrhus fasciatus | Banded Pill-beetle | Coastal grassland. Very local and scarce in Somerset. Last record 1949 Selworthy. | ||||
Byrrhus pilula | Pill Beetle | At plant roots on damp, sandy or stony soils. | ||||
Byrrhus pustulatus | a pill beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||||
Bythinus burrelli | a short-winged mould beetle | In moss. Withypool 1948. | ||||
Byturus tomentosus (B. ochraceus) | Raspberry Beetle | On bramble and raspberry flowers. | ||||
Cadaverota cadaverina | In fungus. | |||||
Caenopsis fissirostris (Walton) | [Nb.] | |||||
Caenopsis waltoni | a weevil | In moss. | ||||
Cafius fucicola | a rove beetle | In strandline litter at the coast. Last record Dunster1919. (Blue Anchor 1954) | ||||
Cafius xantholoma | a rove beetle | In strandline litter at the coast. Last record 1910, Minehead. | ||||
Calambus bipustulatus | a click beetle | In dead wood, Dunster Deer Park, 1919. | ||||
Calathus erratus | a ground beetle | Coastal sand. | ||||
Calathus fuscipes | a ground beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||||
Calathus melanocephalus s.l. | a ground beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||||
Calathus micropterus | a ground beetle | A 1906 record from Minehead was probably an error. | ||||
Calathus mollis | a ground beetle | On sand at the coast. | ||||
Calathus piceus | a ground beetle | In deciduous woodland. | ||||
Callicerus obscurus | a rove beetle | In flood litter. Last record Porlock 1907. | ||||
Calomicrus circumfusus | a leaf beetle | On heath and moorland. | ||||
Calvia quattuordecimguttata | Cream-spot ladybird | woodland | ||||
Calyptomerus dubius | an armadillo beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||||
Cantharis cryptica | Common Soldier | A range of habitats. | ||||
Cantharis decipiens | a soldier beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Cantharis fusca | Dark Sailor | In a range of wetland habitats. | ||||
Cantharis lateralis | a soldier beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Cantharis livida | a soldier beetle | Woodland. | ||||
Cantharis nigra | a soldier beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Cantharis nigricans | Grey Sailor | Woodlands. | ||||
Cantharis pallida | Pale Soldier | Old woodland. | ||||
Cantharis pellucida | Wood Sailor. | Old woodland. | ||||
Cantharis rufa | a soldier beetle | On vegetation on heaths and damp meadows. Last recorded Minehead, 1949. | ||||
Cantharis rustica | Rustic Sailor | A range of habitats. | ||||
Carabus arvensis | a ground beetle | Local on moorland. Last recorded 1951 nr Exford. | ||||
Carabus granulatus | a ground beetle | Scarce in wet woodlands, fens and bogs. | ||||
Carabus monilis | a ground beetle | Waste and cultivated land. | ||||
Carabus nemoralis | a ground beetle | Cultivated and wooded land. | ||||
Carabus nemoralis Muller | ||||||
Carabus problematicus | a ground beetle | Common in a range of habitats. | ||||
Carabus violaceus | Violet Ground Beetle | Common in a range of habitats. | ||||
Carpelimus corticinus | a rove beetle | In coastal marshes. | ||||
Carpelimus elongatulus | wet woodland | |||||
Carpelimus pusillus | a rove beetle | Last Exmoor record Minehead 1948. In coastal marshes. | ||||
Carpelimus zealandicus | a rove beetle | Leaf litter at base of hedgerow. | ||||
Carpophilus hemipterus | Dried Fruit Beetle | In food stores. | ||||
Carpophilus marginellus | a pollen or sap beetle | in food stores | ||||
Cassida flaveola | Pale Tortoise Beetle | Wetland habitats. | ||||
Cassida prasina Illiger, 1798 | a Longhorn beetle | [NS]On dry acid grassland. 2023 | ||||
Cassida rubiginosa | Thistle Tortoise Beetle | On thistles. | ||||
Cassida sanguinosa | a Tortoise Beetle | On Pineappleweed V.C.4. | ||||
Cassida vibex Linnaeus | ||||||
Cassida viridis | Green Tortoise Beetle | On water mint. | ||||
Cassida vittata | Borded Tortoise Beetle | Coastal grassland. | ||||
Catapion pubescens | a seed weevil | on clover | ||||
Catapion seniculus | a seed weevil | on clover | ||||
Catops coracinus | a round fungus beetle | In carrion. | ||||
Catops fuliginosus Erichson | ||||||
Catops fuscus | a round fungus beetle | In carrion and vegetable detritus. | ||||
Catops grandicollis | a round fungus beetle | In carrion and vegetable detritus. Last recorded Selworthyû1949. | ||||
Catops morio | a round fungus beetle | In carrion and vegetable detritus. | ||||
Catops nigricans | a round fungus beetle | In carrion and vegetable detritus. | ||||
Catops nigrita | a round fungus beetle | In damp leaf litter. | ||||
Catops tristis | a round fungus beetle | In carrion and vegetable detritus. | ||||
Caulotrupodes aeneopiceus | a weevil | In dead wood. | ||||
Cephennium gallicum | a small antlike beetle | Woodland. Recorded Withypool, 1948. | ||||
Ceratapion carduorum | a seed weevil | Syn. Apium carduorum. On thistles. | ||||
Ceratapion gibbirostre | Grassland (First definite record for this half of the C. carduorum agg.) | |||||
Cercyon analis | a scavenger water beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||||
Cercyon atomarius | a scavenger water beetle | In dung and vegetable detritus. | ||||
Cercyon haemorrhoidalis | a scavenger water beetle | In herbivore dung. | ||||
Cercyon lateralis | a scavenger water beetle | In dung. | ||||
Cercyon melanocephalus | a scavenger water beetle | In herbivore dung. | ||||
Cercyon pygmaeus | a scavenger water beetle | In herbivore dung. | ||||
Cercyon quisquilius | a scavenger water beetle | In dung. | ||||
Cercyon tristis | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. In grass tussocks near water. Last Exmoor record Minehead 1935. | ||||
Cercyon unipunctatus | a scavenger water beetle | In compost. | ||||
Cercyon ustulatus | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Cerylon fagi | a cerylonid beetle | In dead wood in old woodland. | ||||
Cerylon ferrugineum | a cerylonid beetle | Under bark. | ||||
Cerylon histeroides | a cerylonid beetle | Under bark | ||||
Cetonia aurata | Rose Beetle | On coastal slopes. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus angulosus | a weevil | Syn. Datonychus ang. On Marsh Woundwort in valley fen. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus assimilis | Cabbage Seed Weevil | On crucifers. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus campestris | a weevil | Syn. Microplontus c. On Ox-eye daisy. Minehead 1935. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus cochleariae (Gyllenhal) | a weevil | Marshy grassland | ||||
Ceutorhynchus constrictus | a weevil | On garlic mustard. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus contractus | Cabbage Leaf Weevil | On crucifers. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus erysimi | a weevil | On Shepherd's purse | ||||
Ceutorhynchus floralis | a weevil | On crucifers. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus litura | a weevil | Syn. Hadroplontus lit. On thistles. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus melanostictus | a weevil | Syn. Datonychus mel. In coastal marshes. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus mixtus | a weevil | Syn. Sirocalodes m. On fumitory. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus pectoralis | a weevil | On Cardamine. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus picitarsis | a weevil | On hedge mustard. Minehead 1946. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus pollinarius | a weevil | Syn. Parethelcus p. On nettle | ||||
Ceutorhynchus quadridens | Cabbage Stem Weavil | Syn. C. pallidactylus (Marsham). On crucifers. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus rugulosus | a weevil | Syn. Microplontus rug. On Mayweed. | ||||
Ceutorhynchus sulcicollis | a weevil | On hedge mustard. | ||||
Chaetarthria seminulum | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. Last Exmoor record Minehead 1914-16. | ||||
Chaetocnema concinna | Beet Flea Beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Chaetocnema confusa | a leaf beetle | On vegetation. | ||||
Chaetocnema hortensis | a leaf beetle | In grassland. | ||||
Chaetocnema picipes Stephens | ||||||
Chaetonema subcoerulea | Nationally scarce | |||||
Chalcoides aurea | a leaf beetle | On poplars. Minehead 1906. | ||||
Chalcoides fulvicornis | Sallow Flea Beetle | On willows. | ||||
Chilocorus bipustulatus | Heather Ladybird | Minehead 1957. Coastal heaths. | ||||
Chilocorus renipustulatus | a ladybird | On trees. Minehead 1906. | ||||
Chlaenius nigricornis | Under stones in still water. Nb. | |||||
Choleva agilis (Illiger) | ||||||
Choleva glauca Britten | [N] | |||||
Choleva jeanneli Britten | ||||||
Choleva lederianaReitter, 1902 | A Fungus Beetle. | On coastal heath, 2023 | ||||
Choleva spadicea | a round fungus beetle | In moss. | ||||
Chrysolina banksi | a leaf beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Chrysolina fastuosa | Dead-nettle Leaf Beetle | Riverside habitats. | ||||
Chrysolina haemoptera | Plantain Leaf Beetle | In coastal grassland. | ||||
Chrysolina herbacea | ||||||
Chrysolina hyperici | a leaf beetle | On St.John's Worts (Hypericum | ||||
Chrysolina oricalcia | a leaf beetle | On umbellifers. Minehead 1950. Probably decreasing in Somerset. | ||||
Chrysolina polita | Knotgrass Leaf Beetle | A range of habitats. (Two-coloured Leaf Beetle). | ||||
Chrysolina staphylaea | a leaf beetle | On buttercups. Minehead 1935. | ||||
Chrysolina varians | a leaf beetle | On Hypericum | ||||
Chrysolina violacea | a leaf beetle | On ground ivy (Glechoma) in dry grassland. | ||||
Chrysomela populi | Red Poplar Leaf Beetle | From V.C.4 (Devon) | ||||
Cicindela campestris | Green Tiger Beetle | Locally common on moorland and coastal heaths. | ||||
Cidnorhinus quadrimaculatus | Small Nettle Weevil | Syn. Nedyus quadrimaculatus On nettles. | ||||
Cilea siphoides | a rove beetle | compost heaps. | ||||
Cionus alauda | a weevil | On figwort. | ||||
Cionus hortulanus | Figwort Weevil | On figwort. | ||||
Cionus scrophulariae | Figwort Weevil | On figwort | ||||
Cionus tuberculosus | Marshy grassland | |||||
Cis bidentatus | a small fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||||
Cis bilamellatus | a small fungus beetle | On fungi in woodland. | ||||
Cis boleti | a small fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||||
Cis fagi | a small fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||||
Cis festivus | a small fungus beetle | On Stereum rugosum fungus. [Nb] | ||||
Cis hispidus | a small fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||||
Cis micans (Fabricius) | a small fungus beetle | In fungi | In fungus | |||
Cis nitidus | a small fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||||
Cis punctulatus | a small fungus beetle | 2020 Haddon Hill. | ||||
Cis pygmaeus | a small fungus beetle | In fungi on trees. | ||||
Cis vestitus | a small fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||||
Clambus pubescens | an armadillo beetle | Hopcott Common 1949. In vegetable detritus | ||||
Claviger testaceus | Yellow Ants'-nest Beetle | In coastal grassland with ants. | ||||
Cleopus pulchellus | a weevil | On mullein and figwort. | ||||
Clivina fossor | a ground beetle | Local in a range of habitats. | ||||
Clytra quadripunctata | a leaf beetle | In woods. | ||||
Clytus arietis | Wasp Beetle | Woodland. | ||||
Coccidula rufa | a ladybird | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Coccidula scutellata | a ladybird | Costal marshes. Minehead 1946. | ||||
Coccinella hieroglyphica | a ladybird | On heather (Calluna) | ||||
Coccinella septempunctata | Seven-spot Ladybird | A range of habitats. | ||||
Coccinella undecimpunctata | 11-spot Ladybird | Coastal habitats | ||||
Coelambus confluens | a water beetle | Ponds and pools. | ||||
Coelambus impressopunctatus | a water beetle | Scarce. Drainage ditches. | ||||
Coeliodes dryados | a weevil | In oak woodland. Recorded Horner and Selworthy, 1949. | ||||
Coeliodes ruber | a weevil | In oak woodland. Recorded Porlock in moss 1911. Devon Exmoor records N.T. 1990s. | ||||
Coeliodes rubicundus | a weevil | On birch. | ||||
Coelostoma orbiculare | a scavenger water beetle | A range of freshwater habitats. | ||||
Colymbetes fuscus | a water beetle | Coastal marshes. Last recorded Minehead 1906. | ||||
Conopalpus testaceus | a false darkling beetle | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Corticaria elongata | a mould beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Corticaria ferruginea | a mould beetle | in moss. | ||||
Corticaria impressa | a mould beetle | In flood litter Porlock, 1907. | ||||
Corticarina fuscula | a mould beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Corticarina similata | a mould beetle | On spruce, Minehead 1948. Probably an introduction. | ||||
Corticeus linearis | a darkling beetle | In bark beetle burrows on conifers. Dunster 1919. | ||||
Cortinicara gibbosa | a mould beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Coryphium angusticolle | a rove beetle | [pNS] 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Creophilus maxillosus | Carrion Beetle | In carrion. | ||||
Crepidodera aurata (Marsham) | A leaf beetle | On willows. | ||||
Crepidodera ferruginea | a leaf beetle | On thistles. | ||||
Crepidodera transversa | a leaf beetle | On thistles. | ||||
Cryptarcha strigata | a pollen or sap beetle | On sap runs on Sessile oak. | ||||
Cryptocephalus aureolus | a leaf beetle | VC4. | ||||
Cryptocephalus fulvus | a leaf beetle | On heath and grassland. | ||||
Cryptocephalus moraei | a leaf beetle | 2020 Dulverton area | ||||
Cryptocephalus parvulus | a leaf beetle | On fungi infested birch leaves. | ||||
Cryptocephalus pusillus | a leaf beetle | In birch woods. | ||||
Cryptophagus dentatus | a silken fungus beetle | On flowers or fungi. Minehead 1935. | ||||
Cryptophagus distinguendus | a silken fungus beetle | In small mammal nests. | ||||
Cryptophagus fuscicornis | a silken fungus beetle | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Cryptophagus lycoperdi | a silken fungus beetle | In earthball fungi. | ||||
Cryptophagus pilosus | a silken fungus beetle | In haystack refuse. | ||||
Cryptophagus ruficornis | a silken fungus beetle | In Daldinia (Cramp-ball) fungi on dead wood. Dunster 1919. | ||||
Cryptophagus scanicus | a silken fungus beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Cryptopleurum minutum s.l. | a scavenger water beetle | In dung and vegetable detritus. | ||||
Ctenicera cuprea | a click beetle | on moorland | ||||
Ctenicera pectinicornis | a click beetle | on moorland | ||||
Cteniopus sulphureus | Sulphur Beetle | On coastal flowers. | ||||
Ctesias serra | Cobweb Beetle | In spider webs on bark of old trees. | ||||
Curculio glandium | Acorn Weevil | On oak | ||||
Curculio pyrrhoceras | a weevil | On oak | ||||
Curculio salicivorus | Willow Gall Weevil | On willow | ||||
Curculio venosus | a weevil | On oak | ||||
Curculio villosus | a weevil | On oak. Minehead 1948. | ||||
Cyanostolus aeneus | a narrow bark beetle | On tree bark. | ||||
Cychramus luteus | a pollen or sap beetle | Woodland | ||||
Cychrus caraboides | Snail Hunter | Local in woodland | ||||
Cymbiodyta marginellus | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Cypha laeviuscula | a rove beetle | In damp leaf litter. | ||||
Cypha longicornis | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||||
Cyphon coarctatus | a marsh beetle | On vegetation nr freshwater. | ||||
Cyphon hilaris | a marsh beetle | In valley fens. | ||||
Cyphon padi (Linnaeus) | By boggy pools | By boggy pools | ||||
Cyphon palustris | a marsh beetle | On vegetation by drainage ditches. Alcombe Common 1950. | ||||
Cyphon variabilis s.l. | a marsh beetle | In coastal marshes | ||||
Cytilus sericeus | a pill beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||||
Dacne bipustulata | a shiny fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood and amongst lichens. | ||||
Dacne rufifrons | a shiny fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood | ||||
Dalopius marginatus | Bordered Skipjack | In woodland. | ||||
Dascillus cervinus | Orchid beetle | On grassland. Dunster 1906. | ||||
Dasytes aeratus | a malachite beetle | in woodland | ||||
Datomicra sordidula | In dung. | |||||
Deinopsis erosa (Stephens) | ||||||
Deleaster dichrous | a rove beetle | Comes to m/v light. | ||||
Demetrias atricapillus | a ground beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||||
Dendrophilus pygmaeus | In red wood ant nest. | |||||
Denticollis linearis | a click beetle | In rotten wood. | ||||
Deporaus betulae | Birch Leaf Roller | On birch. | ||||
Deporaus mannerheimi | a leafroller weevil | on birch. | ||||
Dermestes murinus | a museum or larder beetle | In carrion. | ||||
Derocrepis rufipes | a leaf beetle | On vetches | ||||
Deronectes latus | a water beetle | In clear water. | ||||
Dianous coerulescens | a rove beetle | On stream banks | ||||
Dicheirotrichus gustavi | a ground beetle | In salt-marshes. | ||||
Dienerella elongata | a mould beetle | In vegetable detritus. Porlock 1896. | ||||
Dienerella ruficollis | a mould beetle | In haystack refuse. | ||||
Diglotta submarina | a rove beetle | Coastal sand. Last record Minehead 1948. | ||||
Dimetrota ischnocera | In dung | |||||
Dimetrota laevana | In woodland. | |||||
Dimetrota setigera | in dung. | |||||
Dinaraea aequata | a rove beetle | Under bark. | ||||
Dinaraea angustula | a rove beetle | In leaf litter. Hopcott Common 1949. | ||||
Dinaraea linearis | Under conifer bark | |||||
Dinarda maerkeli | a rove beetle | In nests of red wood ant. | ||||
Diplapion confluens | a seed weevil | On Mayweed. | ||||
Diplapion stolidum | a seed weevil | On Leucanthemum vulgare. (Dog Daisy). Minehead 1935. | ||||
Diplocoelus fagi | [Nb] | |||||
Donacia marginata | a leaf beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Donacia simplex | Plain Reed Beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Donacia thalassina | a leaf beetle | In moorland valley fen. | ||||
Donacia versicolorea | a leaf beetle | Upland pools. | ||||
Dorcatoma chrysomelina | ||||||
Dorcatoma flavicornis | a wood boring beetle | in dead wood. | ||||
Dorcatoma substriata | a wood boring beetle | [NS] 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Dorcus parallelipipedus | Lesser Stag Beetle | In rotten wood. | ||||
Dorytomus longimanus | a weevil | On poplar | ||||
Dorytomus melanophthalmus | a weevil | on willow | ||||
Dorytomus rufatus | a weevil | On willows. | ||||
Dorytomus taeniatus | a weevil | On willow and poplar. | ||||
Dromius agilis | a ground beetle | Under bark. Last recorded Woodcombe, 1949. | ||||
Dromius linearis | a ground beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||||
Dromius melanocephalus | a ground beetle | In dry grassland. | ||||
Dromius meridionalis | a ground beetle | Under bark. | ||||
Dromius notatus | a ground beetle | Dry soils. | ||||
Dromius quadrimaculatus | a ground beetle | On tree trunks and branches and under bark. | ||||
Dromius quadrinotatus | a ground beetle | On tree trunks and branches and under bark. | ||||
Dropephylla gracilicornis | a rove beetle | Delete D. devillei, | ||||
Dropephylla ioptera | a rove beetle | In rotting fungus | ||||
Dropephylla koltzei | a rove beetle | |||||
Dropephylla vilis s.s. | a rove beetle | Under beech bark | ||||
Drupenatus nasturtii | a weevil | On water-cress | ||||
Drusilla canaliculata | a rove beetle | In coastal grassland. | ||||
Dryocoetinus villosus | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Under oak bark. | ||||
Dryophilus pusillus | a wood boring beetle | On conifers, often larch. | ||||
Dryops auriculatus | a long-toed water beetle | In coastal marshes. Last recorded Porlock 1896. | ||||
Dryops ernesti | a long-toed water beetle | Coastal marshes. Last recorded Porlock 1896. | ||||
Dryops luridus | a long-toed water beetle | In coastal marshes. | ||||
Dyschirius luedersi | a ground beetle | Rare in coastal marshes. Last recorded Minehead 1933. | ||||
Dyschirius salinus | a ground beetle | Rare in coastal marshes. | ||||
Dyschirus globosus (Herbst) | ||||||
Dytiscus dimidiatus | a water beetle | Freshwater | ||||
Dytiscus marginalis | Great Diving Beetle | Moorland pools. | ||||
Elaphrus cupreus | a ground beetle | Local on open, muddy substrates, in wetlands. | ||||
Elaphrus riparius | a ground beetle | Rare on open, muddy substrates in fens. | ||||
Eledona agricola | a darkling beetle | On Sulphur polypore fungus (Laetiporus sulphureus) | ||||
Elmis aenea | a riffle beetle | In fast flowing streams and rivers. | ||||
Elodes marginata | a marsh beetle | In a range of habitats | ||||
Elodes minuta s.l. | a marsh beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||||
Encephalus complicans | a rove beetle | In moss etc. | ||||
Endomychus coccineus | a false ladybird | In fungi on dead wood. | ||||
Enicmus histrio | a mould beetle | Around roots of plants. | ||||
Enicmus rugosus | a mould beetle | On trees | ||||
Enicmus testaceus | a mould beetle | In powder fungus on trees. | ||||
Enicmus transversus | a mould beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Ennearthron cornutum | a small fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||||
Enochrus bicolor | a scavenger water beetle | Brackish coastal marshes. | ||||
Enochrus fuscipennis | Wet acid flushes. | |||||
Enochrus melanocephalus | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Enochrus testaceus | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Ephistemus globulus | a silken fungus beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Epuraea aestiva | a pollen or sap beetle | On trees and shrubs. | ||||
Epuraea deleta | a pollen or sap beetle | in woodland | ||||
Epuraea distincta (Grimmer) | [Na] | |||||
Epuraea florea | a pollen or sap beetle | On hawthorn flowers. | ||||
Epuraea fuscicollis | a pollen or sap beetle | On sap runs on Sessile oak. | ||||
Epuraea longula | a pollen or sap beetle | In parkland and woodland. Porlock 1907 | ||||
Epuraea melanocephala | a pollen or sap beetle | Woodland. | ||||
Epuraea melina | a pollen or sap beetle | in woodland | ||||
Epuraea pusilla | a pollen or sap beetle | in fungi. | ||||
Epuraea unicolor | a pollen or sap beetle | in woodland. Dunster 1919. | ||||
Erichsonius cinerascens(Gravenhorst, 1802) | a rove beetle | on boggy ground 2023 | ||||
Erichsonius signaticornis | a rove beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Ernobius mollis | a wood boring beetle | in dead wood and in old buildings. | ||||
Esolus parallelepipedus | a riffle beetle | In fast flowing streams and rivers. | ||||
Euaesthetus bipunctatus | a rove beetle | In ants nests. Last recorded Porlock 1907. | ||||
Euaesthetus ruficapillus | ||||||
Euophryum confine | Wood-boring Weevil | Under bark. | ||||
Euplectus bonvouloiri | a rove beetle | [NS] 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Euplectus fauveli | a short-winged mould beetle | In dead wood. Bossington 1896. | ||||
Euplectus karstenii | a rove beetle | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Euplectus kirbii | a rove beetle | 2000 Nettlecombe Park | ||||
Euplectus piceus | a rove beetle | 1995 Horner Wood | ||||
Euplectus sanguineus | a short-winged mould beetle | In vegetable detritus. Minehead 1953 & 1958. | ||||
Euplectus signatus | a short-winged mould beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Eusphalerum luteum | a rove beetle | In woodland and wetland habitats. | ||||
Eusphalerum minutum | a rove beetle | in woodland | ||||
Eusphalerum primulae | ||||||
Eusphalerum sorbi | a rove beetle | in woodland | ||||
Eusphalerum torquatum | a rove beetle | in woodland | ||||
Eutrichapion (Cnemapion) vorax | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion vorax. On vetch. Minehead 1949. | ||||
Eutrichapion (Psilocalymma) punctigerum | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion punctigerum. On vetch. | ||||
Eutrichapion ervi | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion ervi. On vetches. | ||||
Eutrichapion viciae | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion viciae. On Vicia cracca (Tufted Vetch) | ||||
Exapion ulicis | Gorse Weevil | Syn. Apion u. On gorse. | ||||
Exochomus quadripustulatus | Pine Ladybird | On trees and shrubs. (4-spot ladybird) | ||||
Falagria caesa | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Gabrius nigritulus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Gabrius pennatus | a rove beetle | In wetlands. | ||||
Gabrius piliger Mulsant & Rey | ||||||
Gabrius splendidulus | a rove beetle | Under bark in woodland and parkland. | ||||
Gabrius subnigritulus | a rove beetle | Widespread. | ||||
Gabrius trossulus (Nordmann, 1837) | a rove beetle | on boggy ground 2023 | ||||
Galeruca tanaceti (Linnaeus) | ||||||
Galerucella grisescens | a leaf beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||||
Galerucella lineola | Brown Willow Beetle | Frequents waterside vegetation. | ||||
Galerucella sagittariae | a leaf beetle | Frequents waterside vegetation. | ||||
Galerucella tenella | a leaf beetle | Frequents tall waterside vegetation. | ||||
Gastrophysa polygoni | a leaf beetle | A range of habitats. | ||||
Gastrophysa viridula | Green Dock Beetle | On docks. | ||||
Gauropterus fulgidus | a rove beetle | Last Exmoor Record Minehead 1935. In compost. | ||||
Geostiba circellaris | a rove beetle | Withypool, 1948 & Alcombe Common 1947. In moss | ||||
Geotrupes mutator | a dumbledor | in dung. Dunster 1947. Probably decreasing. | ||||
Geotrupes spiniger | a dumbledor | In dung. | ||||
Geotrupes stercorarius | Dor Beetle | In dung. | ||||
Geotrupes stercorosus | a dumbledor | In dung. | ||||
Geotrupes vernalis | Spring Dumbledor | In dung on dry heathland. | ||||
Glischrochilus quadriguttatus | a pollen or sap beetle | Under bark in dead wood. | ||||
Gnypeta caerulea | a rove beetle | In flood litter. North Exmoor is only Somerset site to date (2003) | ||||
Gnypeta carbonaria | a rove beetle | In flood litter. | ||||
Gnypeta ripicola (Kiesenwetter) | A rove beetle | Muddy areas. | ||||
Gnypeta rubrior | a rove beetle | On muddy river banks. | ||||
Gonioctena pallida | on hazel. | |||||
Gonodera luperus | a darkling beetle | On the coast. | ||||
Grammoptera ruficornis | a longhorn beetle | In hawthorn blossom. | ||||
Grynobius planus | a wood boring beetle | In dead wood. | ||||
Gymnetron antirrhini | a weevil | On Toadflax. | ||||
Gymnetron melanarium | a weevil | On Speedwells. | ||||
Gymnetron plantaginis | a weevil | Syn. G. pascuorum.On Plantain | ||||
Gymnetron veronicae | Brooklime Gull Weevil | On brooklime. | ||||
Gyrinus aeratus | a whirligig | Rivers and ponds. | ||||
Gyrinus caspius | a whirligig | Local in still water. | ||||
Gyrinus natator | a whirligig | In streams, ditches, ponds. | ||||
Gyrinus substriatus | a whirligig | Standing freshwater. | ||||
Gyrohypnus angustatus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||||
Gyrohypnus atratus | a rove beetle | In nests of red wood ant. Last recorded Porlock 1896. | ||||
Gyrohypnus fracticornis | a rove beetle | Decaying grass or herbivore dung. | ||||
Gyrohypnus punctulatus | a rove beetle | In grassland. | ||||
Gyrophaena affinis | a rove beetle | In bracket fungi in woodland. | ||||
Gyrophaena angustata | a rove beetle | In bracket fungi in woodland. | ||||
Gyrophaena fasciata | a rove beetle | In bracket fungi in woodland. | ||||
Gyrophaena gentilis | a rove beetle | In bracket fungi in woodland. | ||||
Gyrophaena joyi | a rove beetle | On dead ash trees. | ||||
Gyrophaena latissima | a rove beetle | On bracket fungi. | ||||
Gyrophaena minima | a rove beetle | In fungi. | ||||
Gyrophaena strictula | a rove beetle | In fungi. | ||||
Gyrophaenabi hamata | VC4. In fungus. |
Beetles and Weevils H-M
Beetles and Weevils H-M. Updated to end December 2022 to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No. 47 Pt.2. Listed alphabetcially with scientific names.Scientific name | Common name | Notes | ||
Habrocerus capillaricornis | a rove beetle | Woodland. | ||
Haliplus flavicollis | a crawling water beetle | Shallow, muddy pools. | ||
Haliplus fluviatilis | a crawling water beetle | Coastal marshes. Last record Minehead 1935. | ||
Haliplus fulvus | a crawling water beetle | Moorland pools. | ||
Haliplus lineatocollis | a crawling water beetle | In standing and flowing freshwater. | ||
Haliplus ruficollis | Local in still water. | |||
Haliplus ruficollis (De Geer) | ||||
Halobrecta flavipes | Litter in upper saltmarsh. | |||
Halyzia sedecimguttata | Orange Ladybird | On sycamore in woodland. | ||
Hapalaraea pygmaea | In tits nest in nestbox. | |||
Haploglossa gentilis | a rove beetle | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||
Haploglossa villosula | a rove beetle | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||
Harmonia axyridis | Harlequin Ladybird | Alien first Exmoor record 2006. | ||
Harpalus affinis | a ground beetle | In dry open habitats. | ||
Harpalus anxius | a ground beetle | On dry sandy soils at the coast. | ||
Harpalus attenuatus | a ground beetle | On dry sandy soils at the coast. | ||
Harpalus latus | a ground beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||
Harpalus rubripes | a ground beetle | On dry sandy soils at the coast. | ||
Harpalus rufibarbis | a ground beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||
Harpalus rufipes | Strawberry Seed Beetle | In a range of habitats | ||
Harpalus rufitarsis | a ground beetle | In dry open habitats | ||
Harpalus tardus | a ground beetle | On dry sandy soils at the coast. | ||
Helochares lividus | a scavenger water beetle | In a range of wetland habitats. | ||
Helochares punctatus | a scavenger water beetle | Moorland pools. | ||
Helophorus aequalis | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Helophorus aquaticus s.l. | a scavenger water beetle | Old records under this name may refer to H.grandis | ||
Helophorus arvernicus | Litter by stream. | |||
Helophorus brevipalpis | a scavenger water beetle | A range of freshwater habitats. | ||
Helophorus flavipes | a scavenger water beetle | a range of freshwater habitats. | ||
Helophorus fulgidicollis | a scavenger water beetle | Brackish coastal ditches. | ||
Helophorus grandis | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Helophorus granularis | [NS]. Watersmeet, Devon, | |||
Helophorus griseus | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. Last Exmoor record Dunster, 1906. | ||
Helophorus minutus | a scavenger water beetle | A range of wetland habitats. | ||
Helophorus nubilus | Wheat Mud Beetle | Dry grassland. | ||
Helophorus obscurus | a scavenger water beetle | Upland pools. | ||
Helops caeruleus | a darkling beetle | In dead wood. | ||
Hemicoelus fulvicornis | a wood boring beetle | In dead wood. | ||
Hemicrepidius hirtus | a click beetle | In woodland | ||
Henoticus serratus | a silken fungus beetle | Coastal marshes. Dunster 1919. | ||
Hermaeophaga mercurialis | Dogs-mercury Flea Beetle | On Dogs Mercury. | ||
Heterocerus fenestratus | a mud beetle | coastal marshes. | ||
Heterocerus flexuosus | a mud beetle | In salt-marshes. Last record Porlock Weir 1948 | ||
Heterocerus fossor | a mud beetle | In coastal marshes. | ||
Heterothops dissimilis | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Heterothops niger Kraatz | ||||
Hister striola | a carrion beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Hister unicolor | a carrion beetle | in dung and vegetable detritus. | ||
Holotrichapion (Apiops) pisi | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion pisi. On Medick. | ||
Holotrichapion (Legaricapion) aethiops | a seed weevil | On vetch. Minehead 1946. | ||
Homalota plana | a rove beetle | Under bark | ||
Hoplia philanthus | Welsh Chafer | On flowering shrubs. Dunster 1906. | ||
Hydraena britteni | a small water beetle | In springhead bogs. | ||
Hydraena gracilis | a small water beetle | In gravel-bottomed streams and rivers. | ||
Hydraena minutissima | a small water beetle | In gravel-bottomed streams and rivers. | ||
Hydraena nigrita | a small water beetle | Gravelly streams in woodland. Last Exmoor record Roadwaterû1929. | ||
Hydraena pygmaea | a small water beetle | Gravelly rivers on moss covered stones. Last Exmoor recordûPorlock 1934. | ||
Hydraena testacea | a small water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Hydrobius fuscipes | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Hydrocyphon deflexicollis | a marsh beetle | On river banks. | ||
Hydroglyphus pusillus | a water beetle | Freshwater. | ||
Hydronomus alismatis | a weevil | On coastal marshes on Water Plaintain. This plant is now very scarce so weevils may be gone. Alcombe Marshes 1959. | ||
Hydrophilus piceus | Great Silver Water Beetle | A Red Data Book species. | ||
Hydroporus angustatus | a water beetle | Shallow, muddy pools. | ||
Hydroporus discretus | a water beetle | In spring-fed flushes. | ||
Hydroporus erythrocephalus | a water beetle | In spring-fed ditch. | ||
Hydroporus erythrocephalus (L) | In blanket bog. | |||
Hydroporus ferrugineus | a water beetle | In spring water. | ||
Hydroporus gyllenhali | a water beetle | Moorland pools. | ||
Hydroporus incognitus | a water beetle | In backwater nr R. Barle. | ||
Hydroporus longicornis | a water beetle | In moorland flushes. | ||
Hydroporus longulus | a water beetle | In peaty pools. May no longer exist here. | ||
Hydroporus melanarius | a water beetle | In Sphagnum bogs. | ||
Hydroporus memnonius Nicolai, | Moorland stream. | |||
Hydroporus nigrita | a water beetle | Moorland pools. | ||
Hydroporus obscurus | a water beetle | Moorland pools. | ||
Hydroporus obsoletus | a water beetle | Springheads. Scarce. | ||
Hydroporus palustris | a water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Hydroporus planus | a water beetle | In pond. | ||
Hydroporus pubescens | a water beetle | In standing and flowing freshwater. | ||
Hydroporus striola | a water beetle | In backwater nr R. Barle. | ||
Hydroporus tessellatus | a water beetle | In puddles and pools. | ||
Hydroporus tristis | a water beetle | Moorland pools. | ||
Hydrosmecta eximia | a rove beetle | On river shingle. Last record Porlock 1896 (Blue Anchor 1935) | ||
Hydrosmecta fragilis | a rove beetle | River shingle. | ||
Hydrothassa marginella | a leaf beetle | In wet meadows. | ||
Hylastes ater | Black Pine Beetle | Under conifer bark. | ||
Hylastes attenuatus | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Hopcott Common 1949. Under pine bark. | ||
Hylastes opacus | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Under pine bark. | ||
Hylastinus obscurus | Gorse Bark Beetle | Under gorse bark. | ||
Hylesinus crenatus | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Horner Wood 1949. Under ash bark. | ||
Hylobius abietis | Pine Weevil | Conifer plantations. | ||
Hylurgops palliatus | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Under conifer bark. | ||
Hypera arator | a weevil | On Legumes. | ||
Hypera meles | a weevil | On Clovers and Medicks. | ||
Hypera nigrirostris | a weevil | On restharrow on sand at the coast. | ||
Hypera plantaginis | a weevil | A range of habitats. | ||
Hypera pollux | a weevil | Syn. H. adspersa. Coastal marshes. | ||
Hypera postica | Clover Leaf Weevil | On leguminous plants | ||
Hypera punctata | Sandy Clover Weevil | on clover. | ||
Hypera rumicis | a weevil | On docks. Minehead 1935. | ||
Hypera venusta | a weevil | On western gorse. | ||
Hyperaspis pseudopustulata | a ladybird | Notable. | ||
Hyphydrus ovatus | a water beetle | Freshwater. | ||
Hypnoidus riparius | a click beetle | Banks of streams or rivers. | ||
Hypocaccus dimidiatus (Illiger) | [Nb.] | |||
Hypopycna rufula | Amongst Coprinus micaceus on beech stump. RDBK | |||
Ilybius aenescens | In Sphagnum dominated bog pools | |||
Ilybius fuliginosua | a water beetle | Local in still water. | ||
Ilyobates nigricollis | a rove beetle | In leaf litter in woods. | ||
Ischnodes sanguinicollis | a click beetle | In dead wood in old woodlands. Last record Porlock 1906. | ||
Ischnoglossa prolixa | a rove beetle | Under bark. Porlock 1907. Nettlecombe 1866. | ||
Ischnomera caerulea s.l. | a thick-legged flower beetle | In dead wood. | ||
Ischnomera cyanea | a thick-legged flower beetle | In dead wood | ||
Ischnopterapion (Chlorapion) virens | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion virens. On clover. | ||
Ischnopterapion loti | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion loti. On Lotus corniculatus. | ||
Ischnopterapion modestum | a seed weevil | |||
Ishnopoda atra | Moss and litter in woodland flushes. | |||
Isomira murina | a darkling beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Kalcapion semivittatum | a seed weevil | On annual mercury. | ||
Kateretes rufilabris | a pollen or sap beetle | In a range of wet habitats. | ||
Kibunea minuta | a click beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Kissister minimus | a carrion beetle | Sandy soil at the coast. | ||
Kissophagus hederae | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Under ivy bark. | ||
Laccobius atratus | a scavenger water beetle | Moorland streams. | ||
Laccobius bipunctatus | a scavenger water beetle | In a range of freshwater habitats. | ||
Laccobius minutus | a scavenger water beetle | Ditches and ponds. | ||
Laccobius striatulus | a scavenger water beetle | Coastal marshes. Last Exmoor record Minehead 1906. | ||
Laccophilus minutus | a water beetle | Coastal marshes. Last recorded Minehead 1935. | ||
Lagria hirta | a darkling beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Lamprosoma concolor | a leaf beetle | in woodland | ||
Lampyris noctiluca | Glow-worm | A range of habitats. | ||
Larinus planus | a weevil | On thistles. | ||
Lathridius minutes s.l. | a mould beetle | Minehead 1958. | ||
Lathrobium brunnipes | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Lathrobium fovulum | a rove beetle | Grass tussocks at edge of lake. | ||
Lathrobium fulvipenne | a rove beetle | in woodland | ||
Lathrobium geminum Kraatz | ||||
Lathrobium longulum | a rove beetle | Grass tussocks at edge of lake. | ||
Lathrobium multipunctum | a rove beetle | Under stones. | ||
Lathrobium pallidum Nordmann | In shingle by streams | |||
Lathrobium quadratum | a rove beetle | Last Exmoor record Minehead, 1935. In wetlands | ||
Lathrobium terminatum | a rove beetle | In upland bogs. | ||
Leiodes litura | a round fungus beetle | In woodland. | ||
Leiodes polita | a round fungus beetle | In woodland. | ||
Leiodes rugosa | a round fungus beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Leiopus nebulosus | a longhorn beetle | Woodland. | ||
Leiosoma deflexum | a weevil | On buttercups. | ||
Leistus ferrugineus | a ground beetle | Local in woodland | ||
Leistus fulvibarbis | a ground beetle | Local in wet woodland | ||
Leistus rufescens | a ground beetle | Rare on moorland | ||
Leistus rufomarginatus | a ground beetle | An immigrant recently become resident. Rare. | ||
Leistus spinibarbis | a ground beetle | Local in a range of habitats. | ||
Lema cyanella | Watersmeet, Devon, | |||
Leperisinus varius | Ash Bark Beetle | Syn. Hylesinus v. Under ash bark. | ||
Leptacinus batychrus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Leptacinus pusillus | Local in still water. | |||
Leptacinus pusillus (Stephens) | ||||
Leptinus testaceus | a nest beetle | In nests of small mammals in woodland & parkland. | ||
Leptura sexguttata | 6 spotted longhorn | In dead wood in old valley woodland. | ||
Leptusa fumida | a rove beetle | Under bark. | ||
Leptusa pulchella | a rove beetle | Under bark. Last recorded Nettlecombe c1866. | ||
Leptusa ruficollis | a rove beetle | Under bark. Last recorded Nettlecombe c1866. | ||
Lesteva hanseni Lohse | N. | |||
Lesteva heeri | a rove beetle | In various wetland heaths. | ||
Lesteva longoelytrata | a rove beetle | On stream banks in woodland. | ||
Lesteva monticola | a rove beetle | In saturated moss. | ||
Lesteva pubescens | a rove beetle | On stream banks in woodland. | ||
Lesteva punctata | a rove beetle | On stream banks. | ||
Lilioceris lilii (Scolpoli) | LILY BEETLE. | Alien. On garden lilies. | ||
Limnebius truncatellus | a small water beetle | In a range of freshwater and wetland habitats. | ||
Limnius volckmari | a riffle beetle | In fast-flowing streams and rivers | ||
Limnobaris pilistriata | a weevil | On Sedges. | ||
Limnobaris t-album | a weevil | On sedges. | ||
Liogluta longiuscula | a rove beetle | In wet litter. Withypool 1948; Hopcott Common 1949. | ||
Liogluta oblongiuscula | a rove beetle | Syn. L. microptera Thomson. On banks of streams and rivers in woodland. | ||
Liophloeus tessulatus | a weevil | On ivy. | ||
Litargus connexus | a hairy fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. Dunster 1919. | ||
Lithocharis nigriceps | ||||
Lithocharis ochracea | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||
Lixus vilis | a weevil | On common storksbill on sandy soils. Last Somerset RecordûMinehead 1906. Probably now extinct. | ||
Lochmaea caprea | Willow Leaf Beetle | On willows. | ||
Lochmaea crataegi | Hawthorn Leaf Beetle | On hawthorn blossom | ||
Lochmaea suturalis | Heather Beetle | On heather moorland. Sometimes very abundant on Ling whichûthen dies. | ||
Lomechusa emarginata | a rove beetle | In ants nests on coastal heath. | ||
Longitarsus aeneicollis | [NS] VC4. | |||
Longitarsus atricillus | a leaf beetle | On Legumes. | ||
Longitarsus ballotae (Marsham) | [Nb.] On Ballota nigra | |||
Longitarsus curtus | a leaf beetle | On Boraginaceae. Recorded at Minehead 1935. | ||
Longitarsus exoletus | a leaf beetle | On Boraginaceae. | ||
Longitarsus flavicornis | A FLEA BEETLE. | On common ragwort | ||
Longitarsus ganglbaueri | a leaf beetle | On Senecio spp. | ||
Longitarsus gracilis Kutschera. | A FLEA BEETLE. | |||
Longitarsus holsaticus | a leaf beetle | In valley fens on Lousewort. | ||
Longitarsus jacobaeae | a leaf beetle | On ragwort. Minehead 1949. | ||
Longitarsus luridus | a leaf beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Longitarsus melanocephalus | a leaf beetle | On Plantains. Alcombe Common 1948. | ||
Longitarsus membranaceus | a leaf beetle | On wood sage. | ||
Longitarsus nigrofasciatus | a leaf beetle | On Mullein. Minehead 1946. | ||
Longitarsus parvulus | Flax Flea Beetle | On flax. Porlock Weir 1949. | ||
Longitarsus pratensis | a leaf beetle | On Plantains. | ||
Longitarsus rubiginosus | A FLEA BEETLE. | |||
Longitarsus rutilus | [NS] Marshy grassland | |||
Longitarsus succineus | Chrysanthemum Flea Beetle | On Compositae. | ||
Longitarsus tabidus | a leaf beetle | On Mullein. | ||
Lordithon exoletus | a rove beetle | In rotten fungus. | ||
Lordithon lunulatus | a rove beetle | In fungi in woodland. | ||
Lordithon thoracicus | a rove beetle | In fungi in woodland. | ||
Lordithon trinotatus | a rove beetle | In fungi in woodland. | ||
Loricera pilicornis | a ground beetle | Common in a range of habitats | ||
Lucanus cervus | Stag Beetle | In rotten wood in old woodlands. | ||
Luperus longicornis | a leaf beetle | In birch woodland. | ||
Lycoperdina bovistae | a false ladybird | In puff-ball fungi. Minehead 1953. | ||
Lyprocorrhe anceps | a rove beetle | In nests of red wood ant. Porlock 1896. | ||
Magdalis armigera | a weevil | On elm. | ||
Magdalis carbonaria | a weevil | On birch. Minehead 1906. | ||
Magadalis cerasi | a weevil | [NB] 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||
Malachius bipustulatus | Red tipped flower beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Malachius viridis | a malachite beetle | On flowering herbs in woods and meadows. | ||
Malthinus balteatus | a soldier beetle | Shrubs & trees in woods. (Devon) | ||
Malthinus flaveolus | Yellow-tipped Malthene | Woodland. | ||
Malthinus seriepunctatus | a soldier beetle | Woodland. | ||
Malthodes flavoguttatus | a soldier beetle | In wet woodland. | ||
Malthodes fuscus | a soldier beetle | Woodland | ||
Malthodes guttifer | a soldier beetle | On trees in woods. (Devon) | ||
Malthodes marginatus | a soldier beetle | Woodland | ||
Malthodes maurus | a soldier beetle | On trees. | ||
Malthodes minimus | a soldier beetle | in woodland | ||
Malthodes mysticus | a soldier beetle | Woodland. Minehead 1906. | ||
Malthodes pumilus | a soldier beetle | On low vegetation in hedgerows and fields or on oak. | ||
Malvapion malvae | a seed weevil | on mallow | ||
Mantura chrysanthemi | a leaf beetle | Feeds on Sheep's Sorrel. | ||
Mantura rustica | a leaf beetle | On docks near the coast. | ||
Margarinotus marginatus | Nb. | |||
Margarinotus merdarius | a clown beetle | 2019 Dulverton | ||
Margarinotus neglectus | Uncommon. | |||
Mecinus pyraster | a weevil | On Plantains. | ||
Medon apicalis (Kraatz) | N. | |||
Medon brunneus | a rove beetle | In woodland and parkland leaf litter. Last Exmoor record Horner 1947. | ||
Medon piceus | a rove beetle | In woodland leaf litter. Last recorded Porlock 1907. | ||
Medon ripicola | a rove beetle | Damp places. | ||
Megarthrus affinis | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||
Megarthrus depressus | a rove beetle | In dung and vegetable detritus. | ||
Megarthrus sinuatocollis | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||
Megasternum obscurum | a scavenger water beetle | In dung and vegetable detritus. | ||
Melandrya caraboides | a false darkling beetle | In dead wood | ||
Melanimon tibialis | a darkling beetle | On sandy soil at the coast. | ||
Melanotus villosus | a click beetle | In dead wood | ||
Meligethes aeneus | Common Pollen Beetle | On flowering plants. | ||
Meligethes atramentarius | a pollen or sap beetle | [N.] | ||
Meligethes atratus | a pollen or sap beetle | On flowering plants. Last recorded Alcombe Common 1949. | ||
Meligethes brunnicornis | a pollen or sap beetle | On flowers of hedge woundwort. | ||
Meligethes flavimanus | a pollen or sap beetle | On flowering herbs & shrubs. | ||
Meligethes kunzei Erichson | a pollen or sap beetle | |||
Meligethes nigrescens | a pollen or sap beetle | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||
Meligethes obscurus | a pollen or sap beetle | On flowers. Wood sage etc. | ||
Meligethes ovatus | a pollen or sap beetle | On flowering plants. | ||
Meligethes planiusculus | a pollen or sap beetle | On vipers bugloss flowers. | ||
Meligethes viridescens | a pollen or sap beetle | On flowering plants. | ||
Meloe proscarabaeus | Oil Beetle | On dry grassland and heathland | ||
Meloe violaceus | Oil Beetle | Ondry grassland and heathland | ||
Melolontha melolontha | Maybug | On shrubs and trees or comes to light. | ||
Meotica exilis | a rove beetle | On banks of streams. Porlock 1896. | ||
Metabletus foveatus | a ground beetle | In dry open habitats. | ||
Metabletus obscuroguttatus | a ground beetle | Damp grassland. | ||
Metabletus truncatellus | a ground beetle | Dry sandy soils. | ||
Metoecus paradoxus | a wasp-nest beetle | In or near nests of social wasps. Comes to light. | ||
Metopsia retusa | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Micralymma marina | a rove beetle | In intertidal rock crevices. Recorded Minehead 1935. | ||
Micrambe villosus | a silken fungus beetle | In gorse flowers. | ||
Micrambe vini | a silken fungus beetle | In gorse flowers. | ||
Micrelus ericae | Small Heather Weevil | Coastal heath and moorland. | ||
Microcara testacea | a marsh beetle | In valley fens. | ||
Microdota benickiella | In beech litter. Notable. | |||
Microlestes maurus | a ground beetle | On dry grassland. | ||
Micropeplus fulvus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Micropeplus staphylinoides | a rove beetle | In rotting vegetation. | ||
Mniophila muscorum | Moss Flea Beetle | On moss in woods. | ||
Mniusain crassata | Under conifer bark | |||
Monotoma angusticollis | a narrow bark beetle | In nests of red wood ant. Porlock 1896. | ||
Monotoma bicolor | a narrow bark beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Monotoma conicicollis | a narrow bark beetle | In nests of red wood ant. Porlock 1896. | ||
Monotoma longicollis | a narrow bark beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||
Monotoma picipes | a narrow bark beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Mordellistena pumila | a tumbling flower beetle | On Umbellifers. | ||
Mycetaea hirta | Hairy Cellar Beetle | In haystack refuse. Minehead 1958. | ||
Mycetophagus atomarius | a hairy fungus beetle | In fungi. | ||
Mycetophagus quadripustulatus | a hairy fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||
Mycetoporus angularis | a rove beetle | In moss and grass tussocks including cereal crops. | ||
Mycetoporus lepidus | ||||
Mycetoporus longulus | VC4. | |||
Mycetoporus punctus | ||||
Mycetoporus splendidus | a rove beetle | In litter. Last record Alcombe Common 1949. | ||
Myllaena brevicornis | a rove beetle | In a range of wet habitats. Last record Porlock 1896 | ||
Myllaena elongata | a rove beetle | Wetlands | ||
Myllaena infuscata | a rove beetle | Upland bogs | ||
Myllaena intermedia | a rove beetle | Wet litter in valley bog. | ||
Myllaena kraatziSharp | a rove beetle | In sphagnum bog | ||
Myllaena minuta | a rove beetle | Valley fen. Last record Withypool 1948 | ||
Myrmecopora sulcata | Wringcliff Bay, Devon | |||
Myrmecopora uvida | a rove beetle | In strandline litter | ||
Myrrha octodecimguttata | 18-spot Ladybird | On Scots Pine. Probably an introduction. |
Beetles and Weevils N-Z
Beetles and Weevils N-Z. Updated to include all reports to Emoor Naturalist No. 50 pt.1 Spring 2024Scientific name | Common name | Notes | ||
Nacerdes melanura | Wharf Borer | In coastal driftwood. | ||
Nalassus laevioctostriatus (Syn. Cylindrinolus laevioctostriatus | A darkling beetle | In a range of habitats | ||
Nanophyes marmoratus | Loosestrife Weevil | On Purple loosestrife. | ||
Nanophyes marmoratus | ||||
Nargus velox | a round fungus beetle | In leaf litter in woodland | ||
Nargus wilkini | a round fungus beetle | In woodland moss. | ||
Nebria brevicollis | a ground beetle | Common in a range of habitats. | ||
Nebria salina | a ground beetle | Local on moorland and coastal heath. | ||
Nebrioporus elegans (Panzer) | ||||
Necrobia rufipes | Copra Beetle | On carrion. | ||
Necrobia violacea | a chequered beetle | in carrion on the coast. | ||
Necrodes littoralis | Shore sexton beetle | In carrion. | ||
Nehemitropia sordida | a rove beetle | In vegetable refuse. Last Exmoor record 1896 Porlock. 1935ûat Blue Anchor. | ||
Nephus redtenbacheri | ||||
Neuraphes elongatulus | a small antlike beetle | Woodland. Recorded at Withypool, 1948. | ||
Nicrophorus humator | Black Sexton Beetle | In carrion. | ||
Nicrophorus investigator | a sexton beetle | In carrion or regularly comes to m/v light. | ||
Nicrophorus vespillo | Common Burying Beetle | in carrion. | ||
Nicrophorus vespilloides | a sexton beetle | In carrion | ||
Nitidula rufipes | a pollen or sap beetle | In carrion. | ||
Notaris acridulus | a weevil | Coastal marshes. | ||
Notaris scirpi | a weevil | Coastal marshes. | ||
Noterus clavicornis | The Larger Noterus | Coastal marshes. Last record 1935 Minehead. | ||
Notiophilus aquaticus | a ground beetle | Scarce on dry habitats | ||
Notiophilus biguttatus | a ground beetle | Common in a range of habitats. | ||
Notiophilus germinyi | a ground beetle | Moorland. | ||
Notiophilus palustris | a ground beetle | Scarce in damp places. | ||
Notiophilus rufipes | a ground beetle | Rare in woodland.ûLast recorded 1935, Minehead | ||
Notiophilus substriatus | a ground beetle | Scarce in dry habitats | ||
Notothecta flavipes | a rove beetle | In nests of red wood ant. | ||
Notoxus monoceros | Monoceros Beetle | On sandy soils at the coast. | ||
Nudobius lentus | Under conifer bark | |||
Ocalea picata | a rove beetle | in woodland. Last recorded Porlock 1907. | ||
Ocalea rivularis | a rove beetle | An indeterminate record from Nettlecome dated 1866. | ||
Ochina ptinoides | Ivy Boring Beetle | In dead ivy branches. | ||
Ochrosis ventralis | a leaf beetle | On Tripleurospermum. | ||
Ochthebius bicolon | a small water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Ochthebius dilatatus | a small water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Ochthebius exsculptus | a small water beetle | In wet valley woodland. | ||
Ochthebius marinus | a small water beetle | In brackish coastal ditches. | ||
Ochthebius minimus | a small water beetle | coastal marshes. | ||
Ochthephilus aureus | a rove beetle | On banks of streams and rivers. Last record Porlock 1896. | ||
Ochthephilus omalinus | ||||
Octotemnus glabriculus | a small fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||
Ocypus aeneocephalus | a rove beetle | Under stones; leaf litter,etc | ||
Ocypus ater | a rove beetle | In a range of coastal habitats. Last recorded Culbone 1951.ûIncreasing inland? | ||
Ocypus brunnipes | a rove beetle | In grassland. Last recorded Porlock 1907 | ||
Ocypus compressus | a rove beetle | Now O. morsitans (Rossi) In a range of habitats. | ||
Ocypus fortunatarum | a rove beetle | Coastal grassland. | ||
Ocypus globulifer | a rove beetle | Under stones or in grassland. | ||
Ocypus melanarius | a rove beetle | In grassland. | ||
Ocypus nero | a rove beetle | Woodland. Last recorded Alcombe Common 1949. | ||
Ocypus olens | Devil's Coach-horse | Open sites in woods and gardens. Syn. Staphylinus olens. | ||
Oedemera lurida | a thick-legged flower beetle | in grassland | ||
Oedemera nobilis | a thick-legged flower beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Oedostethus quadripustulatus | a click beetle | On stream banks in woodland. | ||
Oiceoptoma thoracicum | Red-breasted carrion beetle | In carrion. | ||
Olibrus aeneus | a smut beetle | On flowering composites. | ||
Olibrus affinis | a smut beetle | In flowers. Mainly coastal. | ||
Olibrus corticalis | a smut beetle | On flowering composites. | ||
Olibrus liquidus | a smut beetle | On flowering composites. | ||
Olibrus pygmaeus | a smut beetle | On flowering composites. Minehead 1935. | ||
Oligota apicata | a rove beetle | woodland | ||
Oligota pumilio Kiesenwetter | ||||
Olisthopus rotundatus | a ground beetle | In a range of dry, open habitats. | ||
Olophrum fuscum | ||||
Olophrum piceum | a rove beetle | In woodland & moorland | ||
Omalium caesum | a rove beetle | in vegetable detritus | ||
Omalium excavatum | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. Last recorded Selworthy 1949. | ||
Omalium laeviusculum | a rove beetle | Under strandline litter on the coast. Last Exmoor record Dunster 1919. (But Blue Anchor 1957) | ||
Omalium oxyacanthae | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||
Omalium rivulare | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus, carrion, etc. | ||
Omalium septentrionis | a rove beetle | Rotting vegetation. | ||
Omosita colon | a pollen or sap beetle | in carrion. | ||
Omosita depressa | a pollen or sap beetle | in carrion. | ||
Omosita discoidea | a pollen or sap beetle | in carrion. | ||
Omphalapion hookeri | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion h. On mayweed. | ||
Omphalapion laevigatum | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion sorbi. On mayweed. | ||
Oncomera femorata | a thick-legged flower beetle | in woodland | ||
Ontholestes murinus | a rove beetle | In dung and carrion. | ||
Ontholestes tessellatus | a rove beetle | Widespread. | ||
Onthophagus coenobita | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. | ||
Onthophagus joannae | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. Minehead 1946. | ||
Onthophagus nuchicornis | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung. Minehead and Selworthy 1946. Formerly much confused withûO.similis. | ||
Onthophagus nutans | a dung beetle or chafer | In sheep dung. Very rare. | ||
Onthophagus similis | a dung beetle or chafer | In dung on dry sandy soils. | ||
Onthophagus vacca | a dung beetle or chafer | On grassland in dung. Dunster 1919. | ||
Onthophilus striatus | a carrion beetle | In dung or vegetable detritus. | ||
Oodes helopioides | a ground beetle | In wetlands. | ||
Ootypus globosus | a silken fungus beetle | In dung. | ||
Opatrum sabulosum | a darkling beetle | On sand at the coast. Dunster 1919. | ||
Opilo mollis | a chequered beetle | Scarce. | ||
Orchesia micans | a false darkling beetle | On fungi in old woodlands. | ||
Orchesia minor | a false darkling beetle | On fungi in old woodland | ||
Orchesia undulata | a false darkling beetle | Under bark of trees | ||
Orectochilus villosus | Hairy Whirligig | Streams & rivers. | ||
Oreodytes davisi | a water beetle | in freshwater. | ||
Oreodytes sanmarki | a water beetle | In gravelly streams and rivers. | ||
Oreodytes septentrionalis | a water beetle | In gravelly streams and rivers. | ||
Orobitis cyaneus | Violet Weevil | On violets. | ||
Orsodacne cerasi | a leaf beetle | On flowers and shrubs. | ||
Orthochaetes insignis (Aube) | Notable. | |||
Orthocis alni (Gyllenhal) | ||||
Orthotomicus laricis | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Under conifer bark. | ||
Othius angustus | a rove beetle | In moss or damp litter. | ||
Othius laeviusculus | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Othius myrmecophilus | a rove beetle | In woodland. | ||
Othius punctulatus | a rove beetle | In woodland. | ||
Otiorhynchus desertus | Nb. | |||
Otiorhynchus ovatus | Strawberry Root Weevil | On sandy soils. | ||
Otiorhynchus rugifrons | Strawberry Root Weevil | On dry grassland. | ||
Otiorhynchus rugosostriatus | Strawberry Root Weevil | On dry grassland | ||
Otiorhynchus singularis | Raspberry Weevil | A range of habitats. | ||
Otiorhynchus sulcatus | Vine Weevil | A range of habitats. | ||
Oulema lichenis | a leaf beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Oulema melanopa | Cereal Leaf Beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Oulimnius troglodytes | a riffle beetle | In freshwater | ||
Oulimnius tuberculatus | a riffle beetle | in freshwater | ||
Oxypoda alternans | a rove beetle | In rotting fungi. Nettlecombe (no date) | ||
Oxypoda annularis | a rove beetle | in vegetable detritus. Nettlecombe 1866? | ||
Oxypoda elongatula | a rove beetle | In a range of wetland habitats. | ||
Oxypoda flavicornis Kraatz | In fungus | |||
Oxypoda formiceticola M?rkel | ||||
Oxypoda haemorrhoa | a rove beetle | In nests of the red wood ant. Porlock 1896. | ||
Oxypoda lentula Erichson | ||||
Oxypoda lividipennis | a rove beetle | In rotting material. | ||
Oxypoda opaca | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Oxypoda procerula | ||||
Oxypoda spectabilis | a rove beetle | In mole nests. Porlock 1907. | ||
Oxypoda umbrata | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Oxypoda vittata | a rove beetle | In or near ants nests. | ||
Oxystoma craccae | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion craccae. On tufted vetch. | ||
Oxystoma pomonae | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion pomonae. On Vicia sativa. (Common Vetch) | ||
Oxytelus laqueatus | a rove beetle | In herbivore dung. | ||
Oxytelus sculptus | a rove beetle | Coastal marsh. Last record Minehead 1906. | ||
Pachytodes cerambyciformis | a longhorn beetle | In woodland. (Judolia c.) | ||
Paederus fuscipes | a rove beetle | Damp places. | ||
Paederus littoralis | a rove beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||
Paederus riparius | a rove beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Panagaeus bipustulatus | a ground beetle | On sand at the coast | ||
Paralister carbonarius | a carrion beetle | in dung and vegetable detritus. | ||
Paromalus flavicornis | a carrion beetle | Under bark of decaying wood, in parkland. | ||
Patrobus atrorufus | a ground beetle | Scarce in humid woodland. | ||
Pediacus dermestoides | a flat bark beetle | Under bark in old trees. | ||
Pelenomus waltoni | [Nb] marshy grassland. | |||
Peltodytes caesus | a crawling water beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Pentarthrum huttoni | Wood-boring Weevil | Under bark. | ||
Perapion curtirostre | a seed weevil | On dock. | ||
Perapion hydrolapathi | a seed weevil | on dock | ||
Perapion marchicum | a seed weevil | On Sheep's sorrel. | ||
Perapion violaceum | a seed weevil | On dock. | ||
Phaedon armoraciae | Mustard Beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Phaedon cochleariae | Mustard Beetle | On crucifers. (Watercress Beetle) | ||
Phaedon tumidulus | Celery Leaf Beetle | On umbellifers often Hogweed. | ||
Phalacrus brunnipes | a smut beetle | On smutted sedges. Minehead 1906. | ||
Phalacrus corruscus | a smut beetle | On smutted grasses. | ||
Philhygra obtusangula (Joy) | ||||
Philhygra palustris | ||||
Philonothus atratus | Nationally scarce | |||
Philonthus addendus | a rove beetle | Last recorded Dunster, 1919. In woodland. | ||
Philonthus albipes | a rove beetle | Last record Minehead 1946. In dung and compost. | ||
Philonthus cephalotes | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Philonthus cognatus | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Philonthus cruentatus | a rove beetle | Under stones and in moss. Last recorded Minehead 1949. | ||
Philonthus decorus | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Philonthus fimetarius | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Philonthus intermedius | a rove beetle | Last record Minehead 1947. | ||
Philonthus laminatus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus and dung. Last recorded Minehead 1947. | ||
Philonthus longicornis | a rove beetle | in grassland. Last recorded Porlock 1907 | ||
Philonthus marginatus | a rove beetle | in a range of habitats. | ||
Philonthus micans | a rove beetle | in coastal marshes. Last record Porlock Weir 1948. | ||
Philonthus nigrita (Gravenhorst) | ||||
Philonthus politus | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats | ||
Philonthus puella | a rove beetle | Woodland | ||
Philonthus quisquiliarius | a rove beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Philonthus rectangulus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Philonthus rubripennis | a rove beetle | On gravelly river banks. | ||
Philonthus sanguinolentus | a rove beetle | Decaying grass and dung. | ||
Philonthus splendens | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Philonthus succicola | a rove beetle | In rotten fungi in woodland. | ||
Philonthus tenuicornis | a rove beetle | Dung and leaf litter. | ||
Philonthus umbratilis | a rove beetle | Damp leaf litter. | ||
Philonthus varians | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Philonthus varius | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Philonthus ventralis | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Philopedon plagiatus | Marram Weevil | On sand at the coast. Dunster Beach 1949. | ||
Philorhizus vectensis | Coastal grass heath. RDB3 | |||
Philorinum sordidum | a rove beetle | On gorse flowers. | ||
Phloeocharis subtilissima | a rove beetle | in old woodland. | ||
Phloeonomus punctipennis | a rove beetle | Under bark in woodland. | ||
Phloeophagus lignarius | a weevil | In dead wood. | ||
Phloeophthorus rhododactylus | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Under gorse bark. | ||
Phloeopora angustiformis | a rove beetle | Under tree bark. | ||
Phloeopora testacea | a rove beetle | Porlock, 1907. Under bark. | ||
Phloeostiba plana | a rove beetle | Under sappy bark. Last Exmoor record, Dunster 1919. | ||
Phloiophilus edwardsi | a beetle | On fungi in woodland. | ||
Phloiotrya vaudoueri | a false darkling beetle | In dead wood of beech | ||
Phratora vitellinae | Brassy Willow Beetle | Syn.(Phyllodecta v.) On willows. | ||
Phylan gibbus | a darkling beetle | On sandy soil near the coast. | ||
Phyllobius argentatus | Silver-green Leaf Weevil | On trees. | ||
Phyllobius calcaratus | a weevil | On alder. | ||
Phyllobius oblongus | Brown Leaf Weevil | On trees. Woodcombe 1952. | ||
Phyllobius pomaceus | a weevil | On nettles. | ||
Phyllobius pyri | Common Leaf Weevil | On trees | ||
Phyllobius roboretanus | Small Green Nettle Weevil | Minehead 1948. On trees. | ||
Phyllobius viridiaeris | Green Nettle Weevil | On herbs & shrubs. | ||
Phyllobrotica quadrimaculata | Skullcap Leaf Beetle | Local. VC4. | ||
Phyllodecta laticollis | a leaf beetle | On poplars. | ||
Phyllodrepa floralis | a rove beetle | in woodland | ||
Phyllopertha horticola | Garden Chafer | On grassland and moorland. | ||
Phyllotreta atra | Turnip Flea Beetle | On crucifers. Minehead 1935. | ||
Phyllotreta consobrina | Turnip Flea Beetle | On crucifers. Minehead 1953. | ||
Phyllotreta cruciferae | Turnip Flea Beetle | On crucifers. Alcombe 1935. | ||
Phyllotreta diademata | a leaf beetle | On scurvy-grass (Cochlearia) Washford 1935. | ||
Phyllotreta flexuosa | a leaf beetle | On crucifers | ||
Phyllotreta nemorum | Turnip Flea Beetle | On crucifers | ||
Phyllotreta nigripes | Turnip Flea Beetle | On crucifers | ||
Phyllotreta ochripes | a leaf beetle | On garlic mustard. | ||
Phyllotreta tetrastigma | a leaf beetle | On crucifers on wetlands. Alcombe Common 1949. | ||
Phyllotreta undulata | Small Turnip Flea Beetle | On crucifers. Selworthy 1949. | ||
Phyllotreta vittula | Barley Flea Beetle | On crucifers. Selworthy 1950 | ||
Phymatodes testaceus | Tanbark Borer | In dead wood. | ||
Phytobius olssoni | a weevil | Syn. Pelenomus olssoni. On Lythrum portula. | ||
Phytobius quadrituberculatus | a weevil | Syn. Pelenomus q. On Polygonaceae. | ||
Pirapion immune | coastal heath. VC4. | |||
Pissodes castaneus | Banded Pine Weevil | On pine. Probably an introduction. Found Minehead 1954 in a house. | ||
Pityogenes bidentatus | a bark or ambrosia beetle | On conifer twigs. Selworthy 1949. | ||
Pityophthorus pubescens | a bark or ambrosia beetle | On conifer twigs. | ||
Placus atachyporoides | Nationally Scarce | |||
Placusa pumilio (Gravenhorst) | ||||
Platambus maculatus | a water beetle | In fast flowing streams. | ||
Plateumaris discolor | a leaf beetle | On boggy moorland. | ||
Platycis minuta | a net-winged beetle | In woodland. | ||
Platydracus fulvipes | a rove beetle | Moorland. | ||
Platydracus stercorarius | a rove beetle | In decaying vegetation. | ||
Platypus cylindrus | Oak Pin-hole Borer | Under oak bark. | ||
Platyrhinus resinosus | Cramp-ball Fungus Weevil | On Cramp-ball (Daldinia) fungi in woods. | ||
Platystethus arenarius | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus and dung. | ||
Platystethus cornutus | a rove beetle | In wetlands. | ||
Platystethus nitens | a rove beetle | In coastal marshes. | ||
Plegaderus dissectus Erichson | [Nb] | |||
Phyllotreta exclamationis (Thunberg) | a flea beetle | |||
Pocadius ferrugineus | a pollen or sap beetle | In decaying fungi. | ||
Podabrus alpinus | a soldier beetle | On vegetation in woods. Comes to light. | ||
Pogonocherus hispidulus | Woodland | |||
Pogonocherus hispidus | a longhorn beetle | Woodland | ||
Pogonus chalceus | a ground beetle | In salt marshes. | ||
Polydrusus cervinus | a weevil | In woodland. Minehead 1948. | ||
Polydrusus confluens | a weevil | On gorse. | ||
Polydrusus pterygomalis | a weevil | on trees. | ||
Polydrusus sericeus | a weevil | On birch and alder. | ||
Polydrusus undatus | a weevil | On oak in woodland | ||
Polystomota grisea | a rove beetle | In strandline litter. Minehead 1935. | ||
Prasocuris junci | Brooklime Leaf Beetle | In a range of wetland habitats. | ||
Prasocuris phellandrii | a leaf beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Pria dulcamarae | a pollen or sap beetle | on bittersweet. | ||
Prionocyphon serricornis | a marsh beetle | In rotholes in old beeches. | ||
Prionychus ater | a darkling beetle | In rotting trees. | ||
Propylea quattuordecimpunctata | 14-spot Ladybird | A range of habitats. | ||
Prosternon tessellatum | Chequered Click Beetle | National Trust record, Devon. Heaths or damp meadows. | ||
Protapion apricans | a weevil | Very common. | ||
Protapion assimile | Clover Seed Weevil | Syn. Apion assimile. On red clover. Minehead 1935. | ||
Protapion difforme | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion difforme. On clover. Minehead 1935. | ||
Protapion fulvipes | White Clover Seed Weevil | Syn. Apion difchroum. On clover. | ||
Protapion nigritarse | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion nigritarse. On clover. | ||
Protapion schoenherri | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion schoenherri. On coastal grassland. | ||
Protapion trifolii | Clover Seed Weevil | Syn. Apion trifolii. On white clover. | ||
Protapion varipes | a seed weevil | Sun. Apion varipes. On clover. Porlock Weir 1935. | ||
Proteinus brachypterus | a rove beetle | In woodland | ||
Proteinus ovalis | a rove beetle | In grassland | ||
Protopirapion atratulum | a seed weevil | On gorse. | ||
Pselactus spadix | a weevil | In dead wood at the coast. Minehead 1935; Blue Anchor 1954. | ||
Pselaphus heisei | a short-winged mould beetle | in wetlands. Withypool 1948. | ||
Pseudapion rufirostre | a seed weevil | on mallow. | ||
Pseudocistela ceramboides | a darkling beetle | In dead wood. | ||
Pseudopsis sulcata | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Pseudotriphyllus suturalis | a hairy fungus beetle | In bracket fungi. | ||
Psylliodes affinis | Potato Flea Beetle | On bittersweet. (or a pest of cultivated potato) | ||
Psylliodes attenuata | Hop Flea Beetle | On hops. | ||
Psylliodes chrysocephala | Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle | On crucifers. | ||
Psylliodes cuprea | a leaf beetle | Recorded in Devon Exmoor otherwise only on the Levels. | ||
Psylliodes napi | a leaf beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata | 22-spot Ladybird | Has a range of habitats. | ||
Ptenidium brenske | a featherwing beetle | In shingle by streams [N] | ||
Ptenidium formicetorum | a featherwing beetle | |||
Ptenidium longicorne | a featherwing beetle | Damp litter. | ||
Ptenidium nitidum | a featherwing beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Ptenidium pusillus | a featherwing beetle | |||
Ptenidium turgidum | a featherwing beetle | RDBK 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||
Pterostichus adstrictus | a ground beetle | Grassland and moorland. | ||
Pterostichus aethiops | a ground beetle | Upland woodlands and moorland. | ||
Pterostichus angustatus | a ground beetle | Notable. | ||
Pterostichus cupreus | a ground beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Pterostichus diligens | a ground beetle | In moorland bogs and fens. | ||
Pterostichus longicollis | a ground beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Pterostichus madidus | Black Clock | In a range of habitats. | ||
Pterostichus melanarius | a ground beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Pterostichus minor | a ground beetle | Grass tussocks at edge of lake. | ||
Pterostichus niger | a ground beetle | In woodland. | ||
Pterostichus nigrita | a ground beetle | In a range of wet habitats. | ||
Pterostichus oblongopunctatus | a ground beetle | In ancient oak woodland. | ||
Pterostichus quadrifoveolatus | Coastal heath [NS] | |||
Pterostichus rhaeticus | a ground beetle | Various habitats. | ||
Pterostichus strenuus | a ground beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Pterostichus vernalis | a ground beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Pterostichus versicolor | a ground beetle | In a range of open habitats. | ||
Ptilinus pectinicornis | Fan-bearing Wood-borer | In dead wood | ||
Ptinomorphus imperialis | a wood boring beetle | In dead wood. | ||
Ptinus fur | White-marked Spider Beetle | Indoors or out. | ||
Ptinus sexpunctatus | a spider beetle | In houses. Probable introduction. | ||
Ptinus subpilosus | a spider beetle | Under bark | ||
Ptomaphagus medius | Plantations, | |||
Ptomaphagus subvillosus | a round fungus beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Pycnomerus fuliginosus | an alien from Australia | Spreading in S.West. 2020. | ||
Pyrochroa coccinea | Black-headed Cardinal Beetle | In dead wood on coastal marshes. | ||
Pyrochroa serraticornis | Common Cardinal Beetle | In dead wood. | ||
Quedius aridulus | a rove beetle | On dry sandy soils at the coast. Last record Porlock 1948. | ||
Quedius auricomus | a rove beetle | On stream banks in woodland. | ||
Quedius boopoides Munster | ||||
Quedius boops | a rove beetle | On gravelly river banks. Last record Porlock 1948 | ||
Quedius brevicornis | a rove beetle | In birds nests Only record 1866 Nettlecombe. | ||
Quedius cinctus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||
Quedius cruentus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||
Quedius curtipennis | a rove beetle | Woodland moss. | ||
Quedius fuliginosus | a rove beetle | Wetlands. Last recorded Porlock 1921. | ||
Quedius fumatus | a rove beetle | Under fungus. | ||
Quedius invreae | a rove beetle | In mammal nests. | ||
Quedius lateralis | a rove beetle | Rotting items in woods. | ||
Quedius lucidulus | Old grass bales | |||
Quedius maurorufus | a rove beetle | in wetlands. Last recorded Porlock 1896. | ||
Quedius maurus | a rove beetle | Under bark | ||
Quedius mesomelinus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Quedius microps | a rove beetle | In dead wood in old parkland. Last record Nettlecombe 1888 | ||
Quedius molochinus | a rove beetle | Many habitats. | ||
Quedius nemoralis | a rove beetle | In dead wood in woodland. | ||
Quedius nigriceps | a rove beetle | In litter on dry sandy soils often under conifers. Last record Minehead 1958. | ||
Quedius nitipennis | a rove beetle | On stream banks in woodland. | ||
Quedius pallipes | a rove beetle | In strandline litter. | ||
Quedius picipes | a rove beetle | Has a range of habitats. | ||
Quedius plancus | a rove beetle | In leaf litter at edge of stream. Na. | ||
Quedius puncticollis | [Nb] | |||
Quedius riparius | a rove beetle | On banks of small streams. | ||
Quedius scintillans | ||||
Quedius scitus (Gravenhorst) | ||||
Quedius semiaeneus | a rove beetle | Coastal marshes. Last recorded Minehead 1946 | ||
Quedius semiobscurus | a rove beetle | Moss and grassland. | ||
Quedius tristis | a rove beetle | In open country. | ||
Quedius umbrinus | a rove beetle | On stream banks in woodland. | ||
Quedius ventralis | a rove beetle | In trees. | ||
Quedius xanthopus | a rove beetle | Under bark in old woodland. | ||
Reichenbachia juncorum | a short-winged mould beetle | In wetlands. Withypool 1948. | ||
Rhagium bifasciatum | Two-banded Longhorn | In dead wood. | ||
Rhagium mordax | a longhorn beetle | In dead wood. | ||
Rhagonycha fulva | The Bloodsucker | A range of habitats. | ||
Rhagonycha lignosa | a soldier beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Rhagonycha limbata | a soldier beetle | Syn. R. femoralis On flowering herbs and shrubs in damp meadowsûand woods. | ||
Rhagonycha testacea | a soldier beetle | On vegetation in damp meadows and woods. | ||
Rhagonycha translucida | [NS], VC4 | |||
Rhamphus oxyacanthae | a weevil | On hawthorn. | ||
Rhamphus pulicarius s.l. | a weevil | On birch. | ||
Rhantus suturellus | a water beetle | In boggy moorland pools. | ||
Rhinoncus bruchoides | marshy grassland. | |||
Rhinoncus castor | a weevil | On sheeps sorrel | ||
Rhinoncus inconspectus | a weevil | On Polygonum amphibium. | ||
Rhinoncus pericarpius | a weevil | On Polygonaceae | ||
Rhinoncus perpendicularis | a weevil | On bistort and persicaria. | ||
Rhinosimus planirostris | a false weevil | Under park | ||
Rhinosimus ruficollis | a false weevil | Under bark | ||
Rhizophagus bipustulatus | a narrow bark beetle | Under tree bark. | ||
Rhizophagus depressus | a narrow bark beetle | Under dead tree bark. | ||
Rhizophagus dispar | a narrow bark beetle | Under tree bark. | ||
Rhizophagus ferrugineus | a narrow bark beetle | Under tree bark | ||
Rhizophagus nitidulus | [Nb.] Under tree bark | |||
Rhizophagus perforatus | a narrow bark beetle | Under tree bark. | ||
Rhizophagus picipes (Olivier) | [Na.] Under tree bark | |||
Rhopalomesites tardii (Syn. Mesites tardii | A weevil | In dead wood | ||
Rhynchaenus alni | a weevil | On elm. | ||
Rhynchaenus avellanae | a weevil | On hazel and oak. | ||
Rhynchaenus fagi | Beech Leaf Miner | On beech. | ||
Rhynchaenus pilosus | a weevil | On oak | ||
Rhynchaenus quercus | a weevil | On oak. | ||
Rhynchaenus rusci | a weevil | On birch | ||
Rhynchites aeneovirens | a leafroller weevil | In oak woodland. | ||
Rhynchites aequatus | Apple Fruit Rhynchites | On hawthorn. Minehead 1906. | ||
Rhynchites caeruleus | Apple Twig Cutter | On trees and shrubs. Bossington on poplar bark 1896. | ||
Rhynchites germanicus | Strawberry Rhynchites | On rosaceous plants. | ||
Rhynchites tomentosus | a leafroller weevil | On birch. | ||
Rhyncolus ater | a weevil | Syn. R. chloropus. In dead wood. | ||
Rhyzobius litura | a ladybird | A range of habitats. Alcombe Marshes 1951. | ||
Rugilus erichsoni | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. Last Exmoor record Porlock 1896. | ||
Rugilus geniculatus | a rove beetle | Damp grassland. | ||
Rugilus orbiculatus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||
Rugilus rufipes | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. Last Exmoor record Alcombe 1935. | ||
Rutpela maculata | Spotted Longhorn | in woodland. | ||
Salpingus castaneus | a false weevil | On Scots Pine | ||
Salpingus reyi | a false weevil | On burnt gorse. | ||
Saperda populnea | Small Poplar Borer | On Populus sp. | ||
Saprinus aeneus | a carrion beetle | In carrion. | ||
Scaphidema metallicum | a darkling beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||
Scaphidium quadrimaculatum | a shining fungus beetle | In woodland. | ||
Scaphisoma agaricinum | a shining fungus beetle | In rotten wood. Last Exmoor record 1866 at Nettlecombe. | ||
Scaphisoma boleti | a shining fungus beetle | In rotten wood. | ||
Sciaphilus asperatus | Strawberry Root Weevil | On shrubs. | ||
Sciodrepoides fumatus (Spence) | ||||
Sciodrepoides watsoni | a round fungus beetle | In carrion | ||
Scirtes hemisphaericus | a marsh beetle | In coastal marshes. | ||
Scolytus intricatus | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Under oak bark. | ||
Scolytus multistriatus | Small Elm Bark Beetle | On elm. | ||
Scolytus scolytus | Large Elm Bark Beetle | On elm. Carrier of Dutch elm disease. | ||
Scraptia testacea | a flower beetle | [NS] 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||
Scydmaenus tarsatus | a small antlike beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Scymnus auritus | a ladybird | On vegetation. Minehead 1956. | ||
Scymnus frontalis | a ladybird | On vegetation. Minehead 1954. | ||
Scymnus limbatus | a ladybird | Coastal marshes. Minehead 1947. | ||
Scymnus schmidti F?rsch | [Nb.] | |||
Selatosomus aeneus | a click beetle | On moorland and coastal heath. | ||
Sepedophilus constans (Fowler) | a rove beetle | N. | ||
Sepedophilus immaculatus | a rove beetle | |||
Sepedophilus littoreus | a rove beetle | In damp grass litter near freshwater. | ||
Sepedophilus lusitanicus | a rove beetle | In dead wood in conifer woodland. | ||
Sepedophilus marshami | a rove beetle | |||
Sepedophilus nigripennis | a rove beetle | |||
Sepedophilus testaceus | a rove beetle | [N.] | ||
Serica brunnea | Brown Chafer | In moss or rotting stumps, or comes to light. | ||
Sericoderus brevicornis | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | |||
Sericoderus lateralis | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | |||
Sermylassa halensis | a leaf beetle | On dry grassland. | ||
Siagonium quadricorne | a rove beetle | under bark. | ||
Sibinia primitus | a weevil | On Sweet Alison. | ||
Silpha atrata | Black Snail Beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Silpha laevigata | a sexton beetle | Coastal grassland. | ||
Silpha obscura | a sexton beetle | Coastal grassland. Recorded 1946 at Minehead. | ||
Silpha tristis | a sexton beetle | Coastal grassland. | ||
Simplocaria semistriata | a pill beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Sinodendron cylindricum | Rhinoceros Beetle | In rotten wood. | ||
Sitona cambricus | a weevil | A range of habitats. | ||
Sitona hispidulus | Clover Weevil | On clover. | ||
Sitona lepidus | a weevil | On clover. | ||
Sitona lineatus | Pea and Bean Weevil | On Legumes. | ||
Sitona puncticollis | a weevil | On clover. Minehead 1906. | ||
Sitona regensteinensis | a weevil | On gorse. | ||
Sitona striatellus | a weevil | On gorse. | ||
Sitona sulcifrons | Clover Weevil | On clover. | ||
Sitona suturalis | a weevil | On vetches. | ||
Sitona waterhousei | a weevil | On Lotus corniculatus. | ||
Smicronyx jungermanniae | a weevil | On lesser dodder on coastal heath. | ||
Soronia grisea | a pollen or sap beetle | In vegetable detritus. Minehead 1935. | ||
Soronia punctatissima | a pollen or sap beetle | In sappy old oak trees. | ||
Sphaeridium bipustulatum | a scavenger water beetle | Entered as S. marginatum Fabricius.ûIn dung. | ||
Sphaeridium lunatum | a scavenger water beetle | In herbivore dung. | ||
Sphaeridium scarabaeoides | a scavenger water beetle | In dung. | ||
Sphaeroderma testaceum | a leaf beetle | On thistles. | ||
Sphindus dubius | [NB] 2019 Nettlecombe Park | |||
Squamapion atomarium (Kirkby, 1808) | a weevil | on wild thyme 2023 | ||
Staphylinus dimidiaticornis | a rove beetle | On coastal grassland. | ||
Staphylinus erythropterus | a rove beetle | on moorland. | ||
Stenagostus rhombeus | a click beetle | Under bark. | ||
Stenichnus bicolor | a small antlike beetle | Under bark of old parkland trees. | ||
Stenichnus collaris | a small antlike beetle | woodland | ||
Stenichnus poweri | a small antlike beetle | On shingle beach. | ||
Stenocarus umbrinus | a weevil | Syn. S. ruficornis On poppy. Minehead 1947. | ||
Stenocorus meridianus | Variable Longhorn | In dead wood. | ||
Stenolophus mixtus | a ground beetle | In coastal marshes. Last recorded Minehed, 1935. | ||
Stenopterapion (Cobosiotherium) scutellare | a seed weevil | Syn. Apion scutellare. On Western Gorse. | ||
Stenopterapion tenue | a seed weevil | On medick. Syn. Apion tenue. | ||
Stenostola dubia | Lime beetle | On Lime trees. | ||
Stenus aceris | a rove beetle | Last record Hopcott, 1935. Woodland/heathland. | ||
Stenus bifoveolatus | a rove beetle | Grassy places near water. | ||
Stenus bimaculatus | a rove beetle | Wetlands. | ||
Stenus boops | Local in still water. | |||
Stenus boops Ljungh | ||||
Stenus brevipennis Thomson, | ||||
Stenus brunnipes | a rove beetle | In a range of dry habitats. | ||
Stenus canescens | a rove beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Stenus cicindeloides | a rove beetle | Vegetation near water. | ||
Stenus clavicornis | a rove beetle | In open country. | ||
Stenus exiguus | a rove beetle | Under stones. Last recorded Minehead 1948. | ||
Stenus flavipes | a rove beetle | in wetlands | ||
Stenus formicetorum | a rove beetle | In litter on river banks. VC4. | ||
Stenus fulvicornis | a rove beetle | Damp places | ||
Stenus fuscipes | a rove beetle | Coastal marshes. Last recorded Alcombe 1935 | ||
Stenus geniculatus | a rove beetle | on moorland | ||
Stenus guttula | a rove beetle | On stream and river banks. | ||
Stenus guynemeri | a rove beetle | On stream banks in woodland. | ||
Stenus impressus | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Stenus juno | a rove beetle | In wetlands. Last Exmoor record Minehead 1935. | ||
Stenus latifrons | a rove beetle | In wetlands | ||
Stenus lustrator | a rove beetle | In valley fen. Last recorded Withypool 1948. | ||
Stenus nanus | a rove beetle | Last Exmoor record Porlock, 1896. Coastal marsh. | ||
Stenus nigritulus | a rove beetle | In wetlands. | ||
Stenus nitens Stephens | ||||
Stenus nitidiusculus | a rove beetle | In a range of wetland habitats. | ||
Stenus niveus | a rove beetle | Sphagnum and upland wet litter. Nationally scarce. | ||
Stenus ossium | a rove beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Stenus pallipes | a rove beetle | In a range of wetland habitats. | ||
Stenus pallitarsis | a rove beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Stenus picipennis | a rove beetle | Damp places. | ||
Stenus picipes | a rove beetle | In wetlands. | ||
Stenus providus | a rove beetle | In valley fen. Last Exmoor record Withypool 1948. Syn. S. rogeri Kraatz. | ||
Stenus pubescens | a rove beetle | Damp places. | ||
Stenus similis | a rove beetle | In wetlands. | ||
Stenus tarsalis | a rove beetle | in wetlands. | ||
Stethorus pusillus (Herbst) | A ladybird beetle | Destroys mites | ||
Stictonectes lepidus | a water beetle | Moorland pools. | ||
Stilbus oblongus | a smut beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Stomis pumicatus | a ground beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Strangalia aurulenta | a longhorn beetle | In oak woodland. | ||
Strangalia melanura | a longhorn beetle | In woodland. Minehead 1906. Other Somerset locations in 1990s. | ||
Strangalia quadrifasciata | a longhorn beetle | Woodland. Dulverton 1913. | ||
Strigocis bicornis | [Nb] Devon 2020. VC4. | |||
Strophosoma melanogrammum | Nut Leaf Weevil | In woodland. | ||
Strophosoma nebulosum | a weevil | On moorland and coastal heath. | ||
Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata | 24-spot Ladybird | A range of habitats | ||
Sunius melanocephalus | a rove beetle | In moss. Last Exmoor record Porlock 1896. | ||
Syntomium aeneum | ||||
Synuchus nivalis | a ground beetle | On dry sandy soil. | ||
Tachinus humeralis | a rove beetle | In woodland. | ||
Tachinus laticollis | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus. | ||
Tachinus marginellus | a rove beetle | In vegetable detritus | ||
Tachinus proximus | In rotten honey fungus. | |||
Tachinus signatus | a rove beetle | in vegetable detritus | ||
Tachinus subterraneus | a rove beetle | In decaying fungi and carrion. | ||
Tachyerges salicis | a weevil | Syn. Rhynchaenus sal. On willow. | ||
Tachyerges stigma | a weevil | Syn. Rhynchaenus s. On willow. Nettlecombe 1891. | ||
Tachyporus atriceps | a rove beetle | Grassland and woods. | ||
Tachyporus chrysomelinus | a rove beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Tachyporus dispar | a rove beetle | In moss and leaf litter. | ||
Tachyporus formosus | a rove beetle | in litter | ||
Tachyporus hypnorum | a rove beetle | in a range of habitats. | ||
Tachyporus nitidulus | a rove beetle | A range of habitats | ||
Tachyporus obtusus | a rove beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Tachyporus pallidus | a rove beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Tachyporus pusillus | a rove beetle | Grass tussocks on river bank. | ||
Tachyporus solutus | a rove beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Tachyporus transversalis | ||||
Tachyporus tarsus Erichson | A rove beetle | Acid moorland area | ||
Tachys parvulus | a ground beetle | Coastal. | ||
Taeniapion urticarium | a seed weevil | On nettles. | ||
Tanysphyrus lemnae | Duckweed Weevil | Coastal marshes. | ||
Telmatophilus caricis | a silken fungus beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Telmatophilus typhae | a silken fungus beetle | Coastal marshes. | ||
Tenebrio molitor | Mealworm Beetle | In buildings. | ||
Tetratoma ancora | On hazel, | |||
Tetratoma desmaresti | a shiny fungus beetle | In bracket fungi. | ||
Tetratoma fungorum Fabricius | ||||
Tetrops praeustus | a longhorn beetle | 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||
Thamiaraea cinnamomea | a rove beetle | At sap runs on trees. Minehead 1935. | ||
Thamiaraea hospita | a rove beetle | In compost. | ||
Thanasimus formicarius | Ant Beetle | in dead wood. | ||
Thanatophilus rugosus | a sexton beetle | In carrion. | ||
Thanatophilus sinuatus | a sexton beetle | in carrion. | ||
Thiasophila angulata | In red wood ant nest. | |||
Thinodromus arcuatus | a rove beetle | River banks. | ||
Thryogenes nereis | a weevil | coastal marshes. | ||
Thymalus limbatus | a domed fungus beetle | On dead wood in old woodland and parkland. | ||
Timarcha goettingenis | Lesser Bloody-nosed Beetle | On dry grassland. | ||
Timarcha tenebricosa | Bloody-nosed Beetle | A range of habitats. | ||
Tinotus morion (Gravenhorst) | a rove beetle | in pony dung 2023 | ||
Tomicus piniperda | Large Pine Shoot Beetle | On conifers. Minehead 1949. | ||
Trachodes hispidus | a weevil | Oak woodlands. Porlock 1934. Noted in Devon 1990s. | ||
Trachyphloeus angustistelus | a weevil | On heaths. | ||
Trachyphloeus asperatus | a weevil | Coastal. On plant roots. | ||
Trachyphloeus bifoveolatus | a weevil | On dry grassland. | ||
Trachyphloeus laticollis | a weevil | On dry grassland. Porlock 1896. | ||
Trachyphloeus rectus Thomson, C G 1865 | a weevil | (NA) Grassland 2023 | ||
Trachys troglodytes | Devil's-bit Jewel Beetle | On Devil's-bit Scabious. | ||
Trechus fulvus | a ground beetle | Coastal. | ||
Trechus obtusus | a ground beetle | Common on moorland and sometimes in other habitats. | ||
Trechus quadristriatus | a ground beetle | Common in a range of habitats | ||
Trichonyx sulcicollis | a short-winged mould beetle | Under oak bark. Nettlecome 1866. | ||
Trichosirocalus troglodytes | a weevil | In grassland. | ||
Triphyllus bicolor | a hairy fungus beetle | In bracket fungi. | ||
Triplax aenea | a shiny fungus beetle | In fungi on dead wood. | ||
Trixagus carinifrons | a small false click beetle | In leaf litter, etc. | ||
Trixagus dermestoides | a small false click beetle | In woodland. | ||
Trox scaber | a hide beetle | In birds nests. | ||
Tychius junceus | a weevil | On medicks and clovers. | ||
Tychius picirostris | a weevil | Syn. Miccotrogus p. On clovers. | ||
Tychius pusillus | a weevil | On gorse. | ||
Tychius squamulatus | a weevil | On bird's-foot trefoil. | ||
Tychius stephensi | a weevil | On bird's-foot trefoil. | ||
Tychius tibialis | a weevil | On coastal grassland on clovers. | ||
Tychus niger | a short-winged mould beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Typhaea stercorea | Hairy Fungus Beetle | In haystack refuse. | ||
Typhaeus typhoeus | Minotaur Beetle | On moorland and coastal heath. | ||
Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata | 16-spot Ladybird | Coastal grassland. | ||
Vincenzellus ruficollis | a false weevil | Under bark | ||
Xantholinus gallicus Coiffait, 1956 | a rove beetle | (NS) Heather moorland 2023 | ||
Xantholinus glabratus | a rove beetle | In grassland | ||
Xantholinus linearis | a rove beetle | In open country. | ||
Xantholinus longiventris | a rove beetle | In a range of habitats. | ||
Xestobium rufovillosum | Death Watch Beetle | In dead wood and old buildings. | ||
Xyloterus domesticus | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Syn. Trypodendron d. Under oak bark. Porlock, 1907. Recorded from Devon Exmoor 1980s. | ||
Xyloterus signatus | a bark or ambrosia beetle | Syn. Trypodendron s. Under oak bark. Porlock 1907. | ||
Xylotiba bosnica | a rove beetle | [pNS] 2019 Nettlecombe Park | ||
Zacladus geranii | VC4. | |||
Zorochros minimus | a click beetle | Rivers and streams. | ||
Zyras funestus | a rove beetle | Dunster 1919. In ants nests. | ||
Zyras humeralis | a rove beetle | In ants nests. | ||
Zyras limbatus | a rove beetle | In ants nests. |
Bird List: Updated to September 2024, Exmoor Naturalist No. 50 Pt. 2.
Bird ListCommon name | Scientific name | Notes |
Alpine Swift | Apus melba | Vagrant. Just 3 records 1954 - 1980 |
American Bittern | Botaurus lentiginosus | One record of an immature shot on Earl Fortescue's moorland near Parracombe in Oct 1875. |
American Purple Gallinule | Porphyrio ,artinicus | One, Dunster Beach, 2022. Very rare. |
American Wigeon | Anas americana | Vagrant. Male Wimbleball winters 1987 and 1988. |
Arctic Skua | Stercorarius parasiticus | Autumn passage visitor to coastal waters. |
Arctic Tern | Sterna paradisaea | Fairly frequent on autumn passage but less so than Common Tern. |
Ashy-headed Wagtail | Montacilla flava cinereocapilla Savi. | Rare Passage Migrant (2006). Minehaed Golf Course. |
Avocet | Recurvirostra avosetta | Vagrant. Records include 8 Porlock Bay 1987. |
Baillon's Crake | Porzana pusilla | A single record of one at Minehead in Nov. 1912. |
Baird's Sandpiper | Calidris bairdii | Vagrant. One Porlock Marsh 1973 and possibly 1979. |
Bar-headed Goose | Anser indicus | One regularly seen with Canada Geese at Minehead/Dunster Marshes 1989-1992. |
Bar-tailed Godwit | Limosa lapponica | Spring and autumn passage migrant. Occasional in winter. |
Barn Owl | Tyto alba | Resident. Now very scarce with only a few breeding pairs. |
Barnacle Goose | Branta leucopsis | Winter visitor. A few most years with Canada flocks. |
Barred Warbler | Sylvia nisoria | Vagrant. One record of an immature male at Porlock Marsh 1969. A 1st for Somerset. |
Bean Goose | Anser fabalis | Vagrant. Occasional records at Minehead or Porlock marshû1947 on. the most recent being 1 Porlock Marsh Mar-Apr 1973. |
Bearded Tit | Panurus biarmicus | Vagrant. Winter visitor/passage migrant. First record was of 3 Porlock Marsh 1972, since when there have been a handful of records. |
Bee-eater | Merops apiaster | One seen Porlock Hill 1997. |
Bewick's Swan | Cygnus columbianus | Rare winter visitor to Minehead and Porlock Marshes. Highestû8 at Minehead March Feb. 1976. |
Bittern | Botaurus stellaris | Rare winter visitor to coastal marshes. One photographed at Chetsford Bridge in 1989. |
Black Grouse | Tetrao tetrix | Numbers were decreasing in 18th cent. 4320 shot Holnicote and Winsford estates 1836-1906 and up to 40 shot in a day at Oare Manor estate. Palmer & Ballance (1968) stated "On Exmoor now restricted mainly to N.Trust property in N.E. where up to 13 at lek in 1965. A few may survive on Molland Common but now probably extinct on Winsford Hill & Culbone Hill. A (1964) estimate put the Exmoor stock at c45. Causes of decrease seem to be enclosure, disturbance, overburning and increase in predators after 1914. The last lek on the Moor was in 1972, last breeding record 1975 and last sighting was a female at Lucott Moor at dusk 29.7.1981. |
Black Guillemot | Cepphus grylle | Vagrant. Only two records to date 1954 and 1991. Both Dunster Beach. |
Black Kite | Milvus migrans (Boddaert) | Rare. Accidental (2006) |
Black Redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros | Mainly autumn passage and winter visitor. |
Black Swan | Cygnus atratus | Escape. 1 Porlock Marsh 1998. |
Black Stork | Ciconia nigra (L.) | Rare Accidental (2010) |
Black Tern | Chlidonias niger | Rare passage visitor, mainly coastal but has been recorded at Wimbleball also. |
Black-headed Bunting | Emberiza melanocephala | Exotic. 1 Bird Table Old Cleeve, Oct. 2000. |
Black-headed Gull | Larus ridibundus | Winter visitor also present spring and summer. |
Black-headed Wagtail | Montacilla flava feldegg | Rare Passage Migrant (2006). Minehaed Golf Course. |
Black-necked Grebe | Podiceps nigricollis | Rare winter visitor. Recorded 2 Porlock Marsh Feb 1985 and Wimbleball Apr 1995. (One Minehead claypits 1959 probably a stray passage bird; site now Butlins boating lake) |
Black-tailed Godwit | Limosa limosa | Spring or Autumn passage migrant. Less frequent than Bar-tailed Godwit. |
Black-throated Diver | Gavia arctica | Scarce winter visitor to coastal waters. 2 Wimbleball Feb.û1985. |
Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus | One record of single bird Porlock Marsh 1960. |
Blackbird | Turdus merula | Resident, nests. |
Blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla | Summer visitor with some over-wintering birds. Nests. |
Blue Tit | Parus caeruleus | Resident, abundant and widespread. Nests, frequently in nest boxes. |
Blue-headed Wagtail | Motacilla flava flava | Passage visitor, Recent records only from Porlock Marsh. Bred at Porlock Marsh 1951 and 1965. |
Blue-winged Teal | Anas discors | Vagrant. North American. 1 Porlock Marsh 1981. |
Brambling | Fringilla montifringilla | Winter visitor. Exceptional flocks of up to 600 have been seen c.Simonsbath but usually just a few in mixed flocks with chaffinches. Visits gardens. One summer report of a singing male at Culbone Woods 1956. |
Brent Goose | Branta bernicla | Scarce winter visitor, usually dark bellied race but pale bellied forms occur very occasionally. |
Bullfinch | Pyrrhula pyrrhula | Resident |
Buzzard | Buteo buteo | Resident, widespread and common. Nests. Although commonûagain now, numbers became very low during myxamatosis epidemic in rabbits, their staple diet. |
Canada Goose | Branta canadensis | Resident. Breeds Wimbleball and Minehead. Up to 400 in winter. Cackling Goose: single birds, probably escapes, occasionally with main flocks. |
Carolina Wood Duck | Aix sponsa | One on Dunster Hawn 1987 for several months. One on R. Exe Brushford 1988. Possible female + 4 young R. Barle Castle Bridge 1988. Exotics. |
Carrion Crow | Corvus corone corone | Resident. Nests. |
Caspian Gull | Laurus argentatus cachinnans | Rare. |
Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis L. | Rare. Accidental (2006) |
Cetti's Warbler | Cettia cetti | Very scarce but probably now resident and breeding |
Chaffinch | Fringilla coelebs | Resident and winter visitor. Nests. |
Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita | Summer visitor. Occasionally winters. Nests. |
Chough | Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax | Bred occasionally on Exmoor cliffs until 1910. Since then just a few sightings, usually single birds offshore but 3 inland 1991. |
Cirl Bunting | Emberiza cirlus | Previously a rare resident which bred Porlock Vale, Minehead and Combe Martin. May now be extinct on Exmoor. |
Coal Tit | Parus ater | Resident. Nests. |
Collared Dove | Streptopelia decaocto | Was breeding in Minehead by 1963 (D. Ballance). Now resident and common in towns and villages. Nests. Winter flocks of up to 50 have been seen. |
Commic Tern | Sterna hirundo/paradisea | Due to difficulties in identification Common and Arctic Terns are often dealt with together under this name. Frequent on Autumn passage. |
Common Gull | Larus canus | Passage and winter visitor to coasts and inland. |
Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos | Regular spring/autumn passage visitor. Sometimes winters. |
Common Scoter | Melanitta nigra | Passage and winter visitor to coastal waters. Recorded at Wimbleball 1983. Coastal numbers usually less than 10 although 30+ at Dunster Beach Aug. 1987. |
Common Tern | Sterna hirundo | Regular spring and autumn passage visitor. |
Coot | Fulica atra | Nests. Resident and winter visitor. Main winter refuge is Wimbleball lake. |
Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo | Nests. Resident and winter visiters. On coast and inland on reservoirs. Birds shot at Wimbleball included ringed ones from Solway Firth, the Dyfed Coast and Ulster. |
Corn Bunting | Miliaria calandra | Used to be recorded on the Brendons and around Minehead, but the only record for many years is of a juvenile on Minehead Golf Links, Sept. 1989. Vagrant. |
Corncrake | Crex crex | Rare passage visitor. One found dead at Porlock Oct 1982. |
Cory's Shearwater | Calonectris diomedea | Rare vagrant. Off-shore records 1986 4 off Lynmouth, 1987 and 1994. |
Crane | Grus grus | One shot at Watchet 1897; One Allerford 2002. |
Cream-coloured Courser | Cursorius cursor | A single record of one Minehead Golf Links, 1941. This was the first Somerset Record. |
Crossbill | Loxia curvirostra | Irregular visitor to conifer woods, probably now resident. Breeds occasionally. |
Cuckoo | Cuculus canorus | Earliest date 15th March, Porlock 1938 (D.Ballance). Usually arrived mid April. Fairly common summer visitor with Meadow Pipit being the commonest host on the moors, also tree pipit. May have declined in recent years. |
Curlew | Numenius arquata | Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002: territories at Goosemoor Common, Exford Common, Wilmersham Common and one in N.D. Resident, passage and winter visitor. Up to 260 on beaches. |
Curlew Sandpiper | Calidris ferruginea | Rare passage visitor to coast. |
Dark-bellied Brent Goose | Branta bernicla bernicla | The commoner of the two races. |
Dartford Warbler | Sylvia undata | In excess of 70 pairs/territories in 2002. A rare visitor to Exmoor to 1995 when it bred for first time. |
Dipper | Cinclus cinclus | About 75 pairs estimated to be on Exmoor (1994). Resident of fast flowing streams and rivers. Nests. |
Dotterel | Charadrius morinellus | Passage visitor, usually seen on the moors. |
Dunlin | Calidris alpina | Regular winter and passage visitor to the coast. Rarely more than 200. |
Dunnock | Prunella modularis | Resident. Nests. |
Egyptian Goose | Alopochen aegyptiacus | Feral breeder at Wimbleball 1982-86. Commuted with Canadas between there and Dunster Marsh. |
Eider | Somateria mollissima | Rare winter visitor to coastal waters. |
Emperor Goose | Anser canagicus | Up to 5 seen with Canada Geese Dunster Marsh/Wimbleball 1987 - Exotics. |
Feral Pigeon | Columba livia (feral) | Fairly common. Nests. |
Ferruginous Duck | Aythya nyroca | Rare Vagrant (2009), (2012) both Wimbleball. |
Two published records, neither wholly satisfactory. One, Pinkworthy Pond 1943 has generally been accepted. Other Quantocks area. | ||
Fieldfare | Turdus pilaris | Winter visitor. |
Firecrest | Regulus ignicapillus | Winter visitor, usually recorded near the coast. |
Fulmar | Fulmarus glacialis | Mainly spring/summer visitor. First bred Devon Exmoor 1958; and Somerset Exmoor 1981 when N.V. Allen recorded 2 pairs at Glenthorne. c400 nesting pairs between Lynmouth and Heddons Mouth in 1994. Also occur off coast out of breeding season following gales. |
Gadwall | Anas strepera | Scarce winter visitor, Wimbleball/Dunster Beach. |
Gannet | Sula bassana | Regularly seen offshore Apr - Sept. Outside this usually storm blown birds. Nearest gannetry S.W.Wales. Commoner some years presumably related to fish stocks, esp. mackerel. |
Garden Warbler | Sylvia borin | 1987 was a particularly good year for this sp. on Exmoor. Summer visitor, open woodland, thickets. |
Garganey | Anas querquedula | Vagrant. An unusual Spring passage migrant which has nested in N. Somerset and S. Devon but not Exmoor. Pair Minehead Marsh 1996. |
Glaucous Gull | Larus hyperboreus | A small number of records of this vagrant gull. |
Goldcrest | Regulus regulus | Resident. Nests. Favours conifer plantations. Hard hit in severe winters. |
Golden Eagle | Aquila chrysaetos | Although not accepted as having ever been recorded on Exmoor, there are one or two early reports c1905 of birds having been seen. |
Golden Oriole | Oriolus oriolus | Spring and summer passage visitor. |
Golden Pheasant | Chrysolophus pictus | One nr Lynton 1942 (present some years); one adult male in Allerford Plantation Nov. 2001. |
Golden Plover | Pluvialis apricaria | Winter, spring and autumn passage visitor. Flocks of 3-4 hundred may occur but much declined from the thousands which occurred at one time (e.g.6000 Minehead 1967). Probably bred on Exmoor in 1910 but not proven. |
Goldeneye | Bucephala clangula | Regular winter visitor to Wimbleball; occasional elsewhere. |
Goldfinch | Carduelis carduelis | Resident. Nests. Winter flocks of c50 occasionally seen. |
Goosander | Mergus merganser | Rare resident. First bred Exmoor 1993. Regular winter visitor to Wimbleball, occasionally to Nutscale and the coast. |
Goshawk | Accipiter gentilis | Rare resident. A few breeding season records since 1990. |
Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella naevia | Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002 located 52 territories; ENHS records suggest a further ten males may have been present. This was an exceptionally good year. Summer visitor. Nests. |
Great Black-backed Gull | Larus marinus | Nests. Resident and winter visitor. A few cliff-nesting pairs. |
Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus | A winter visitor but more or less resident at Wimbleball Lake where it has bred since 1982. Otherwise most records are coastal. |
Great Grey Shrike | Lanius excubitor | Irregular autumn and winter visitor, usually to moorland areas. |
Great Northern Diver | Gavia immer | Offshore winter visitor |
Great Shearwater | Puffinus gravis | Rare vagrant. 2 off Lynmouth Aug 1986. Only record to date. |
Great Skua | Stercorarius skua | Autumn passage visitor. A few off-shore most years. |
Great Snipe | Gallinago media | An old and unauthenticated record of one shot at Warren ridge in 1903. 4 shot nr Parracombe 1868 during an influx to the SW. A couple of other unauthenticated records. |
Great Spotted Woodpecker | Dendrocopos major | Nests. Resident. Breeds in all suitable woods. Visits garden peanut holders. |
Great Tit | Parus major | Resident. Nests, occasionally in nest boxes. |
Great White Egret | Egretta alba | One, Wimbleball Lake 7 - 12 Oct 2002. Record accepted by British Birds Rarities Committee. New Exmoor Record. |
Greater Flamingo | Phoenicopterus ruber | Exotic. One flying west off Dunster Beach Sept 1969. |
Green Sandpiper | Tringa ochropus | Regular, mainly autumn passage visitor to reservoirs and marshes. |
Green Woodpecker | Picus viridis | Resident. Nests. Visits lawns. |
Green-winged Teal | Anas crecca carolinensis | Porlock Marsh Dec. 1998. Oct. 1951. Vagrant. |
Greenfinch | Carduelis chloris | Resident. Nests. Scarce on high moor but autum and winter flocks on stubble of c200 may be seen. |
Greenland Wheatear | Oenanthe oenanthe leucorrhoa | Small numbers of this larger race of wheatear are seen on passage most years. |
Greenland White-fronted Goose | Anser albifrons flavirostris | Single birds, Minehead Marsh Dec. 1952 & Mar 1995. |
Greenshank | Tringa nebularia | Scarce but regular spring and autumn passage migrant. |
Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea | About 25 breeding pairs at 5 heronries. Regularly seen along rivers and on coast at Dunster. |
Grey Partridge | Perdix perdix | Resident, scarce. Some records may refer to hand-reared birds. Nests. |
Grey Phalarope | Phalaropus fulicarius | Passage visitor to the coast. Occasionally storm blown. |
Grey Plover | Pluvialis squatarola | Winter visitor. Small numbers Minehead and Dunster Beach. |
Grey Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea | Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002 est. 65 pairs. + (ENHS) c 30 other pairs at other sites. Resident and fairly common on streams and rivers. Nests. |
Greylag Goose | Anser anser | Rare winter visitor. There is always doubt as to whether the birds are genuine wild birds or if from feral population on Chilton Moor. However timing (all in winter) suggests they could be genuine wild. |
Guillemot | Uria aalge | About 500 nesting pairs Lynmouth to Heddons Mouth in 1994. Not uncommon passage and winter visitor off-shore. |
Gull-billed Tern | Gelochelidon nilotica | The only Somerset record (to 2002) is a first winter bird at Dunster Beach Oct 1997. Vagrant. |
Gyrfalcon | Falco rusticolus | Vagrant. One Foreland Point 1972. Greenland race. |
Hawfinch | Coccothraustes coccothraustes | Very rare visitor to Exmoor. Onetime nested at Selworthy. |
Hen Harrier | Circus cyaneus | Scarce but regular winter visitor to moorland areas. |
Herring Gull | Larus argentatus | Nests. Resident. Notable decline in breeding population since early 1980s. |
Hobby | Falco subbuteo | Scarce summer visitor, may breed occasionally. |
Honey Buzzard | Pernis apivorus | Vagrant. Single birds 1990, 1994, 1995. Probably a regular if scarce summer visitor to the older wooded areas in the early part of the last century. |
Hooded crow | Corvus corone cornix | Vagrant. Single birds recorded a few times since 1970. |
Hoopoe | Upupa epops | Passage visitor, usually in spring. 14 records between 1956 and 1994. |
House Martin | Delichon urbica | Summer visitor and passage migrant. Nests. |
House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | Resident. Nests around human habitations. Flocks in autumn/winter. Numbers may have decreased. |
Ibis, Glossy | Pledadis falcinellis | 1 Porlock Marsh 2022. Escape or Exotic. |
Ibis, Sacred | Threskiornis aethiopicus | 1 Dunster Beach/Minehead Marsh 1995. Escape or Exotic |
Iceland Gull | Larus glaucoides | Only a handful of records mainly in winter. Vagrant. |
Icterine Warbler | Hippolais icterina | Vagrant. Two records to 1994 (Heddon Valley 1972 and Withypool 1975). |
Isabelline Shrike | Lanius isabellinus | First Somerset record of this Asian species Minehead 1989. Attracted many visitors! Vagrant. |
Jack Snipe | Lymnocryptes minimus | Winter visitor to freshwater marshes, lakes and pools. |
Jackdaw | Corvus monedula | Resident. Nests on coastal cliffs, buildings, quarries and trees. Large flocks may be seen. |
Jay | Garrulus glandarius | Common resident of wooded areas. Nests. Occasional large influxes from the continent such as 1983 when acorn crop failed in Europe due to knopper gall. |
Kentish Plover | Charadrius alexandrinus | Porlock Marsh 1956. Minehead 1968. |
Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus | Resident and common. Nests. |
Kingfisher | Alcedo atthis | Resident. Breeds on a few rivers. Frequent sightings by coast and reservoirs in winter. |
Kittiwake | Rissa tridactyla | First Exmoor breeding record was 6 pairs Woody Bay cliffs in 1972. Increased up to 1984 with c200 pairs. Since then they have declined and no breeding records in 2002 but non breeding birds are still around. |
Knot | Calidris canutus | Autumn passage visitor to beaches. |
Kumlien's Gull | Laurus glaucoides kumlieni | Rare accidental. |
Lapland Bunting | Calcarius lapponicus | Passage visitor, usually to the coast. |
Lapwing | Vanellus vanellus | Resident, nests, winter and passage visitor. Flocks up to 200 on lowland fields and a few pairs breed. |
Laughing Gull | Larus atricilla | Vagrant. Recorded Bossington Beach Sep. 1980. |
Leach's Petrel | Oceanodroma leucorhoa | Rare storm vagrant. 1 Porlock Bay May 1928. Only 2 records in Porlock Bay 1967 - 1994. |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | Larus fuscus | Passage and winter visitor. Has bred on Devon cliffs. |
Lesser Grey Shrike | Lanius minor | One record of one nr Exford on 8.4.1967. |
Lesser Scaup | Aythya affinis (Eyton) | Rare (2011), Wimbleball. |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | Dendrocopos minor | Resident. Nests in the larger deciduous woods. |
Lesser Whitethroat | Sylvia curruca | Scarce summer visitor. Has bred in Porlock Vale but no recent breeding records. Singing males heard. |
Linnet | Carduelis cannabina | Resident. Usually near the coast. Nests. Winter flocks of up to 50 frequent but sometimes several hundred. |
Little Auk | Alle alle | Rare storm vagrant. |
Little Bunting | Emberiza pusilla | Bossington Beach Nov. 1997 Porlock Marsh 2001. Passage migrant. |
Little Egret | Egretta garzetta | First noted by A.E.Coles on 12.5.79 on Porlock Marsh where it remained until 14th when it was observed from 6 - 8pm by Noel Allen. It walked across pool but only once seen to swallow something. It is now regularly seen in the area. |
Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis | Winter visitor to reservoirs, coast and ponds. Has bred in the past and one bred Wimbleball Lake, 1999. |
Little Gull | Larus minutus | Rare passage visitor, recorded most years. but probably under recorded. |
Little Owl | Athene noctua | Following the introduction of this species into the Midlands, it reached Dunster in 1914 and Dulverton in 1917. Now very scarce. Has nested. |
Little Ringed Plover | Charadrius dubius | Rare passage visitor. Coast and Wimbleball. |
Little Stint | Calidris minuta | Autumn passage visitor |
Little Tern | Sterna albifrons | A few turn up most years on autumn passage. |
Long-billed Dowitcher | Limnodromus scolopaceus | Vagrant. One record, Porlock Marsh 1973. |
Long-eared Owl | Asio otus | Vagrant. Has bred in the past and in 1996. |
Long-tailed Duck | Clangula hyemalis | Vagrant. One Nutscale March 1995. |
Long-tailed Skua | Stercorarius longicaudus | Vagrant. Recorded autumn 1991, 1993, 1994. Minehead 2020. |
Long-tailed Tit | Aegithalos caudatus | Resident. Visits gardens. Nests. |
Magpie | Pica pica | Resident. Common. Numbers increased in some areas such as Minehead 1950s on but seem to have peaked. Some culling takes place, usually by individuals. There is controversy over the toll they take on small birds. |
Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos | Resident and winter visitor. Nests. Widespread. |
Mallard hybrid | Anas platyrhynchos x | Many between Minehead and Dunster Beach in 1980s and 1990s originating from crosses with ducks at Butlins Holiday Camp. Most have now been eliminated. |
Mandarin | Aix galericulata | Vagrant or feral resident. Origin on Exmoor uncertain. |
Manx Shearwater | Puffinus puffinus | Passage visitor. Feeding parties in coastal waters, spring to autumn. Breeds in Wales. 1225 counted flying up channel off Porlock Bay 1988. P.yelkouan mauretanicus MEDITERRANEAN SHEARWATER. Vagrant. Race of Manx S. breeding in Mediterranean and recently split from P. puffinus. One off Minehead 1994 and 1996. Later works record this as BALEARIC SHEARWATER P. mauretanicus. V.Rare passage migrant. |
Marsh Harrier | Circus aeruginosus | Rare passage migrant usually to coastal areas. |
Marsh Tit | Parus palustris | Resident. Nests. |
Marsh Warbler | Acrocephalus palustris | Pair Minehead Claypits (now Butlins lake) summer 1929. One or 2 pairs bred there 1947-1961. |
Meadow Pipit | Anthus pratensis | Exmoor Moorland Survey 2002. Population estimate of 2640 pairs, the most common & widespread species on the moor. Common resident, passage, and winter visitor. Nests. Chief host of cuckoo. |
Mediterranean Gull | Larus melanocephalus | Passage and winter visitor now recorded annually. First Somerset record was December 1956 at Dunster Beach. |
Merlin | Falco columbarius | Resident but scarce with only a few breeding pairs. |
Mistle Thrush | Turdus viscivorus | Resident. nests. |
Montagu's Harrier | Circus pygargus | Rare passage migrant. There are 4 breeding records for Exmoor, all before 1920. |
Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus | Nests. Resident and local around reservoirs and ponds. |
Mute Swan | Cygnus olor | Resident. Minehead/Dunster Marshes where it breeds and has bred at Porlock Marsh. Cases of cygnets not reaching maturity for various causes. Very rare at Wimbleball. |
Nightingale | Luscinia megarhynchos | Passage visitor. Nests on outskirts of ENP. Bred at Bossington up to c1940. |
Nightjar | Caprimulgus europaeus | Survey by D.K.Ballance 2002 located c52 churring males. Breeds at about five main sites. Summer visitor. |
Night Heron | Nycticorax nicticorax (L.) | Rare Accidental (2007), Adult Duster Beach |
North Scandinavian race Lesser Black-Backed Gull | Larus fuscus fuscus | Vagrant. An old record of c30 off Glenthorne 1950s otherwise very rare. |
Nutcracker | Nucifraga caryocatactes | Vagrant. One West Luccombe 1985 and about 3 previous records. |
Nuthatch | Sitta europaea | Resident in deciduous woodland. Nests, occasionally in nest boxes. |
Osprey | Pandion haliaetus | Irregular spring and autumn passage visitor. |
Oystercatcher | Haematopus ostralegus | Nests. Resident and winter visitor. Breeds Devon Exmoor. |
Pale-bellied Brent Goose | Branta bernicla hrota | Less common than the Dark-bellied race. |
Pectoral Sandpiper | Calidris melanotos | Vagrant. A handful of records from the coast. |
Peregrine | Falco peregrinus | Resident. Nests. Locally frequent on the coast, also hunts inland. |
Pheasant | Phasianus colchicus | Resident and common. Nests. Thousands bred each year for the shoots. |
Pied Flycatcher | Ficedula hypoleuca | Summer visitor, locally common in mature oak woodland. ENHS nest box scheme aimed at Pied Flycatcher is usually successful. Nests. ENHS emblem. |
Pied Wagtail | Motacilla alba yarrellii | Resident, nests. |
Pink-footed Goose | Anser brachyrhyncus | Vagrant. One Wimbleball Dec. 1991. |
Pintail | Anas acuta | Rare winter visitor. |
Pochard | Aythya ferina | Winter visitor to Wimbleball, rarely the coast. |
Pomarine Skua | Stercorarius pomarinus | Autumn passage visitor. Exceptional: 33 off Dunster Beach 1985. |
Puffin | Fratercula arctica | Storm vagrant along the coast. |
Purple Sandpiper | Calidris maritima | Rare Winter visitor, mainly between Lynmouth and Heddons Mouth. One Dunster Beach 1994. |
Quail | Coturnix coturnix | Once bred widely, may nest occasionally. Now a scarce and irregular summer visitor. |
Raven | Corvus corax | Resident. Nests on coastal cliffs and moorland combes. Flocks of over 100 have been recorded. |
Razorbill | Alca torda | About 450 breeding pairs N.Devon cliffs. Passage and winter visitor off-shore. |
Red Grouse | Lagopus lagopus | Introduced on Exmoor in 1800s and established by 1900s. In 1976 about 40 prs. bred in area from Robin How to Black Barrow but decreased drastically and thought extinct in 2002. However 2 or 3 reports in 2003 were received and they may have been bred again by one of the shoots. |
Red Kite | Milvus milvus | Most frequent as a spring passage visitor. One or two over Exmoor most years. One in Timberscombe area 1989/90 was wing tagged and was a released bird part of a NCC/RSPB project. |
Red-backed Shrike | Lanius collurio | Passage visitor. |
Red-breasted Merganser | Mergus serrator | Winter visitor mainly to the coast. |
Red-crested Pochard | Netta rufina | A record of 5 at Nutscale, Nov. 1995 was not confirmed and is considered incorrect. |
Red-legged Partridge | Alectoris rufa | Nests. Resident, locally common, usually reared and released. |
Red-necked Grebe | Podiceps grisegena | Very rare winter visitor. One Porlock Marsh 1956 and one Wimbleball 1993 & 1996. |
Red-necked Phalarope | Phalaropus lobatus | Vagrant. One Porlock Marsh 1970. and 3 previous records here. One Holnicote October 2020 |
Red-rumped Swallow | Hirundo daurica | Vagrant. One record of a single bird at Porlock, Oct 1987 at the time when there was an influx into Britain. |
Red-throated Diver | Gavia stellata | Winter and passage visitor to Exmoor coast; occasional Wimbleball Lake. |
Red-throated Pipit | Anthus cervinus | A bird in summer plumage at Dunster Beach 1996. This was 3rd Somerset record. |
Redpoll | Carduelis flammea | Resident. Nests. Now breeds annually but numbers fluctuate. Winter parties on lower moorland. |
Redshank | Tringa totanus | Resident and winter visitor. Breeds Porlock Marsh but numbers decreased. |
Redstart | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002 est 131 pairs. Regular summer visitor and passage migrant. Nests. |
Redwing | Turdus iliacus | Regular winter visitor. |
Reed Bunting | Emberiza schoeniclus | Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002 est. 165 pairs. ENHS recorded about another 10 pairs elsewhere. Resident, nests. ENHS Survey in yr 2000. Nests in coastal marsh and moorland combes. |
Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Regular summer visitor to Porlock and Dunster Marshes. Nests. |
Richard's Pipit | Anthus novaeseelandiae | Vagrant. 3 records of single birds 1977, 1980, 1991. |
Ring Ouzel | Turdus torquatus | Summer visitor to moorland combes, formerly nested but no breeding records found in survey in 2003 and may now only occur on passage. |
Ring-billed Gull | Larus delawarensis | Vagrant. |
Ring-necked Duck | Aythya collaris | Vagrant. Wintering males have been seen infrequently at Wimbleball. |
Ring-necked Parakeet | Psittacula krameri | One presumed this species, Dunkery area 1985 (possible escape). Another Dunster Beach 1989 and 1990 all considered escapes rather than feral birds. |
Ringed Plover | Charadrius hiaticula | Resident. Passage and winter visitor. Bred Dunster Beach 1993. |
Robin | Erithacus rubecula | Resident. Nests. |
Rock Dove | Columba livia | Wild form unlikely to have occurred. |
Rock Pipit | Anthus petrosus | Resident. Nests rocky shores. |
Rook | Corvus frugilegus | Resident. Most rookeries used to occupy high elms until these trees were lost to dutch elm disease in 1970s, they now occupy any tall trees mostly near habitation. Highest rookery is at Simonsbath at 400m. |
Rose-coloured Starling | Sturnus roseus | Vagrant. Only 4 Exmoor sightings 1945 - 1994. |
Roseate Tern | Sterna dougallii | Autumn passage visitor. Only records to date were 3 Minehead Beach in Aug 1971. |
Rough-legged Buzzard | Buteo lagopus | Vagrant. Recorded winters of 1973, 74 and 87. |
Ruddy Duck | Oxyura jamaicensis | Winter visitor to Wimbleball. First recorded 1985. |
Ruddy Shelduck | Tadorna ferruginea | Vagrant. Two old records from Porlock Marsh - 2 1915 and 1 1928. |
Ruff | Philomachus pugnax | Scarce spring and autumn passage visitor to coast and Wimbleball. 15 Porlock Marsh 1987 was an exception. |
Sabine's Gull | Larus sabini | Vagrant. Occasionally recorded on the coast after gales. |
Sand Martin | Riparia riparia | Summer and passage visitor. Scarce as a breeding bird but nests in one or two places. Earliest ENHS record 2nd March. |
Sanderling | Calidris alba | REgular passage/winter visitor along coast. |
Sandwich Tern | Sterna sandvicensis | Small numbers on spring/autumn passage most years on coast. |
Scandinavian Rock Pipit | Anthus petrosus littoralis | Possibly one Porlock Marsh, 1996. |
Scaup | Aythya marila | Scarce winter visitor to Wimbleball, occasionally on the coast. |
Scaup X Tufted Duck Hybrid | Aythya marila x fuligula | Hybrid ducks at Wimbleball may have included this. |
Sedge Warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Summer visitor to the coastal marshes, rare elsewhere. Nests. |
Shag | Phalacrocorax aristotelis | Has bred between Lynmouth and Heddons Mouth. Resident. Much rarer than cormorant. |
Shelduck | Tadorna tadorna | Resident winter visitor. Breeds but much fewer than in early 1900s. Numbers build up along the coast in winter. |
Shore Lark | Eremophila alpestris | Winter visitor to coastal beaches. Only a handful of records. |
Short-eared Owl | Asio flammeus | Winter visitor occurring annually, usually on moorland. |
Shoveler | Anas clypeata | Regular winter visitor to coast and Wimbleball. |
Siskin | Carduelis spinus | Resident and winter visitor. First nested in conifers near Luccombe in 1979. |
Skylark | Alauda arvensis | Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002 recorded a population of 1290 pairs Somerset/Devon. Resident and common passage and winter visitor. Nests. Large flocks of several hundred may be seen in winter on lowland fields. |
Slavonian Grebe | Podiceps auritus | Very rare winter visitor. One Minehead Clay Pits Jan 1960 (This site is now Butlins boating lake); one Dunster Hawn Oct 1972. |
Smew | Mergus albellus | Winter visitor. Single birds Wimbleball 1984, 86 & 87. |
Snipe | Gallinago gallinago | Moorland Bird Survey estimate 9 territories on Exmoor inc. 3 in N. Devon. Resident, winter visitor. Breeds moorland bogs. In the past up to 250 on Minehead Marsh but not since Butlins. |
Snow Bunting | Plectrophenax nivalis | Scarce passage/winter visitor to the coast, occasionally on the moors. |
Snow Goose | Anser caerulescens | One regularly seen Dunster Marsh and Wimbleball 1989 with Canada Geese - Exotic. |
Snowy Owl | Nyctea scandiaca | Vagrant. No current records although one 1972 at North Molton was close. Previous record nr Simonsbath 1945 and 3 earlier records. |
Song Thrush | Turdus philomelos | Resident, nests. Also autumn and winter visitor. |
Sooty Shearwater | Puffinus griseus | Rare offshore passage migrant. 7 off Minehead 1979. |
Sparrowhawk | Accipiter nisus | Resident and fairly common. Nests. |
Spoonbill | Platalea leucorodia | Vagrant. One Porlock Marsh 1994, 1998 and 1999. |
Spotted Crake | Porzana porzana | Vagrant. Only recorded 3 times up to 1994, each time from Porlock Marsh in 1958, 1959 & 1971. |
Spotted Sandpiper | Actitis macularia (L.) | Rare (2010), Dunster Beach |
Spotted Flycatcher | Muscicapa striata | Summer visitor. Nests usually around buildings. Numbers fluctuate from year to year. |
Spotted Redshank | Tringa erythropus | Autumn passage visitor. |
Starling | Sturnus vulgaris | Resident. Passage and an abundant winter visitor also. Nests. |
Stock Dove | Columba oenas | Resident and fairly common. Nests. |
Stone-curlew | Burhinus oedicnemus | No records for many years. Single birds at Minehead 1912 and Great Hangman 1944. |
Stonechat | Saxicola torquata | Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002 est 468 pairs, an increase on previous 1992/3 survey. Resident, nests. Gorse and heather on moorland. |
Storm Petrel | Hydrobates pelagicus | Vagrant. Coastal waters summer/autumn. Some probably go unrecorded in Porlock Bay. |
Surf Scoter | Melanitta perspicillata | Rare accidental. |
Swallow | Hirundo rustica | Summer visitor and passage migrant. Nests. Earliest (exceptional) record 3 19.1.1975, Selworthy. |
Swift | Apus apus | Summer visitor. Nests. Exceptionally late sighting 1 Porlock Marsh 29.11.95. Breeds in old buildings and church towers. Feeding flocks occur over the moor. |
Tawny Owl | Strix aluco | Resident. Widespread in woods and farmland. Nests. |
Tawny Pipit | Anthus campestris | This species joined the Exmoor list on 4.8.1993 with a moulting juvenile at Dunster Beach. |
Teal | Anas crecca | Regular winter visitor, coastal marshes and Wimbleball. Has bred in the past (1945) Over 600 at Porlock Marsh very unusual. |
Temminck's Stint | Calidris temminckii | Vagrant. One Porlock Marsh 1972. |
Terek Sandpiper | Xenus cinereus | Vagrant. One Porlock Marsh May 1987. |
Tree Pipit | Anthus trivialis | Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002 est. 129 pairs. Summer visitor in scattered trees along hillsides and woodland fringes. Nests. |
Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | Visitor. Used to breed at Monksilver until 1920s. Now rarely reported. |
Treecreeper | Certhia familiaris | Resident, woodland and parkland. Nests. Numbers may fluctuate in hard winters. |
Tufted Duck | Aythya fuligula | Winter visitor and scarce resident. Bred Wimbleball 1989. |
Turnstone | Arenaria interpres | Common passage and winter visitor, recorded most months. |
Turtle Dove | Streptopelia turtur | Summer visitor, recorded most years. Nests. |
Twite | Carduelis flavirostris | Winter visitor. Just a few sightings of one or two birds in recent years but small flocks (10-20) recorded 1975 and 1986. |
Two-Barred Crossbill | Loxia leucoptera | Rare visitor. |
Velvet Scoter | Melanitta fusca | Vagrant. Male Dunster Beach Dec. 1985; 2 Minehead Nov. 1994 and 2017. |
Water Pipit | Anthus spinoletta | Very rare passage and winter visitor. One Porlock Marsh Jan 1988. One Bossington 2020. |
Water Rail | Rallus aquaticus | Regular but scarce winter visitor to marshy habitats on coast and inland. |
Waxwing | Bombycilla garrulus | Irregular winter visitor. |
Wheatear | Oenanthe oenanthe | Earliest date 24 Feb. 1998, Porlock Marsh Average 10th March. (D. Ballance). Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002 found 57 pairs. Summer visitor and passage migrant. Stony outcrops, walls, coast and moors. Nests. |
Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus | Regular spring and autumn visitor to coast and Wimbleball. |
Whinchat | Saxicola rubetra | Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002 est 292 pairs; a decline of nearly a third of the previous RSPB survey in 1992/3. However, a personal survey by DKB located 363 pairs although some variation in areas. Summer visitor common in moorland combes but may have decreased (2003) |
White Pelican | Pelecanus onocrotalus | |
White Stork | Ciconia ciconia | Rare. Accidental (2004) and 2017. |
A single record of one roosting on the church at Withiel Florey in June 1971 may refer to an escaped bird, and not to a genuine vagrant. | ||
White Wagtail | Motacilla alba alba | Spring and autumn passage visitor along the coast. |
White-fronted Goose | Anser albifrons | Irregular winter visitor to Minehead and Porlock Marshes and Wimbleball. Greenland race not recently recorded; one Minehead 1952. |
White-rumped Sandpiper | Calidris fuscicollis | Rare visitor, one Dunster Beach 1995. |
White-tailed Eagle | Haliaeetus albicilla | There are only four old records from the period between 1811 and 1912. The only certain one being shot in Badgworthy Deer Park "some years before 1874. It was mounted with a Black Grouse which it had killed, for the landowner Nicholas Snow, and was long preserved at Oare Village Hall (Malmsmead Field Centre) but is now in Lynton Museum. However, recent introductions on the IOW have led to wandering birds being seen again over Exmoor and there and currently (2024) talks of posible introductions here |
White-winged Black Tern | Chlidonias leucopterus | Vagrant. Only record to date Porlock Marsh 1986. |
Whitethroat | Sylvia communis | Nests. Summer visitor. |
Whooper Swan | Cygnus cygnus | Rare winter visitor to the coast. |
Wigeon | Anas penelope | Winter visitor. Common on the coastal marshes and at Wimbleball. As many as 1000 have been seen. The most common wintering duck along the coast. |
Willow Tit | Parus montanus | Resident and local, nests in damp woodlands. |
Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus | Summer visitor. The commonest warbler. Nests. |
Wilson's Phalarope | Phalaropus tricolor | Vagrant. Female Porlock Marsh 1995. |
Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola | Scarce autumn passage visitor. |
Wood Warbler | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | Summer visitor of mature deciduous (mainly oak) woodlands). Nests. ENHS survey in 2003. |
Woodchat Shrike | Lanius senator | One record near Bossington May 1926. One Exford 1989. |
Woodcock | Scolopax rusticola | Regular autumn/winter visitor. Nested 1981. |
Woodlark | Lullula arborea | Irregular visitor. Nested around Porlock to Dunster until 1946. Hard winters in 1946 and 1962 appeared to wipe out local population. Since then only scattered records mainly of winter birds. |
Woodpigeon | Columba palumbus | Resident. Also a passage and winter visitor. Large flocks often seen in winter. |
Wren | Troglodytes troglodytes | Resident. Nests. |
Wryneck | Jynx torquilla | Autumn passage migrant. Three reports 1975 to 1994. One 2020. |
Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava | Spring/autumn passage visitor mainly on the coast. |
Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava flavissima | Spring/autumnh passage visitor mainly on the coast. (See under M. flava for records) |
Yellow-browed Warbler | Phylloscopus inornatus | Vagrant. 3 records; spring 1970 and 1990; autumn 1993. |
Yellow-legged Gull | Laurus cachinnans | Wimbleball 1997. Vagrant. |
Yellowhammer | Emberiza citrinella | Exmoor Moorland Bird Survey 2002 est. 73 pairs. ENHS survey in yr 2000. Resident. Nests. |
Updated to May, 2020. |
Bugs List: Updated to September 2020 to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No. 46 Pt 2.
Introduction: Hemiptera covers: Bugs which include Shieldbugs, Water Boatmen, Leafhoppers, Plant Lice, Aphids and several other groups.. These have been arranged in one section, alphabetically by their Scientific Names. Common Names are also given where appropriate.Scientific Name | Common Name | Notes. | |
Acalypta brunnea | a lacebug | In moss | |
Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale | Hawthorn Shieldbug | On hawthorn | |
Acetropis gimmerthali | a plantbug or grassbug | On grasses | |
Adarrus ocellaris | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Adelges abietis | An aphid | Galls on Spruce fir. | |
Adelphocoris lineolatus | a plantbug or grassbug | On grassland herbs. | |
Aelia acuminata | a shield bug | On grasses. | |
Agallia consobrina | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Aguriahana stellulata | a leafhopper | Deciduous trees | |
Alebra albostriella | a leafhopper | Oak | |
Alebra wahlbergi | a leafhopper | Oak & elm | |
Aleyrodes proletella | Cabbage Whitefly | Locally common on Brassicas. | |
Allygus mixtus | a leafhopper | Deciduous trees | |
Allygus modestus | a leafhopper | Deciduous trees | |
Alnetoidea alneti | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees | |
Alydus calcaratus | an ant bug | Heathland herbs. | |
Amblytylus nasutus | a plantbug or grassbug | On grassland herbs | |
Anaptus major | a damsel bug | Predator in grasslands | |
Anthocoris confusus | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on trees & shrubs | |
Anthocoris nemoralis | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on trees & shrubs | |
Anthocoris nemorum | Common Flower Bug | Predator | |
Anthocoris simulans | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on ash or elm | |
Aphis fabae | an aphid | Highly polyphagous | |
Aphrodes albifrons | a leafhopper | On grasses | |
Aphrodes bicinctus | a leafhopper | ||
Aphrodes makarovi | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Aphrophora alni | a froghopper | Deciduous trees. | |
Aptus mirmicoides | a damsel bug | Predator in grasslands | |
Aquarius najas | a pondskater | Predator on water surface, mainly on river. | |
Arocephalus punctum | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Arthaldeus pascuellus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Arthaldeus striifrons | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Asciodema obsoletum | a plantbug or grassbug | On gorse | |
Asiraca clavicornis | a planthopper | On grasses | |
Atractotomus magnicornis | a plantbug or grassbug | On spruce | |
Balclutha punctata | a leafhopper | Grasses, herbs & shrubs | |
Berytinus minor | a stiltbug | ||
Berytinus montivagus | a stiltbug | On legumes | |
Blepharidopterus angulatus | Black-kneed Apple Capsid | On deciduous trees. | |
Bryocoris pteridis | a plantbug or grassbug | On ferns | |
Calocoris norvegicus | a plantbug or grassbug | On grassland herbs. | |
Calocoris quadripunctatus | a plantbug or grassbug | On oaks | |
Calocoris stysi | a plantbug or grassbug | On woodland herbs | |
Campyloneura virgula | a plantbug or grassbug | Predator on deciduous trees. | |
Campylosteira verna | a lacebug | In moss | |
Capsus ater | a plantbug or grassbug | On grassland herbs. | |
Cardiastethus fasciiventris | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on trees. | |
Centrotus cornutus | Tree Hopper | Deciduous trees. | |
Cercopis vulnerata | a froghopper | In woodland | |
Chilacis typhae | a ground bug | On reedmace. | |
Chloriona unicolor | a planthopper | In reeds | |
Cicadella viridis | a leafhopper | Grasses & rushes | |
Cicadula aurantipes | a leafhopper | Grasses & sedges | |
Cicadula persimilis | a leafhopper | Grasses & sedges | |
Cixius cunicularius | a lacehopper | On grasses & herbs | |
Cixius nervosus | a lacehopper | On grasses and herbs. | |
Compsidolon salicellus | a plantbug or grassbug | On hazel and sallow. | |
Conomelus anceps | a planthopper | In rushes | |
Conosanus obsoletus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Coranus subapterus | an assassin bug | Predator in heaths. | |
Coreus marginatus | a squashbug | On docks (Rumex) | |
Coriomeris denticulatus | a squashbug | Grassland herbs. | |
Corixa punctata | Punctate Corixa | Omnivores in ponds, or slow moving water. | |
Corizus hyoscyami | a bug | On restharrow | |
Criomorphus albomarginatus | a planthopper | Grasses | |
Cryptomyzus ribis | an aphid | Galls on Currants. | |
Cyllecoris histrionicus | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak | |
Cymus claviculus | a stiltbug | On grassland herbs | |
Cymus melanocephalus | a stiltbug | In rushes | |
Deltocephalus pulicaris | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Deraeocoris lutescens | a plantbug or grassbug | On deciduous trees. | |
Deraeocoris ruber | a plantbug or grassbug | On grassland herbs. | |
Dicranotropis hamata | a planthopper | In grasses | |
Dictyonota strichnocera | a lacebug | On gorse | |
Dicyphus constrictus | a plantbug or grassbug | Polyphagous on herbs | |
Dicyphus epilobii | a plantbug or grassbug | On Epilobium hirsutum | |
Dicyphus errans | a plantbug or grassbug | Polyphagous on herbs. | |
Dicyphus globulifer | a plantbug or grassbug | On campions. | |
Dicyphus pallicornis | a plantbug or grassbug | On foxgloves. | |
Dicyphus stachydis | a plantbug or grassbug | On hedge woundwort. | |
Dikraneura variata | a leafhopper | Grasses & sedges | |
Diplocolenus abdominalis | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Ditropis pteridis | a planthopper | In ferns | |
Dolycoris baccarum | a shield bug | On deciduous trees. | |
Drymus brunneus | a ground bug | Grasslands. | |
Drymus ryei | a ground bug | Grasslands | |
Drymus sylvaticus | a ground bug | Grasslands | |
Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak | |
Dysaphis sorbi | an aphid | Galls on Rowan. | |
Edwardsiana avellanae | a leafhopper | On hazel | |
Edwardsiana bergmani | a leafhopper | On birch & alder | |
Edwardsiana crataegi | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees | |
Edwardsiana frustrator | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees | |
Edwardsiana geometrica | a leafhopper | On alder | |
Edwardsiana hippocastani | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees. | |
Edwardsiana plebeja | a leafhopper | On oak | |
Edwardsiana rosae | a leafhopper | On roses | |
Elasmostethus interstinctus | a shield bug | On birch. | |
Elasmostethus tristriatus | Juniper Shieldbug | Naturalised on garden cypress. | |
Elasmucha grisea | Parent Bug | On birch | |
Elymana sulphurella | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Emelyanoviana mollicula | a leafhopper | Grasses & herbs | |
Empicoris vagabundus | an assassin bug | Predator on trees & shrubs. | |
Empoasca vitis | a leafhopper | Highly polyphagous | |
Enoplops scapha | a squashbug | Grassland herbs. | |
Eriosoma lanigerum | An aphid | Galls on Apple. | |
Euceraphis punctipennis | An aphid | On birch. | |
Eupelix cuspidata | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Eupterycyba jucunda | a leafhopper | On alder | |
Eupteryx atropunctata | a leafhopper | Grassland herbs | |
Eupteryx aurata | a leafhopper | Grassland herbs | |
Eupteryx cyclops | a leafhopper | Grassland herbs | |
Eupteryx filicum | a leafhopper | On ferns | |
Eupteryx florida | a leafhopper | Grassland herbs | |
Eupteryx melissae | a leafhopper | On labiates. | |
Eupteryx notata | a leafhopper | On labiates | |
Eupteryx stachydearum | a leafhopper | On labiates | |
Eupteryx thoulessi | a leafhopper | On labiates | |
Eupteryx urticae | a leafhopper | On labiates | |
Eurhadina concinna | a leafhopper | ||
Eurhadina pulchella | a leafhopper | Oak | |
Euscelis incisus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Euscelis lineolatus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Evacanthus interruptus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Eysarcoris fabricii | a shield bug | ||
Fagocyba carri | a leafhopper | On oak | |
Fagocyba cruenta | a leafhopper | On oak | |
Forcipata forcipata | a leafhopper | Grasses & sedges | |
Gastrodes grossipes | a ground bug | On pines. | |
Gerris lacustris | Common Pondskater | Predator on water surface. | |
Harpocera thoracica | a plantbug or grassbug | On oaks | |
Hauptidia maroccana | a leafhopper | On foxgloves | |
Hayhurstia atriplicis | an aphid | Galls on Chenopodiaceae | |
Heterogaster urticae | Nettle Groundbug | On nettles. | |
Heterotoma meriopterum | a plantbug or grassbug | Grassland herbs. | |
Hydrometra stagnorum | a water-measurer | Predator on water surface | |
Hyledelphax elegantulus | a planthopper | In grasses | |
Iassus lanio | a leafhopper | Oaks | |
Idiocerus confusus | a leafhopper | Sallows | |
Idiocerus distinguendus | a leafhopper | On white poplar | |
Idiocerus fulgidus | a leafhopper | On black poplar | |
Idiocerus lituratus | a leafhopper | Sallows | |
Idiocerus similis | a leafhopper | Sallows | |
Idiocerus vitreus | a leafhopper | Poplars | |
Ilyocoris cimicoides | a saucer bug | Predator in ponds, or slow moving water. | |
Ischnocoris angustulus | a ground bug | Heaths | |
Issus coleoptratus | a beetle bug | On deciduous trees | |
Jassargus distinguendus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Jassargus flori | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Javesella discolor | a planthopper | In grasses | |
Javesella dubia | a planthopper | In grasses | |
Javesella forcipata | a planthopper | In grasses | |
Javesella obscurella | a planthopper | In grasses | |
Javesella pellucida | a planthopper | In grasses | |
Kelisia ribauti | a planthopper | ||
Kelisia sabulicola | a planthopper | Dune grasses | |
Kleidocerys resedae | a ground bug | On birch. | |
Kleidocerys truncatulus | a ground bug | On heaths. | |
Kybos betulicola | a leafhopper | Birch | |
Kybos populi | a leafhopper | Poplar | |
Kybos smaragdulus | a leafhopper | Sallow | |
Lamprotettix nitidulus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Legnotus limbosus | a shield bug | On various herbs. | |
Leptopterna dolabrata | a plantbug or grassbug | On grasses | |
Leptopterna ferrugata | a plantbug or grassbug | On grasses | |
Limnoporus rufoscutellatus | a pondskater | Predator on water surface. | |
Lindbergina aurovittata | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees | |
Linnavuoriana decempunctata | a leafhopper | On birch | |
Linnavuoriana sexmaculata | a leafhopper | On sallow | |
Liocoris tripustulatus | a plantbug or grassbug | On nettles | |
Lopus decolor | a plantbug or grassbug | On grassland herbs | |
Loricula elegantula | a minute bug | Predator on trees. | |
Loricula pselaphiformis | a minute bug | Predator on trees | |
Lygocoris contaminatus | a plantbug or grassbug | On birch | |
Lygocoris lucorum | a plantbug or grassbug | Polyphagous on herbs. | |
Lygocoris pabulinus | Common Green Capsid | Deciduous trees & herbs. | |
Lygocoris viridis | a plantbug or grassbug | On lime trees. | |
Lygus rugulipennis | European Tarnished Plant Bug | Polyphagous on herbs. | |
Macrodema micropterum | a ground bug | On heaths. | |
Macropsis scutellata | a leafhopper | On nettles | |
Macrosteles laevis | a leafhopper | Grasses & herbs | |
Macrosteles sexnotatus | a leafhopper | Grasses & herbs | |
Macrosteles viridigriseus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Macrotylus paykulli | a plantbug or grassbug | On restharrow | |
Malacocoris chlorizans | Delicate Apple Capsid | On hazel or apple. | |
Mecomma ambulans | a plantbug or grassbug | On woodland herbs. | |
Megacoelum infusum | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak | |
Megalocoleus molliculus | a plantbug or grassbug | On yarrow | |
Megalonotus dilatatus | a ground bug | On heaths | |
Megophthalmus scabripennis | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Megophthalmus scanicus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Metatropis rufescens | a stiltbug | On circaea | |
Micronecta poweri | Water Singer | ||
Mocydia crocea | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Mocydiopsis attenuata | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Mocydiopsis parvicauda | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Monalocoris filicis | Bracken Bug | On ferns | |
Muellerianella fairmairei | a planthopper | In grasses | |
Myrmus miriformis | a bug | On grasses | |
Myzocallis castanicola | An aphid | On sweet chestnut | |
Myzocallis coryli | An aphid | On hazel. | |
Myzus persicae | an aphid | Highly polyphagous | |
Nabicula flavomarginata | Broad Damselbug | Predator in grasslands | |
Nabicula limbata | Marsh Damselbug | Predator in grasslands. | |
Nabis ericetorum | Heath Damselbug | Predator in grasslands | |
Nabis ferus | Field Damsel Bug | Predator in grasslands. | |
Nabis rugosus | Common Damselbug | Predator in grasslands | |
Neodicyphus rhododendri | a plantbug or grassbug | On rhododendron. | |
Neophilaenus campestris | a froghopper | ||
Neophilaenus exclamationis | a froghopper | On grasses and herbs. | |
Neophilaenus lineatus | a froghopper | On grasses & herbs | |
Neotrama caudate | An aphid | In gardens. Lettuce roots. | |
Nepa cinerea | Water Scorpion | Predator in ponds or slow moving water. | |
Notonecta glauca | Common Water-boatman | Predator in ponds, or slow moving water. | |
Notostira elongata | a plantbug or grassbug | On grasses | |
Notus flavipennis | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Nysius ericae | a ground bug | Grassland herbs. | |
Oliarus leporinus | a lacehopper | On grasses & herbs | |
Oncopsis alni | a leafhopper | Alder | |
Oncopsis avellanae | a leafhopper | Hazel | |
Oncopsis flavicollis | a leafhopper | On birch | |
Oncopsis subangulata | a leafhopper | On birch | |
Oncopsis tristis | a leafhopper | On birch | |
Orius majusculus | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on trees, shrubs & herbs. | |
Orius niger | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on trees, shrubs and herbs. | |
Orthocephalus saltator | a plantbug or grassbug | On composites. | |
Orthops campestris | a plantbug or grassbug | On umbellifers. | |
Orthops cervinus | a plantbug or grassbug | On lime trees. | |
Orthops kalmi | a plantbug or grassbug | On umbellifers. | |
Orthotylus ericetorum | a plantbug or grassbug | On heaths. | |
Orthotylus marginalis | Dark Green Apple Capsid | On deciduous trees. | |
Orthotylus ochrotrichus | a plantbug or grassbug | On deciduous trees and herbs. | |
Orthotylus prasinus | a plantbug or grassbug | On deciduous trees. | |
Orthotylus tenellus | a plantbug or grassbug | On deciduous trees. | |
Orthotylus virescens | a plantbug or grassbug | On broom | |
Palomena prasina | a shield bug | On trees & shrubs. | |
Pantilius tunicatus | a plantbug or grassbug | On alder | |
Pemphigus bursarius | an aphid | Galls on poplar | |
Pemphigus filaginis | An aphid | Galls on Black poplar. | |
Pemphigus lysimachiae | An aphid | Galls on Poplar | |
Pemphigus spirothecae | an aphid | Galls on Poplar | |
Pentatoma rufipes | Forest Bug | On deciduous trees. | |
Philaenus spumarius | Cuckoo-spit Insect | Highly polyphagous | |
Phyllaphis fagi | An aphid | On beech. | |
Phylus coryli | a plantbug or grassbug | On hazel | |
Phylus melanocephalus | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak | |
Phylus palliceps | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak | |
Physatocheila dumetorum | a lacebug | On ivy | |
Phytocoris dimidiatus | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak and plum | |
Phytocoris longipennis | a plantbug or grassbug | On deciduous trees. | |
Phytocoris tiliae | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak | |
Phytocoris varipes | a plantbug or grassbug | Grassland and dune herbs. | |
Picromerus bidens | a shield bug | Predatory in grasslands. | |
Piezodorus lituratus | Gorse Shieldbug | On gorse. | |
Pilophorus perplexus | a plantbug or grassbug | Predator on deciduous trees. | |
Pithanus maerkeli | a plantbug or grassbug | Predator in grasslands. | |
Plagiognathus arbustorum | a plantbug or grassbug | Highly polyphagous in grasslands. | |
Plagiognathus chrysanthemi | a plantbug or grassbug | Highly polyphagous in grasslands. | |
Planococcus citri | Citrus Scale insect | ||
Podops inuncta | a shield bug | On grasses. | |
Prociphilus fraxini | An aphid | Galls on ash. | |
Psallus ambiguus | a plantbug or grassbug | On deciduous trees. | |
Psallus confusus | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak and poplar. | |
Psallus falleni | a plantbug or grassbug | On birch | |
Psallus flavellus | a plantbug or grassbug | On ash | |
Psallus haematodes | a plantbug or grassbug | On willow | |
Psallus lepidus | a plantbug or grassbug | On ash | |
Psallus perrisi | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak | |
Psallus salicis | a plantbug or grassbug | On alder | |
Psallus varians | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak | |
Psallus wagneri | a plantbug or grassbug | On oak | |
Psammotettix confinis | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Psammotettix nodosus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Psammotettix putoni | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Pseudotettix subfusculus | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees | |
Psylla alni | a jumping plantlouse | On alder | |
Psylla brunneipennis | a jumping plantlouse | On willow | |
Psylla buxi | a jumping plantlouse | Galls on box | |
Psylla mali | a jumping plantlouse | On apple | |
Psylla melanoneura | a jumping plantlouse | On hawthorn | |
Psylla peregrina | a jumping plantlouse | On hawthorn | |
Psyllopsis fraxini | a jumping plantlouse | Galls on ash | |
Rantra linearis | Water Stick-insect | Local in still water. | |
Rhopalus subrufus | a bug | Grassland herbs. | |
Rhyparochromus pini | a ground bug | On heaths. | |
Ribautiana cruciata | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees. | |
Ribautiana debilis | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees | |
Ribautiana scalaris | a leafhopper | On oak | |
Ribautiana tenerrima | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees | |
Ribautiana ulmi | a leafhopper | On elm | |
Saldula c-album | a shorebug | Predators near water | |
Saldula saltatoria | Common Shorebug | Predator near water | |
Saldula scotica | a shorebug | ||
Sardius argus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Schizoneura ulmi | an aphid | Galls on elm | |
Scolopostethus affinis | a ground bug | On nettles | |
Scolopostethus decoratus | a ground bug | On calluna | |
Scolopostethus thomsoni | a ground bug | On nettles | |
Sehirus bicolor | Pied Shieldbug | On labiates | |
Sehirus biguttatus | a shield bug | On Cow-wheat. | |
Stenocranus major | a planthopper | ||
Stenocranus minutus | a planthopper | On grasses | |
Stenodema calcaratum | a plantbug or grassbug | On grasses | |
Stenodema holsatum | a plantbug or grassbug | On grasses | |
Stenodema laevigatum | a plantbug or grassbug | On grasses | |
Stenotus binotatus | Timothy Grassbug | On grasses. | |
Sthenarus rotermundi | a plantbug or grassbug | On white poplar. | |
Stiroma affinis | a planthopper | In grasses | |
Streptanus aemulans | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Streptanus marginatus | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Stygnocoris fuligineus | a ground bug | Grasslands | |
Stygnocoris rusticus | a ground bug | Grasslands | |
Stygnocoris sabulosus | a ground bug | Grasslands | |
Syromastus rhombeus | a squashbug | Sandy places. | |
Systellonotus triguttatus | an ant mimicking bug | Rare. | |
Tachycixius pilosus | a lacehopper | On grasses & herbs | |
Temnostethus gracilis | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on trees | |
Temnostethus pusillus | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on trees | |
Tetraneura ulmi | Fig Gall | Galls on elm | |
Tetraphleps bicuspis | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on conifers | |
Thamnotettix confinis | a leafhopper | Grasses | |
Thecabius affinis | An aphid | Galls on poplar. | |
Tingis ampliata | Creeping Thistle Lacebug | On thistles | |
Tingis cardui | Spear Thistle Lacebug | On thistles | |
Trapezonotus dispar | a ground bug | Heaths and grasslands. | |
Trialeurodes vaporariorum | Greenhouse Whitefly | In greenhouses. | |
Trigonotylus ruficornis | a plantbug or grassbug | On grasses | |
Trioza alacris | a jumping plantlouse | Gall on bay | |
Trioza centranthi | a jumping plantlouse | Galls on red valerian (centranthus) | |
Trioza remota | a jumping plantlouse | Galls on oak | |
Trioza urticae | a jumping plantlouse | On nettles | |
Troilus luridus | a shield bug | Predatory in trees. | |
Tuberculoides annulatus | An aphid | ||
Typhlocyba quercus | a leafhopper | On oak & beech | |
Ulopa reticulata | a leafhopper | On heathers | |
Velia caprai | Water Cricket | Predator on water surface | |
Velia saulii | a water-cricket | Predator on water surface | |
Xanthodelphax stramineus | a planthopper | In grasses | |
Xylocoridea brevipennis | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on apple and thorn. | |
Xylocoris cursitans | a flower bug or bloodsucking bug | Predator on logs & stumps | |
Zicrona caerulea | a shield bug | Predatory in grassland. | |
Zygina angusta | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees | |
Zygina flammigera | a leafhopper | On deciduous trees | |
Zyginidia scutellaris | a leafhopper | On grasses |
Bush-Crickets, Grasshoppers and Allies. Updated to November 2022 to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No. 48 Pt 2.
Orthoptera: Bush-Crickets, Grasshoppers and allies.Common name | Scientific name | Notes |
Bush Cricket, Dark | Pholidoptera griseoaptera | Occasional. Local. |
Bush Cricket, Great Green | Tettigonia viridissima | Locally common. |
Bush Cricket, Oak | Meconema thalassinum | Common on deceiduous trees and shrubs. |
Bush-Cricket, Roesel’s | ptera roeselii | Rare |
Bush Cricket, Speckled | Leptophyes punctatissima | Occasional. Local. |
Camel-Cricket, Greenhouse | Tachycines asynamorus | May be imported with plants. One, 1985 in a greenhouse. |
Conehead, Short-winged | Conocephalus dorsalis | Rare. |
Grasshopper, Common Field | Chorthippus brunneus | Common of coast and some inland sites, scarce on high ground. |
Grasshopper, Common Green | Omocestus viridulus | Common. |
Grasshopper, Large Marsh | Stethophyma grossum | Unconfirmed record. Rare. |
Grasshopper, Lesser Marsh | Chorthippus albomarginatus | Probably occurred in reed bed, Porlock Marsh, but reeds no longer there. |
Grasshopper, Meadow | Chorthippus parallelus | Very Common in grassland. |
Grasshopper, Mottled | Myrmeleotettix maculatus | Abundant In heathland |
Grasshopper, Woodland | Omocestus rufipes | Rare. |
Ground Hopper, Common | Tetrix undulata | Locally abundant. |
Ground Hopper, Slender | Tetrix subulata | Uncommon. |
Common Name | Scientific name | Notes |
Brimstone | Gonepteryx rhamni | Usually Present In Early and Late Summer but These Are Generaly Wandering Males. The Foodplant (Buckthorn) Is Virtually Absent From Exmoor. |
Brown Argus | Aricia agestis | Rare. Only Recent Records From Minehead Golf Course. |
Brown Hairstreak | Thecla betulae | An Easily Overlooked Species Best Located By Searching For The Eggs On Old Blackthorn In Winter. |
Camberwell Beauty | Nymphalis antiopa | One Unconfirmed Record. |
Clouded Yellow | Colias croceus | This Well-Known Migrant Appears In Most Years Usually In Moderate Numbers But Occasionally Abundant. |
Comma | Polygonia C-Album | Frequent. |
Common Blue | Polyommatus icarus | Locally Common |
Dark Green Fritillary | Argynnis aglaja | Formerly Common But Declined In Recent Years |
Dingy Skipper | Erynnis tages | Declined. |
Duke Of Burgundy Fritillary | Hamearis lucina | An Early Record From Timberscombe 1900, Presumably On Primrose Which Is Sometimes Used As A Food Plant. Probably No Longer Occurs. |
Essex Skipper | Thymelicus lineola | Recorded From A Single Site In Vc5, 1992 |
Gatekeeper | Pyronia tithonus Britanniae | Abundant. Hedgerows Etc. |
Grayling | Hipparchia semele | Moorland Tracks/Quarries, Etc. |
Green Hairstreak | Callophrys rubi | In Areas Of Gorse. |
Green-Veined White | Pieris napi | Common |
Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus malvae | Decreased |
Heath Fritillary | Mellicta athalia | The Large Number Of Records Reflects The Annual Monitoring Of This Butterfly By Enhs Members Who Have Monitored The 20 Or So Sites Since They Were Discovered In Bin Combe By Roger Butcher/Enhs In 1982 When There Were Tens Of Thousands. There have been some introductions (2010s) |
High Brown Fritillary | Argynnis adippe | Rare and local. |
Holly Blue | Celastrina argiolus Britanna | Locally common. |
Large Skipper | Ochlodes venata Faunus | Local |
Large Tortoiseshell | Nymphalis polychloros | Early Records Could Refer To Immigrants. Now Unlikely To Occur. |
Large White | Pieris brassicae | Local Populations Are Reinforced By Immigrants. |
Long Tailed Blue | Lampides boeticus | |
Marbled White | Melanargia galathea Serena | Very Local. |
Marsh Fritillary | Eurodryas aurinia | Formerly Present In Small Numbers At Several Sites But Has Declined. |
Meadow Brown | Maniola jurtina | Abundant In Grassy Areas. |
Orange Tip | Anthocharis cardamines | Common By Hedgerows. |
Painted Lady | Cynthia cardui | Numbers Vary Greatly From Year To Year But Occasionally Can Be Abundant.Migrant. |
Pale Clouded Yellow | Colias hyale | Single Record Only |
Peacock | Inachis Io | Numbers Fairly Good. |
Pearl Bordered Fritillary | Boloria euphrosyne | Seriously Declined. |
Purple Hairstreak | Quercusia quercus | In Old Oak Woods But Often Unnoticed As They Tend To Remain High Up On The Trees. |
Red Admiral | Vanessa atalanta | This Species Appears To Have Overwintered In Recent Years. Common |
Ringlet | Aphantopus hyperantus | Local |
Silver-Studded Blue | Plebejus argus | Recorded From Martinhoe Area 1968. An Unconfirmed Record Of Larvae In 1978. |
Silver-Washed Fritillary | Argynnis paphia | Woodland Rides Where It May Be Seen On Bramble Flowers. |
Small Copper | Lycaena phlaeas | Regular In Some Heathland Areas. |
Small Heath | Coenonympha pamphilus | On Areas Of High Moorland. Frequent |
Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary | Boloria selene | Locally Common In Lyn And Barle Valleys. Has declined. |
Small Skipper | Thymelicus sylvestris | Local. |
Small Tortoiseshell | Aglais urticae | Occasionally Abundant But has seriously decreased. |
Small White | Pieris rapae | Local Populations Are Reinforced By Immigrants. Common |
Speckled Wood | Pararge aegeria | Good Numbers. Woodland Borders. |
The Milkweed | Danaus plexippus | A North American Species Which Very Rarely Wanders To Exmoor. |
Wall | Lasiommata megera | Possibly Decreasing |
White Admiral | Ladoga camilla | Its Continued Presence Is Very Doubtful on Exmoor |
New Butterfly | ||
White Letter Hairstreak | Satyrium W-Album | Very Rare. |
Wood White | Leptidea sinapis | There Are A Number Of Records Up To 1982 But None Since. |
Dragonflies, Mayflies, Stonefly and Caddis Flies: Updated to end December 2022 to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No. 46 Pt 2.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Notes: |
Southern Hawker | Aeshna cyanea | Dragonfly. |
Brown Hawker | Aeshna grandis | Rare. Dragonfly. |
Common Hawker | Aeshna juncea | Dragonfly. |
Migrant Hawker | Aeshna mixta | Dragonfly. |
Emperor Dragonfly | Anax imperator | |
Hairy Dragonfly | Brachytron pratense | |
Banded Demoiselle | Calopteryx splendens | Damselfly |
Beautiful Demoiselle | Calopteryx virgo | Damselfly |
Azure Damselfly | Coenagrion puella | |
Variable Damselfly | Coenagrion pulchellum | Record uncertain |
Golden-ringed Dragonfly | Cordulegaster boltonii | |
Common Blue Damselfly | Enallagma cyathigerum | |
Red-eyed Damselfly | Erythromma najas | Found Dunster hawn 2010 |
Blue-tailed Damselfly | Ischnura elegans | |
Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly | Ischnura pumilio | Rare. |
Emerald Damselfly | Lestes sponsa | |
Broad-bodied Chaser | Libellula depressa | Dragonfly. |
Scarce Chaser | Libellula?fulva | Found Dunster hawn 2009. Dragonfly. |
Four-spotted Chaser | Libellula quadrimaculata | Dragonfly. |
Black-tailed Skimmer | Orthetrum cancellatum | Dragonfly. |
Keeled Skimmer | Orthetrum coerulescens | Dragonfly. |
Large Red Damselfly | Pyrrhosoma nymphula | |
Black Darter | Sympetrum danae | Dragonfly. |
Red-veined Darter | Sympetrum fonscolombi | A rare vagrant. Dragonfly. |
Common Darter | Sympetrum striolatum | Dragonfly. |
Iron Blue | Baetis muticus | |
a mayfly | Baetis niger | |
Large Dark Olive | Baetis rhodani | |
Small Dark Olive | Baetis scambus | |
Medium Olive | Baetis vernus | |
Anglers Curse | Caenis luctuosa | |
Anglers Curse | Caenis macrura | |
Anglers Curse | Caenis rivulorum | |
Small Spurwing or Pale Watery | Centroptilum luteolum | |
Pond Olive | Cloeon dipterum | |
Autumn Dun or August Dun | Ecdyonurus dispar | |
Large Brook Dun | Ecdyonurus torrentis | |
Late March Brown | Ecdyonurus venosus | |
Mayfly or Green Drake | Ephemera danica | |
Drake Mackerel | Ephemera vulgata | |
Blue Winged Olive | Ephemerella ignita | |
a mayfly | Ephemeroptera sp. | |
Ditch Dun | Habrophlebia fusca | |
Dusky Yellowstreak or Dark Dun | Heptagenia lateralis | |
Yellow May Dun | Heptagenia sulphurea | |
Turkey Brown | Paraleptophlebia submarginata | |
Olive Upright | Rhithrogena semicolorata | |
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | Upland streams. | |
A stonefly | Adults known as Small Yellow Sallies by fishermen. | |
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | In fast running upland waters. | |
A stonefly | Adults known as Yellow Sallies by fishermen. | |
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | In fast running upland waters. | |
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | ||
a stonefly | Slow-flowing water. | |
a caddisfly | Agapetus delicatulus | |
a caddisfly | Agapetus fuscipes | |
a caddisfly | Agapetus ochripes | |
a caddisfly | Agapetus sp. | |
a caddisfly | Anabolia nervosa | |
a caddisfly | Athripsodes albifrons | |
a caddisfly | Athripsodes cinereus | |
a caddisfly | Athripsodes commutatus | |
a caddisfly | Beraea maurus | |
a caddisfly | Brachycentrus subnubilus | |
a caddisfly | Chaetopteryx villosa | In a light trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Cheumatopsyche lepida | |
a caddisfly | Crunoecia irrorata | |
a caddisfly | Cyrnus trimaculatus | |
a caddisfly | Drusus annulatus | |
a caddisfly | Ecclisopteryx guttulata | |
a caddisfly | Ecnomus tenellus | Taken in light-trap at Nettlecombe. |
a caddisfly | Glossosoma boltoni | |
a caddisfly | Glossosoma conformis | |
a caddisfly | Glyphotaelius pellucidus | In a light trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Goera pilosa | To a light trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Halesus digitatus | In a light trap at nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Halesus radiatus | In a light trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Hydropsyche contubernalis | |
a caddisfly | Hydropsyche instabilis | |
a caddisfly | Hydropsyche pellucidula | |
a caddisfly | Hydropsyche siltalai | |
a caddisfly | Hydroptila sp. | |
a caddisfly | Ithytrichia clavata | |
a caddisfly | Ithytrichia lamellaris | Probably this species. |
a caddisfly | Lasiocephala basalis | |
a caddisfly | Leptoceus tineiformis | |
a caddisfly | Lepidostoma hirtum | |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus affinis | In a light trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus auricula | In a light trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus centralis | In a light trap at Nettlecombe. |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus flavicornis | |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus lanatus | To a light trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus lunatus | |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus marmoratus | In a light trap at Nettlecombe. |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus rhombicus | In a brackish ditch. |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus sparsus | In a light trap at Nettlecombe. |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus stigma | In a brackish ditch. |
a caddisfly | Limnephilus vittatus | In a brackish ditch. |
a caddisfly | Limnophila sp. | |
a caddisfly | Micropterna sequax | |
a caddisfly | Molanna angustata | |
a caddisfly | Mystacides azurea | |
a caddisfly | Mystacides nigra | To a light-trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Notidobia cilianis/em> | |
a caddisfly | Odontocerum albicorne | |
a caddisfly | Orthotricha costalis/em> | |
a caddisfly | Oxyethira sp. | |
a caddisfly | Philopotamus montanus | |
a caddisfly | Phryganea grandis | In light-trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Plectrocnemia conspersa | |
a caddisfly | Plectrocnemia geniculata | |
a caddisfly | Polycentropus flavomaculatus | |
a caddisfly | Polycentropus kingi | |
a caddisfly | Potamophylax cingulatus | |
a caddisfly | Potamophylax latipennis | In a light trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Psychomyia pusilla | |
a caddisfly | Rhyacophila dorsalis | |
a caddisfly | Rhyacophila munda | |
a caddisfly | Rhyacophila obliterata | |
a caddisfly | Sericostoma personatum | |
a caddisfly | Setodes argentipunctellus | |
a caddisfly | Silo pallipes | |
a caddisfly | Stenophylax permistus | In a light trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Stenophylax vibex | In a light trap at Nettlecombe |
a caddisfly | Tinodes waeneri/em> | |
a caddisfly | Trichoptera sp. | |
a caddisfly | Wormaldia occipitalis | |
a caddisfly | Wormaldia subnigra |
Fish (Saltwater and Fresh): Updated to end December 2022 to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No. 46 Pt 2.
Exmoor rivers and Bristol Channel off Exmoor CoastCommon name | Scientific name | Notes | ||||||||
Allis Shad | Alosa alosa | A legally protected species with is rare in Bristol Channel off Exmoor. | ||||||||
Angler Fish (Frogfish) | Lophius piscatorius | Rare. | ||||||||
Bass | Dicentrarchus labrax | Scarce off Exmoor Coast. Fishermen off Lynmouth had unusually large catches in 2001. | ||||||||
Blenny, Montagu's | Coryphoblennius galerita | Scarce. | ||||||||
Blenny, Tompot | Blennius gattorugine | Scarce. | ||||||||
Blenny, Yarrell's | Chirolophis ascanii | Scarce. | ||||||||
Brill | Scophalmus rhombus | Scarce. | ||||||||
Bullhead | Cottus gobio | Frequent under stones in medium sized streams and rivers on Exmoor. | ||||||||
Coalfish or Coley | Pollachius virens | Scarce. | ||||||||
Cod | Gadus morhua | Common. | ||||||||
Cod, Poor | Trisopterus minutes | Frequent. | ||||||||
Common Thresher Shark | Alopias vulpinus(Bonnaterre) | Very rare. One off Porlock, July 2022. | ||||||||
Dab | Limanda limanda | July, 2022. | ||||||||
Dogfish, Gtr. Spotted or Bull Huss | Scyliorhinus stellaris | Common. | ||||||||
Dogfish, Lsr. Spotted | Scyliorhinus canicula | Very Common. | ||||||||
Dover Sole | Solea solea | Scarce. | ||||||||
Eel | Anguilla anguilla | Widespread records from North to South Exmoor and Porlock/Minehead Marsh areas. Elvers seen in streams. | ||||||||
Eel, Conger | Conger conger | Common. | ||||||||
Five-bearded Rockling | Ciliata mustela | Scarce. | ||||||||
Flounder | Fairly common. |
| | |||||||
Garfish | Belone belone | Scarce. | ||||||||
Goby, Common or Sand | Pomatoschistus microps | Fairly common in rock pools. | ||||||||
Goby, Two-spot | Rare, rockpools. |
| | |||||||
Golden Orfe | Leucisus idus | Released domestic fish in Dunster Hawn Pool c1990s. | ||||||||
Grayling | Thymallus thymallus | Records from the Barle and Exe rivers. | ||||||||
Great Pipefish | Syngnathus acus | Scarce. | ||||||||
Gurnard, Grey | Eutrigla gunrnardus | Rare. | ||||||||
Gurnard, Red | Aspitrigla cuculus | Rare. | ||||||||
Gurnard, Tub | Trigla lucerna | Scarce. | ||||||||
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | Scarce. | ||||||||
Hake | Merluccius merluccius | Scarce. | ||||||||
Halibut | Hippoglossus hippoglossus | Scarce. | ||||||||
Herring | Clupea harengus | Less common than formerly. | ||||||||
John Dory | Zeus faber | Rare. | ||||||||
Koi Carp | Cyprinus sp. | Some Koi Carp were released into Dunster Hawn pond (1990s?) in an ill-advised bid to clear the algae. They increased with detrimental ecological effects and have presented the management with problems. | ||||||||
Lamprey, Brook | Lampetra planeri | Only recorded from Aller Water. No records since 1995. | ||||||||
Lamprey, River | Lampetra fluviatilis | No records since 1980. | ||||||||
Leopard-spot Goby | Uncommon |
| | |||||||
Ling | Molva molva | Fairly common in season. | ||||||||
Lumpsucker | Cyclopterus lumpus | Uncommon. | ||||||||
Mackerel | Scomber scombrus | Common in season. | ||||||||
Minnow | Phoxinus phoxinus | In slow moving water. Shoals frequently seen at edges of some of the larger rivers e.g. Barle. | ||||||||
Monkfish | Squatina squatina | Rare. | ||||||||
Mullet, Red | Mullus surmuletus | Scarce. | ||||||||
Mullet, Thick-lipped Grey | Chelon labrosus | Rare. | ||||||||
Mullet, Thin-lipped Grey | Liza ramada | Scarce. | ||||||||
Plaice | Pleuronectes platessa | Common. | ||||||||
Pogge or Armed Bullhead | Agonus cataphractus | Rare. | ||||||||
Pollack | Pollachius pollachius | Common. | ||||||||
Porbeagle | Lamna nasus | Rare. | ||||||||
Pouting | Trisopterus luscus | Fairly common. | ||||||||
Ray, Blonde | Raja brachyura | Fairly common. | ||||||||
Ray, Small-eyed/Painted | Raja microcellata | Fairly common. Record 17 lbs. 2003. | ||||||||
Ray, Spotted | Raja montagui | Fairly common. | ||||||||
Ray, Sting | Dasyatis pastinaca | Rare. | ||||||||
Ray, Thornback | Raja clavata | Common. | ||||||||
Ray, Undulate | Raja undulata | Scarce. | ||||||||
Rudd | Scardinius erythropthalmus | In slow-moving water. Minehead, Alcombe and Dunster Marsh. | ||||||||
Salmon | Salmo salar | Regular runs up the larger rivers. | ||||||||
Sand Eel, Lesser | Ammodytes tobianus | Common. | ||||||||
Scad or Horse Mackerel | Trachurus trachurus | Common in season. | ||||||||
Sea or Fifteen-spined Stickleback | Spinachia spinachia | Rare. | ||||||||
Sea-bream, Black | Spondyliosoma cantharus | Rare. | ||||||||
Sea-bream, Red | Pagellus bogaraveo | Scarce. | ||||||||
Shanny (or Common Blenny) | Lipophrys pholis | In coastal rock pools. | ||||||||
Shore Clingfish or Cornish Sucker | Lepadogaster lepadogaster | Scarce. | ||||||||
Skate, Common | Raja batis | Occurs in Bristol Channel. | ||||||||
Smooth-hound | Mustelus mustelus | Scarce. | ||||||||
Smooth-hound, Starry | Mustelus asterius | Frequent. | ||||||||
Sprat | Clupea sprattus | Occasional shoals but not common. | ||||||||
Spur Dogfish | Squalus acanthias | Common in season. | ||||||||
Stone Loach | Noemacheilus barbatulus | Believed to be in Exmoor Waters but no current reports. Rare. | ||||||||
Sun Fish | Mola mola | Scarce, several seen 1994 & 1995. | ||||||||
Tench | Tinca tinca | Scarce. | ||||||||
Ten-spined Stickleback | Pungitius pungitius | Recorded from Minehead and Dunster Marshes but no doubt have decreased in numbers. | ||||||||
Three-bearded Rockling | Gaidropsarus vulgaris | Common. | ||||||||
Three-spined Stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Formerly at Porlock and Minehead Marsh but no doubt much decreased. | ||||||||
Tope | Galeorhinus galeus | Common in summer. | ||||||||
Trigger-fish, Grey | Balistes carolinensis | Rare in British waters but in some years several may turn up as in 1995. | ||||||||
Trout, Brown | Salmo trutta fario | Abundant in most Exmoor waters. | ||||||||
Trout, Rainbow | Salmo gairdneri | Occasionally escapes from fish farms and reservoir stock. | ||||||||
Trout, Sea | Salmo trutta | Regular runs up the larger rivers. | ||||||||
Turbot | Scophthalmus maximus | Common in season. | ||||||||
Twaite Shad | Alosa fallax | Rare. | ||||||||
Weever, Lesser | Trachinus vipera | Scarce. | ||||||||
Whiting | Merlangius merlangus | Common in season. | ||||||||
Wrasse, Ballan | Labrus bergylta | Scarce. | ||||||||
Wrasse, Cuckoo | Labrus mixtus | Scarce. |
Fleas: Updated to September 2020 to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No. 46 Pt 2.
Common name | Scientific name | Notes |
mammal flea | Palaeopsylla soricis soricis | Very common on pygmy and common shrews. |
badger flea | Paraceras melis melis | Common on badgers, also foxes. Occasionally stray on dogs. |
grey squirrel flea | Orchopeas howardi howardi | Its main host is the grey squirrel with which it wasûintroduced. |
Moorhen flea | Dasypsyllus gallinulae gallinulae | A common nest parasite of passerines that build their nests in low positions. |
bird flea | Ceratophyllus garei | In nests in damp places or a little above the ground. |
hen flea | Ceratophyllus gallinae gallinae | The commonest nest parasite throughout the country. Prefers relatively dry nests. |
human flea | Pulex irritans | Much less common than formerly. |
hedgehog flea | Archaeopsylla erinacei erinacei | Common on hedgehogs. |
dog flea | Ctenocephalides canis | Common. |
cat flea | Ctenocephalides felis felis | Common. |
rabbit flea | Spilopsyllus cuniculi | The vector of myxomatosis. Strays found on other mammals. |
Flies and Hoverflies: Updated to November 2022 to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No. 48 Pt 2.
Diptera are sometimes referred to as the true flies but the following list includes all flies ENHS have recorded to above date. These include Leaf-miners, gall-flies, fungus gnats, craneflies, soldier flies, midges, hoverflies, house-flies, fruit flies, dance flies, mosquitoes, etc., etc. as well as the true Muscid flies. This information is given in the second column for each species.Scientific name | Common name if applicable | Comments |
Acidia cognata | a gall fly | |
Acnemia nitidicollis | a fungus gnat | |
Actia pilipennis | a fly | Bred from larva of Lozotaenia forsterama |
Aedes rusticus | a mosquito | In woodland |
Agromyza abiens | a leaf-mining fly | On Comfrey |
Agromyza albipennis | a leaf-mining fly | On Reed |
Agromyza alnibetulae | a leaf-mining fly | On Birch spp. |
Agromyza alnivora | a leaf-mining fly | on Alder |
Agromyza anthracina | a leaf-mining fly | On Nettle |
Agromyza bicophaga | a leaf-mining fly | On Bush Vetch |
Agromyza demeijerei | a leaf-mining fly | On Laburnum |
Agromyza felleri | a leaf-mining fly | On Bush Vetch |
Agromyza filipendulae | a leaf-mining fly | On Meadowsweet |
Agromyza flaviceps | a leaf-mining fly | On Hop |
Agromyza frontella | a leaf-mining fly | On Medick |
Agromyza hendeli | a leaf-mining fly | |
Agromyza igniceps | a leaf-mining fly | On Hop |
Agromyza lathyri | a leaf-mining fly | On Lathyrus latifolius |
Agromyza nana | a leaf-mining fly | On Trifolium spp. |
Agromyza potentillae | a leaf-mining fly | On Cinquefoil |
Agromyza pseudoreptans | a leaf-mining fly | On Nettle |
Agromyza reptans | a leaf-mining fly | On Nettle |
Agromyza rufipes | a leaf-mining fly | On Mugwort |
Agromyza sulfuriceps | a leaf-mining fly | On Raspberry |
Agromyza varicornis | a leaf-mining fly | On Lathyrus latifolius |
Agromyza vicifoliae | a leaf-mining fly | On Tufted Vetch |
Alliopsis billbergi (Zetterstedt) | a root maggot fly | |
Allodia lugens | a fungus gnat | |
Allodia lundstroemi | a fungus gnat | |
Allodia ornaticollis | a fungus gnat | |
Allodia pyxidiformis | a fungus gnat | |
Allodia truncata | a fungus gnat | |
Allodiopsis rustica | a fungus gnat | |
Amauromyza flavifrons | a leaf-mining fly | On Saponaria or Silene sp |
Amauromyza labiatorum | a leaf-mining fly | On Ajuga or Stachys betonica |
Amauromyza morionella | a leaf-mining fly | On Hedge Woundwort |
Amauromyza verbasci | a leaf-mining fly | On Scrophularia and Vebascum |
Anatella ciliata | a fungus gnat | |
Anatella longisetosa | a fungus gnat | |
Anepsiomyia flaviventris | a dolichopodid fly | In seepages |
Anisostephus betulinum | a gall midge | Galls on birch. |
Anopheles sp. | a mosquito | |
Anthomyia pluvialis | a fly | |
Anthomyza gracilis | a fly | |
Antlemon servulum | a fungus gnat | |
Antocha vitripennis (Meigen) | a cranefly | |
Aphrosylus ferox Haliday | a dolichopodid fly | |
Apolephthisa subincana | a fungus gnat | |
Apsectrotanypus trifascipennis | a non-biting midge | Flowing water. |
Arctophila fulva | a hoverfly | Syn. A.superabiens. |
Argyra argyria (Meigen) (Syn. A. argentella (Zetterstedt)) | a dolichopodid fly | |
Argyra leucocephala | a dolichopodid fly | In marshy areas. |
Argyra perplexa | a dolichopodid fly | |
Asilus crabroniformis | a robber fly | On heaths and unimproved grassland. |
Atherix ibis | a snipe fly | On river banks and damp vegetation. |
Atherix marginata | a snipe fly | |
Austrolimnophila ochracea | a cranefly | Common. |
Azelia cilipes | a muscid fly | |
Azelia nebulosa Robineau-Desvoidy | a muscid fly | |
Baccha elongata | a hoverfly | In ivy flowers. Now includes B. obscuripennis which should be deleted. |
Baccha obscuripennis | a hoverfly | Now included with B. elongata. |
Beris chalybata | a soldier fly | |
Beris fuscipes | a soldier fly | Larvae in decaying vegetable matter. |
Beris geniculata | a soldier fly | |
Beris morrisii | a soldier fly | |
Beris vallata | a soldier fly | |
Bibio clavipes | a st mark's fly | In some years, such as 2001, swarms of millions over heather seen in the Dunkery/Porlock Hill areas in late summer. |
Bibio ferruginatus | a st mark's fly | |
Bibio lanigerus | A St. Mark's fly | Occasional. |
Bibio marci | St Marks Fly | Common. |
Bibio pomonae | a st mark's fly | Heather areas |
Bibio varipes Meigen | a st mark's fly | |
Bibio venosus | a st mark's fly | Occasional. |
Bicellaria nigra | a dance fly | Damp sites |
Boletina basalis | a fungus gnat | |
Boletina dispecta | a fungus gnat | |
Boletina dubia | a fungus gnat | |
Boletina flaviventris | a fungus gnat | |
Boletina gripha | a fungus gnat | |
Boletina plana | a fungus gnat | |
Boletina trivittata | a fungus gnat | |
Bolitophila cinerea | a fungus gnat | |
Bolitophila hybrida | a fungus gnat | Common. |
Bolitophila occlusa | a fungus gnat | |
Bolitophila saundersi | a fungus gnat | Common. |
Bombylius canescens (Mikan) | Western Bee Fly | |
Bombylius major | Bee Fly | Parasitises solitary bees. |
Botanophila depressa | a leaf-mining fly | Mines on Atriplex. |
Botanophila fugax (Meigan) | a fly | |
Brachypalpoides lenta | a hoverfly | On rotting wood. |
Brachypalpus laphriformis | a hoverfly | Dead wood. |
Brachypeza armata | a fungus gnat | |
Bradysia placida (Winnertz) | a fungus gnat | |
Braula coeca | Bee Louse | In bee hives |
Brevicornu auriculatum | a fungus gnat | |
Brevicornu crassicorne | a fungus gnat | |
Brevicornu foliatum | a fungus gnat | |
Brevicornu griseicolle | a fungus gnat | |
Brevicornu serenum | a fungus gnat | |
Brevicornu sericoma | a fungus gnat | |
Brillia longifurca | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Brillia modesta | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Callicera aurata | a hoverfly | Syn. C. aenea (Fabricius) |
Calliopum elisae | a fly | |
Calliopum geniculatum | a fly | |
Calliphora vicina Robinson-Desvoidy | a blow-fly | |
Calliphora vomitoria | Bluebottle | |
Callomyia amoena | a big-footed fly | |
Calobata cibaria | a stilt fly | |
Calobata petronella | a stilt fly | |
Calycomyza artemisiae | a leaf-mining fly | On Artemisia & Eupatorium |
Camarota curvipennis(Latreille) | A fly | |
Campsicnemus curvipes | a dolichopodid fly | Nr water |
Campsicnemus loripes | a dolichopodid fly | |
Campsicnemus scambus | a dolichopodid fly | Nr water |
Carcelia puberula | a parasitic fly | Record in Belshaw (R.) 1993 Handbook for Iden. Br. Insectsûl. 10 Pt. 4a (i). Royal Ent. Soc. Spec in BM. |
Cardiocladius sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Ceratopogonidae sp. | a biting midge | |
Cerodontha denticornis (Panzer) | a leaf-mining fly | |
Cerodontha flavocingulata | a leaf-mining fly | On Cocksfoot grass |
Cerodontha incisa | a leaf-mining fly | |
Cerodontha ireos | a leaf-mining fly | On Yellow Iris. |
Cerodontha iridis | A leaf-mining fly | On Stinking Iris. |
Cerodontha luzulae | a leaf-mining fly | Originally misiden. As C. bimaculata |
Cerodontha phalaridis | A leaf-mining fly | Rare. |
Cerodontha pygmaea | a leaf-mining fly | |
Cerotelion lineatus | a fungus gnat | |
Cetema similis | a fly | |
Chaoborus crystallinus | a phantom midge | Larvae in ponds. |
Cheilosia albipila | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia albitarsis | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia antiqua | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia bergenstammi | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia fraterna | a hoverfly | Damp meadows. |
Cheilosia grossa | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia illustrata | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia impressa | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia longula | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia pagana | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia proxima | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia scutellata | a hoverfly | Woodland |
Cheilosia soror | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia variabilis | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia vernalis | a hoverfly | |
Cheilosia vulpina | a hoverfly | |
Cheilotrichia cinerascens (Meigen) | a cranefly | |
Chelifera precabunda | a dance fly | |
Chelifera precatoria | a dance fly | Near water. |
Chelifera trapezina | a dance fly | |
Chironomidae sp. | a non-biting midge | |
Chironomus aprilinus | a non-biting midge | |
Chironomus plumosus | a non-biting midge | Larvae aquatic; adults crepuscular. |
Chirosia betuleti | a fly | Galls on Lady fern. |
Chirosia cinerosa | a fly | |
Chirosia histricina | a fly | Mines on Bracken |
Chirosia parvicornis | a fly | Syn. C. grossicauda (Strobl) Galls on bracken |
Chloromyia formosa | a soldier fly | |
Chorisops nagatomii | a soldier fly | |
Chorisops tibialis | a soldier fly | |
Chrysogaster chalybeata | a hoverfly | Syn. C. cemiteriorum Lush meadows |
Chrysogaster hirtella | a hoverfly | Syn. Melanogaster hirtella Marshes |
Chrysogaster solstitialis | a hoverfly | Damp sites |
Chrysogaster virescens | a hoverfly | |
Chrysopilus asiliformis | a snipe fly | |
Chrysopilus cristatus | a snipe fly | By streams. |
Chrysopilus erythrophthalmus | a snipe fly | Aquatic larvae |
Chrysops caecutiens | a horse fly | |
Chrysotimus flaviventris (von Rosa) | a long-legged fly | |
Chrysotoxum bicinctum | a hoverfly | |
Chrysotoxum cautum | a hoverfly | |
Chrysotus blepharosceles | a dolichopodid fly | |
Chrysotus gramineus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Chrysotus neglectus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Chrysotus varians | a dolichopodid fly | Recorded as occasional in 1996 but now included with C. gramineus. |
Clinocera (Hydrodromia) fontinalis | a dance fly | seepages |
Clinocera (Hydrodromia) stagnalis | a dance fly | |
Clinocera (Kowarzia) bipunctata | a dance fly | Bare sediment |
Clinocera nigra | a dance fly | |
Clusia flava | a fly | On dead wood |
Clusiodes albimana | a fly | |
Coelopa frigida | a wrack fly | Breeds on rotting seaweed. |
Coelosia flava | a fungus gnat | |
Coenosia rufipalpis Meigen | a muscid fly | |
Coenosia tigrina | a muscid fly | |
Conops flavipes | a fly | |
Conops quadrifasciata | a fly | |
Conops vesicularis | a fly | |
Contarinia geicola | a gall midge | |
Contarinia jacobaeae | a gall midge | Galls on Senecio flowers. |
Contarinia steini | a gall midge | Galls on Red Campion flower buds. |
Contarinia tiliarum | a gall midge | Galls on Tilia. (Lime). |
Copromyza equine Fall?n | a lesser dung fly | |
Copromyza similis | a lesser dung fly | |
Copromyza stercoraria (Meigen) | a lesser dung fly | |
Cordyla brevicornis | a fungus gnat | |
Cordyla fissa | a fungus gnat | |
Cordyla murina | a fungus gnat | |
Corynoneura sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Craneiobia corni | a gall midge | Galls on dogwood. |
Crataerina hirundinis | A Louse-fly on birds | Status not known |
Crataerina pallida | a flat fly | Ectoparasite of swifts |
Criorhina berberina | a hoverfly | |
Crumomyia fimetaria (Meigen) | a lesser dung fly | |
Crypteria limnophiloides | a cranefly | |
Ctenophora atrata | a cranefly | Rare. |
Ctenophora flaveolata | a cranefly | Very rare. RDB2. |
Ctenophora pectinicornis | a cranefly | Rare. |
Culex pipiens agg. | a mosquito | Standing water. |
Culicoides obsoletus | a biting midge | |
Culiseta annulata | a mosquito | Standing water. |
Cylindrotoma distinctissima (Meigen) | a fly | |
Cystiphora sonchi | a gall midge | Galls on Corn Sowthistle. |
Cyzenis albicans | a parasitic fly | |
Dasineura acrophila | a gall midge | Galls on Ash. |
Dasineura capitigena | a gall midge | |
Dasineura crataegi | a gall midge | Galls on Hawthorn |
Dasineura filicina | a gall midge | Galls on Bracken. |
Dasineura fraxinea | a gall midge | Galls on Ash. |
Dasineura fraxini | a gall midge | |
Dasineura galiicola | a gall midge | Galls on Marsh Bedstraw |
Dasineura glechomae | a gall midge | Galls on ground-ivy. |
Dasineura kiefferiana | a gall midge | Galls on willowherb. |
Dasineura plicatrix | a gall midge | |
Dasineura pustulans | a gall midge | Galls on Meadowsweet. |
Dasineura rosarum | a gall midge | Galls on rose sp. |
Dasineura tympani | a gall midge | Galls on sycamore. |
Dasineura ulmaria | a gall midge | Galls on Meadowsweet. |
Dasineura urticae | a gall midge | Galls on nettle. |
Dasineura viciae | a gall midge | Galls on Bush Vetch. |
Dasysyrphus albostriatus | a hoverfly | |
Dasysyrphus lunulatus | a hoverfly | Woodland margins |
Dasysyrphus tricinctus | a hoverfly | |
Dasysyrphus venustus | a hoverfly | |
Delia brassicae | Cabbage Root-fly | |
Demicryptochironomus vulneratus | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Dexia rustica | a parasitic fly | |
Dexiosoma caninum | A Parasitic fly | Status not known |
Diadocidia ferruginosa | a fungus gnat | |
Diamesa sp. | a non-biting midge | |
Diastata costataMeigen | A fly | |
Diastata fuscula | a fly | |
Dicranomyia modesta | A Cranefly | |
Dicranomyia morio (Fabricius) | a cranefly | |
Dicranota (Paradicranota) pavida | a cranefly | Damp sites |
Dicranota bimaculata | a cranefly | Damp sites |
Dicranota subtilis Loew | a cranefly | |
Didea fasciata | a hoverfly | |
Dilophus febrilis | Fever Fly | Common. |
Dilophus femoratus | a st mark's fly | Common. |
Dinera carinifrons (Fall?n) | a muscid fly | syn. Musca carnifrons |
Dioctria atricapilla | a robber fly | Grassland |
Dioctria baumhaueri | a robber fly | |
Dioctria linearis | a robber fly | |
Dioctria oelandica | a robber fly | In tree foliage. |
Dioctria rufipes | a robber fly | |
Diogma glabrata (Meigen) | a fly | |
Dixa nubilipennis Curtis | a fly | |
Dixa puberula | a meniscus midge | Near water. Common. |
Dixa submaculata | a meniscus midge | Seepages. Locally common. |
Docosia moravica | a fungus gnat | |
Dolichocephala irrorata | a dance fly | |
Dolichopeza albipes | White-footed Ghost | Wet rock seepages |
Dolichopus atratus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus brevipennis | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus discifer | a dolichopodid fly | Upland areas |
Dolichopus festivus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus griseipennis | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus pennatus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus plumipes | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus popularis | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus simplex Meigen | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus trivialis | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus ungulatus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus urbanus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Dolichopus vitripennis | a dolichopodid fly | Upland areas. |
Dolichopus wahlbergi Zetterstedt | a dolichopodid fly | |
Drosiphila cameraria Haliday (Syn. Hirtodrosophila c.) | a fruit fly | |
Drosophila confusa | a fruit fly | |
Drosophila funebris | a fruit fly | In decaying vegetable refuse. |
Drosophila histrio Meigen | a fruit fly | |
Drosophila littoralis Meigen | a fruit fly | |
Dryomyza flaveola | a fly | |
Dynatosoma fuscicornis | a fungus gnat | |
Ectopsocus petersi | A bark fly. | |
Elachiptera cornuta (Fall?n) | a fly | |
Elgiva cucularia | a snail-killing fly | |
Empis (Kritempis) livida | a dance fly | |
Empis (Leptempois) grisea | a dance fly | |
Empis (Pachymeria) tessellata | a dance fly | |
Empis (Xanthempis) aemula | a dance fly | |
Empis (Xanthempis) lutea | a dance fly | |
Empis (Xanthempis) scutellata | a dance fly | |
Empis (Xanthempis) stercorea | a dance fly | |
Empis aestiva | a dance fly | |
Empis nuntia | a dance fly | |
Empis pennipes | a dance fly | |
Epiphragma ocellaris | a cranefly | In dead wood. |
Epistrophe eligans | a hoverfly | |
Epistrophe grossulariae | a hoverfly | |
Epistrophe nitidicollis | a hoverfly | |
Episyrphus balteatus | a hoverfly | |
Epitriptus cingulatus | a robber fly | |
Epoicocladius flavens | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Erioptera (Ilisia) maculata | a cranefly | Common. |
Erioptera (Ilisia) occoecata | a cranefly | Common. |
Erioptera divisa | a cranefly | Grassy seepages. |
Erioptera fuscipennis | a cranefly | Common. |
Erioptera lutea f. taenionota | a cranefly | Common. |
Erioptera trivialis | a cranefly | Common. |
Eriothrix rufomaculata | a parasitic fly | |
Eristalinus aeneus | A Dronefly | Coastal ponds. |
Eristalis abusivus | a hoverfly | Usually coastal. |
Eristalis arbustorum | a hoverfly | |
Eristalis horticola | a hoverfly | |
Eristalis nemorum | a hoverfly | Syn. E. interrupta |
Eristalis pertinax | a hoverfly | |
Eristalis tenax | a hoverfly | |
Ernestia laevigata | a parasitic fly | |
Eudasyphora cyanella | a muscid fly | |
Eudorylas zonellus | a big-headed fly | In woodland glades |
Eukiefferiella sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Euleia cognata | A gall fly | On Petasites fragrans. |
Euleia heraclei | CELERY FLY | Mines on leaves of Alexanders, etc. |
Eumerus strigatus | Lesser bulb-fly | |
Eupeodes corollae | a hoverfly | |
Eupeodes luniger | a hoverfly | |
Eurycnemus crassipes | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Euthyneura gyllenhali | a dance fly | |
Euthyneura myrtilli | a dance fly | |
Exechia contaminata | a fungus gnat | |
Exechia dorsalis | a fungus gnat | |
Exechia fusca | a fungus gnat | |
Exechia parvula | a fungus gnat | |
Exechiopsis subulata | a fungus gnat | |
Exechiopsis unguiculata | a fungus gnat | |
Exorista larvarum | A fly | Status not known |
Fannia canicularis | a lesser house fly | |
Fannia fuscula (Fall?n) | a lesser house fly | |
Fannia molissima (Haliday) | a lesser house fly | |
Fannia scalaris | a lesser house fly | |
Ferdinandea cuprea | a hoverfly | Sap-runs |
Forcipomyia bipunctata | a biting midge | |
Fucella maritima | a maritime fly | |
Fucellia tergina (Zetterstedt) | a seaweed fly | |
Galeomyza morio | a leaf-mining fly | Mines on Galium saxatile |
Gasterophilus intestinalis | Horse Bot Fly | |
Geomyza majuscule (Loew) | a fly | |
Geomyza tripunctata | a fly | |
Gonomyia abscondita | a cranefly | Common. |
Graphomya maculata (Scopoli) | a muscid fly | |
Gymnocheta viridis | a parasitic fly | |
Gymnopternus celer (Meigen) | a dolichopodid fly | |
Haematopota pluvialis | a horse fly | |
Hartigiola annulipes | a gall midge | Galls on Beech. |
Helina impuncta | a muscid fly | |
Helius flavus (Walker) | a cranefly | |
Helophilus pendulus | a hoverfly | |
Helophilus trivittatus | a hoverfly | |
Hemerodromia adulatoria | a dance fly | Near water. |
Hercostomus aerosus | a dolichopodid fly | Seepages |
Hercostomus brevicornis | a dolichopodid fly | Seepages. |
Hercostomus cupreus | a dolichopodid fly | In seepages |
Hercostomus metallicus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Hercostomus nanus | a dolichopodid fly | Seepages |
Hercostomus nigripennis | a dolichopodid fly | |
Herina longistyla Rivosecchi (Syn. H. lugubris) | a picture-winged fly | |
Heteromyza oculata | a fly | |
Heteromyza rotundicornis (Zetterstedt) | a fly | |
Heterotrissocladius sp | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Hilara anglodanica | a dance fly | |
Hilara beckeri | a dance fly | |
Hilara brevistyla | a dance fly | |
Hilara chorica | a dance fly | |
Hilara clavipes (Harris) | a dance fly | |
Hilara cornicula | a dance fly | By streams. |
Hilara intermedia (Fall?n) | a dance fly | |
Hilara litorea | a dance fly | |
Hilara lurida | a dance fly | By streams. |
Hilara maura | a dance fly | |
Hilara morata | a dance fly | |
Hilara nigrina | a dance fly | |
Hilara quadrivittata | a dance fly | |
Hilara rejecta | a dance fly | By streams |
Hilara thoracica | a dance fly | By streams |
[Hirtodrosophila camerarea See Drosophila c.] | a fruit fly | |
Hirtodrosophila trivitata | a fruit fly | |
Homoneura thalhammeri | a fly | |
Hybomitra distinguenda | a horse fly | |
Hybos culiciformis | a dance fly | |
Hybos femoratus (Műller) | a dance fly | |
Hydrellia griseola (Fall?n) | a shore fly | |
Hydrellia maura Meigen | a shore fly | |
Hydrophoria lancifer (Harris) | a fly | |
Hydrophorus viridis | a dolichopodid fly | |
Hydrotaea cyrtoneurina | a muscid fly | |
Hydrotaea irritans | Headfly | Sips human persperation |
Hydrotaea militaris | a muscid fly | |
Hylemya vagans | a fly | |
Hylemya variata | a fly | |
Hylemyza partito (Meigen) | a fly | |
Hypoderma bovis | Warble Fly | May now be eradicated on Exmoor. |
Hypophyllus obscurellus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Ischiolepta denticulata (Meigen) | a lesser dung fly | |
Iteomyia capreae | a gall midge | Galls on Willows. |
Jaapiella veronicae | a gall midge | Galls on Germander Speedwell. |
Janetiella lemei | a gall midge | Galls on elm. |
Leia crucigera | a fungus gnat | |
Lejogaster metallina | a hoverfly | Wet meadows |
Leptarthrus brevirostris | a robber fly | In grassland. |
Leptocera fontinalis | a lesser dung fly | |
Leptogaster cylindrica | a robber fly | Grassland. |
Leptogaster guttiventris | a robber fly | Grassland. |
Leptopa filiformis | a dung fly | |
Leucozona glaucia | a hoverfly | Woodland margins. |
Leucozona laternaria | a hoverfly | Lush vegetation |
Leucozona lucorum | a hoverfly | |
Liancalus virens | a dolichopodid fly | |
Limnophila (Eloeophila) maculata | a cranefly | Common. |
Limnophila (Eloeophila) mundata | a cranefly | Aquatic larvae. |
Limnophila (Eloeophila) submarmorata | a cranefly | Aquatic larvae in mud. |
Limnophila (Euphylidorea) aperta | a cranefly | Local. |
Limnophila (Euphylidorea) fulvonervosa | a cranefly | Common. |
Limnophila (Phylidorea) ferruginea | a cranefly | Damp sites. |
Limnophila nemoralis agg. | a cranefly | |
Limnophila punctata | a cranefly | Damp sites. |
Limnophila separata | a cranefly | Common. |
Limnophora riparia | a muscid fly | By streams |
Limnophora sp. | a muscid fly | |
Limonia (Dicranomyia) aquosa | a cranefly | Shaded wet rocks |
Limonia (Dicranomyia) autumnalis | a cranefly | Common. |
Limonia (Dicranomyia) chorea | a cranefly | |
Limonia (Dicranomyia) didyma | a cranefly | By streams |
Limonia (Dicranomyia) fusca | a cranefly | By streams |
Limonia (Neolimonia) dumetorum | a cranefly | Common. |
Limonia (Rhipidia) duplicata | a cranefly | Common |
Limonia affinis | a cranefly | By streams |
Limonia dilutior | a cranefly | |
Limonia macrostigma | a cranefly | Common. |
Limonia nubeculosa | a cranefly | Common. |
Limonia tripunctata | a cranefly | Syn. L.phragmitidis. Common. |
Lipara lucens | a fly | Gall on Phragmites. (Reed) |
Lipoptena cervi | Deer Ked | Newly emerged adults on tree foliage. |
Lipsothrix nervosa | a cranefly | Seepages in woods. |
Lipsothrix remota | a cranefly | Common. |
Liriomyza amoena | a leaf-mining fly | On Elder |
Liriomyza artemisicola | a leaf-mining fly | On Mugwort |
Liriomyza centaureae | a leaf-mining fly | On Knapweed |
Liriomyza cicerina | a leaf-mining fly | On Rest-harrow |
Liriomyza congesta | a leaf-mining fly | On Galega officinalis |
Liriomyza demeijerei | a leaf-mining fly | On Mugwort |
Liriomyza erucifolii | a leaf-mining fly | |
Liriomyza eupatoriana | A leaf-mining fly | On Hemp Agrimony. |
Liriomyza eupatorii | a leaf-mining fly | on Hemp Agrimony. |
Liriomyza flaveola | a leaf-mining fly | On Creeping Soft-grass |
Liriomyza hieracii | a leaf-mining fly | On Hawkweed. |
Liriomyza morio | a leaf-mining fly | |
Liriomyza ptarmicae | a leaf-mining fly | On Yarrow |
Liriomyza pusilla | a leaf-mining fly | On Daisy |
Liriomyza sonchi | a leaf-mining fly | On Sowthistle spp. |
Liriomyza strigata | a leaf-mining fly | On Hemp Agrimony |
Liriomyza valerianae | a leaf-mining fly | Mines on Valeriana officinalis |
Lonchaea chorea | a fly | |
Lonchaea laticornis | a fly | |
Lonchoptera lutea | a pointed-wing fly | In damp woodland. |
Lonchoptera meijerei Collin | a pointed-wing fly | |
Lonchoptera tristis | a pointed-wing fly | In woodland litter |
Lordiphosa andalusiaca Strobl | a fly | |
Lotophila atra (Meigen) | a lesser dung fly | |
Lucilia ampullacea | a blue bottle or green bottle | Woodland |
Lucilia caesar | Greenbottle | |
Lucilia illustris | a blue bottle or green bottle | |
Lyciella decempunctatus | a fly | |
Lyciella pallidiventris | a fly | |
Lyciella platycephala | a fly | |
Lyciella rorida | a fly | |
Lyciella stylata | a fly | |
Lypha dubia (Fall?n) | a fly | |
Machimus atricapillus | a robber fly | |
Macrocera anglica | a fungus gnat | |
Macrocera angulata | a fungus gnat | Common. |
Macrocera centralis | a fungus gnat | |
Macrocera fasciata | a fungus gnat | Common. |
Macrocera lutea | a fungus gnat | |
Macrocera parva | a fungus gnat | |
Macrocera phalerata | a fungus gnat | |
Macrocera stigma | a fungus gnat | Common. |
Macrocera stigmoides | a fungus gnat | Common. |
Macrocera tusca | a fungus gnat | Rare. |
Macrocera vittata | a fungus gnat | Common. |
Macrodiplosis dryobia | a gall midge | Galls on oak. |
Macrodiplosis volvens | a gall midge | Galls on oak. |
Macropelopia sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Macrorrhyncha flava | a fungus gnat | |
Malacomyia sciomyzina (Haliday) | a fly | |
Masicera pavoniae | a parasitic fly | Should be deleted from Exmoor list. |
Melangyna arctica | a hoverfly | |
Melangyna compositarum | a hoverfly | |
Melangyna labiatarum | a hoverfly | |
Melangyna umbellatarum | a hoverfly | |
Melanostoma mellinum | a hoverfly | Woodland margins. |
Melanostoma scalare | a hoverfly | Grassland. |
Melieria omissa | a fly | On vegetation by ponds & streams. |
Meliscaeva auricollis | a hoverfly | |
Meliscaeva cinctella | a hoverfly | |
Melophagus ovinus | Sheep Ked | |
Merodon equestris | NARCISSUS FLY | |
Mesembrina meridiana | a muscid fly | Woods and hedgerows |
Metasyrphus latifasciatus | a hoverfly | Open or wet areas |
Metopia grandii | a flesh fly | A Record from Dunster 1953 Very rare |
Metopomyza violiphaga | a leaf-mining fly | On Violet |
Metriocnemus sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Microchrysa cyaneiventris | a soldier fly | |
Microchrysa flavicornis | a soldier fly | |
Microchrysa polita | a soldier fly | |
Microdon mutabilis | a hoverfly | Marshy glades. |
Micropsectra sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Microtendipes sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Miltogramma germari Meigen | a flesh fly | |
Miltogramma punctatum | a flesh fly | |
Minettia inusta | a fly | |
Minettia tabidiventris (?) | a fly | |
Molophilus appendiculatus | a cranefly | Common. |
Molophilus bifidus | a cranefly | Common. |
Molophilus czizeki | a cranefly | Rare. RDB3. |
Molophilus medius | a cranefly | Common. |
Molophilus occultus | a cranefly | Wet ground. Local. |
Molophilus ochraceus | a cranefly | Common. |
Molophilus pusillus | a cranefly | |
Molophilus serpentiger | a cranefly | Common. |
Morellia aenescens Robineau-Desvoidy | a muscid fly | |
Morellia hortorum | a muscid fly | In woodland |
Mormia caliginosa | a moth fly/owl midge | Varied damp sites |
Musca autumnalis | Face Fly | Syn. Eumusca autumnalis DeGeer. Hibernates in large swarms in attics. |
Musca domestica | House Fly | In houses |
Myathropa florea | a hoverfly | |
Mycetophila adumbrata | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila alea | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila britannica | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila cingulum | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila curviseta | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila edwardsi | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila finlandica | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila forcipata | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila formosa | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila fraterna | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila fungorum | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila ichneumonea | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila lastovkia | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila marginata | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila ocellus | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila ornata | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila pumila | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila signatoides | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila unipunctata | a fungus gnat | |
Mycetophila vittipes | a fungus gnat | |
Mycomya annulata | a fungus gnat | |
Mycomya cinerascens | a fungus gnat | |
Mycomya circumdata | a fungus gnat | |
Mycomya fimbriata | a fungus gnat | |
Mycomya marginata | a fungus gnat | |
Mycomya parva (Dziedzicki) | a fungus gnat | |
Mycomya pectinifera | a fungus gnat | |
Mycomya trilineata | a fungus gnat | |
Mycomya winnertzi | a fungus gnat | |
Mycophaga testacea (Gimmerthal) | a fly | |
Myopa strandi | a fly | |
Nemorimyza posticata | a leaf-mining fly | On Wild Golden rod |
Nemotelus nigrinus | a soldier fly | |
Nemotelus notatus Zetterstedt | a soldier fly | |
Nemotelus uliginosus | a soldier fly | In marshes. |
Neoascia geniculata | a hoverfly | |
Neoascia podagrica | a hoverfly | Lush herbage |
Neoleria ruficeps | a fly | Moorland fringes. |
Neomyia viridescens (Robinson-Desvoidy) | a muscid fly | |
Neopachygaster meromelaena | a soldier fly | |
Neoplatyura biumbrata | a fungus gnat | |
Neoplatyura nigricauda | a fungus gnat | |
Nephrotoma dorsalis (Fabricius) | a cranefly | |
Nephrotoma flavipalpis (Meigen) | a cranefly | |
Nephrotoma quadrifaria | a cranefly | |
Neuratelia nemoralis | a fungus gnat | |
Neuratelia nigricornis | a fungus gnat | |
Neurigona pallida | a dolichopodid fly | |
Neuroctena anilis (Fall?n) | a fly | |
Notolopha cristata | a fungus gnat | Syn. Allodiopsis cristata. |
Nupedia infirma | a fly | Syn. Pegoplata infirma |
Nyctia halterata | a flesh fly | |
Ocydromia glabricula | a dance fly | |
Odinia boletina | a fly | |
Oedalea holmgreni | a dance fly | |
Oedalea stigmatella | a dance fly | |
Oestrus ovis | Sheep Nostril Fly | |
Oligotrophus betulae | a gall midge | Galls on birch |
Oligotrophus fagineus | a gall midge | Galls on beech. |
Opacifrons coxata (Stenhammar) | a lesser dung fly | |
Ophiomyia cunctata | a leaf-mining fly | On Sowthistle spp. |
Ophiomyia pulicaria | a leaf-mining fly | On Sowthistle spp. |
Oplodontha viridula | a soldier fly | In marshes. |
Opomyza florum (Fabricius) | a fly | |
Opomyza germinationis | a fly | |
Orfelia fasciata | a fungus gnat | |
Orfelia nemoralis | a fungus gnat | Common. |
Orfelia nigricornis | a fungus gnat | |
Orfelia unicolor | a fungus gnat | |
Ormosia bicornis | a cranefly | |
Ormosia nodulosa | a cranefly | On dead wood by streams |
Ornithomya avicularia | a flat fly | Most frequent on owls and pigeons |
Ornithomya chloropus | A Louse-fly on birds. | Status not known |
Ornithomya fringillina | A Louse-fly on birds | Status not known |
Oropezella sphenoptera | a dance fly | Among Vaccinium. |
Orthocladius sp. | a non-biting midge | |
Orthonevra nobilis | a hoverfly | |
Orthonevra splendens | a hoverfly | Wet sites. |
Oxycera pardalina Meigen | a soldier fly | |
Oxycera rara | a soldier fly | |
Pachygaster atra | a soldier fly | In dead wood. |
Palaeodocosia janickii | a fungus gnat | |
Palloptera muliebris (Harris) | Looped Flutter Fly | |
Palloptera umbellatarum | a fly | Grazed river meadows. |
Pamponerus germanicus | a robber fly | Mainly coastal. |
Paraclusia tigrina | a fly | Old or diseased trees |
Paracraspedothrix montivago Ville. | a tachinid fly | |
Paradelphomyia senilis | a cranefly | Common |
Paragus haemorrhous | a hoverfly | Dry heath grassland |
Parametriocnemus stylatus | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Paraphytomyza fulvicornis | a leaf-mining fly | On Goat Willow. |
Paraphytomyza hendeliana | a leaf-mining fly | On Honeysuckle & Snowberry |
Paraphytomyza hendeliana/lonicerae | a leaf-mining fly | |
Paraphytomyza heringi | a leaf-mining fly | On ash |
Paraphytomyza populi | a leaf-mining fly | On Black Poplar |
Paraphytomyza populicola | a leaf-mining fly | On Black Poplar |
Paraphytomyza tridentata | a leaf-mining fly | On Crack Willow |
Parasyrphus annulatus | a hoverfly | |
Parasyrphus mallinellus | a hoverfly | |
Parasyrphus punctulatus | a hoverfly | |
Paratanytarsus sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Parhelophilus versicolor | a hoverfly | |
Pedicia (Amalopis) occulata | a cranefly | Open seepages. |
Pedicia (Crunobia) littoralis | a cranefly | By streams |
Pedicia (Crunobia) straminea | a cranefly | Seepages |
Pedicia (Ludicia) claripennis | a cranefly | Open seepages. |
Pedicia (Tricyphona) immaculata | a cranefly | Common. |
Pedicia rivosa | a cranefly | In damp sites. |
Pegomya albimargo | a fly | Syn. P. flavifrons (Walker) Mines on Silene dioica |
Pegomya hyoscyami | a fly | Mines on Common Orache. |
Pegomya nigrisquama | a fly | |
Pegomya solennis | Dock leaf miner | Common |
Pegomyia pulchripes | a fly | |
Pelidnoptera fuscipennis | a snail-killing fly | |
Pentapedilum sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Peplomyza litura | a fly | |
Pericoma canescens | a moth fly/owl midge | Varied damp sites |
Pericoma fallax | a moth fly/owl midge | Varied damp sites |
Pericoma fuliginosa | a moth fly/owl midge | Came to light trap |
Pericoma neglecta | a moth fly/owl midge | Varied damp sites |
Pericoma nubila | a moth fly/owl midge | Varied damp sites |
Phaonia angelicae | a muscid fly | |
Phaonia fuscata (Fall?n) | a muscid fly | |
Phaonia incana | a muscid fly | |
Phaonia mystica | a muscid fly | |
Phaonia pallida | a muscid fly | |
Phaonia rufiventris (Scopoli) | a muscid fly | |
Phaonia subventa | a muscid fly | |
Phaonia tuguriorum (Scopoli) | a muscid fly | |
Phaonia valida | A fly | Scarce |
Phasia barbifrons Gieschner | a parasitic fly | |
Phasia hemiptera | a parasitic fly | Parasite of Hemiptera (bugs) Specimen in Reading Museum from Doone Valley 1988. |
Phasia obesa (Fabricius) | a parasitic fly | |
Pherbellia albocostata | a snail-killing fly | |
Pherbellia dubia | a snail-killing fly | Damp woodland |
Pherbellia nana | a snail-killing fly | |
Pherbellia scutellaris | a snail-killing fly | |
Phormia terraenovae | a blue bottle or green bottle | |
Phronia basalis | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia biarcuata | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia cinerascens | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia conformis | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia contanica | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia exigua | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia flavipes | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia forcipata | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia humeralis | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia nigricornis | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia nitidiventris | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia notata | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia signata | a fungus gnat | (Phronia stinata)? |
Phronia strenua | a fungus gnat | |
Phronia tarsata | a fungus gnat | |
Phthinia winnertzi | a fungus gnat | |
Phyllodromia melanocephala | a dance fly | |
Physiphora alceae | a fly | Most numerous in hot summers. |
Physocephala rufipes (Fabricius) | a fly | |
Phyto melanocephala (Meigen) | a wood-louse fly | |
Phytoliriomyza hilarella | a leaf-mining fly | On bracken |
Phytoliriomyza melampyga | a leaf-mining fly | On Indian balsom. |
Phytomyza agromyzina | a leaf-mining fly | On Dogwood |
Phytomyza angelicae | a leaf-mining fly | |
Phytomyza angelicastri | a leaf-mining fly | On Wild Angelica |
Phytomyza aprilina | a leaf-mining fly | On Honeysuckle & Snowberry |
Phytomyza aquilegiae | a leaf-mining fly | On Columbine. |
Phytomyza artemisivora | a leaf-mining fly | On Mugwort |
Phytomyza bipunctata | a leaf-mining fly | On Echinops sp. |
Phytomyza calthivora | a leaf-mining fly | on Caltha palustris |
Phytomyza calthophila | A leaf-mining fly | On Caltha palustris |
Phytomyza chaerophylli | a leaf-mining fly | On Umbellifers |
Phytomyza cirsii | a leaf-mining fly | On thistles. |
Phytomyza conii Hering | a leaf-mining fly | On Conium maculatum |
Phytomyza conyzae | a leaf-mining fly | On Fleabane |
Phytomyza crassiseta | a leaf-mining fly | On Germander Speedwell |
Phytomyza cytisi | a leaf-mining fly | On Laburnum |
Phytomyza fallaciosa | a leaf-mining fly | On Ranunculus spp. |
Phytomyza glecomae | a leaf-mining fly | On Ground ivy |
Phytomyza horticola | a leaf-mining fly | On many herbaceous plants |
Phytomyza ilicis | Holly Leaf Gall Fly | On Holly. |
Phytomyza lappae | a leaf-mining fly | On Burdock. |
Phytomyza leucanthemi | a leaf-mining fly | On Ox-eye Daisy |
Phytomyza lonicerae | a leaf-mining fly | On Lonicera and Leycesteria |
Phytomyza marginella | a leaf-mining fly | On Dandelions and Hawkweeds. |
Phytomyza milii | a leaf-mining fly | On Wood Millet grass. |
Phytomyza minuscula | a leaf-mining fly | On Columbine |
Phytomyza nigra | a leaf-mining fly | On Holcus and Brachypodium grasses. |
Phytomyza obscura | A leaf-mining fly | On Calamint |
Phytomyza obscurella | a leaf-mining fly | On Ground Elder. Rare. |
Phytomyza periclymeni | a leaf-mining fly | ON LONICERA & LEYCESTERIA |
Phytomyza petoei | a leaf-mining fly | On Mint sp. |
Phytomyza plantaginis | a leaf-mining fly | On Plantain spp. |
Phytomyza primulae | a leaf-mining fly | On Primrose |
Phytomyza pullula | a leaf-mining fly | On Chamomile |
Phytomyza ranunculi | a leaf-mining fly | On Lesser Celandine & Creeping buttercup. |
Phytomyza ranunculicola | a leaf-mining fly | On Meadow Buttercup |
Phytomyza ranunculivora | a leaf-mining fly | On Creeping Buttercup |
Phytomyza scolopendri | a leaf-mining fly | On Hartstongue fern |
Phytomyza solidaginis | a leaf-mining fly | On wild Golden rod |
Phytomyza spinaciae | a leaf-mining fly | On Creeping thistle. |
Phytomyza spondylii | a leaf-mining fly | On Hogweed |
Phytomyza syngenesiae | a leaf-mining fly | On Sowthistle spp. |
Phytomyza tanaceti | a leaf-mining fly | On Tansy |
Phytomyza tetrasticha | a leaf-mining fly | On Mint (Mentha x villosa) |
Phytomyza tussilaginis | a leaf-mining fly | On Coltsfoot and Winter Heliotrope. |
Phytomyza virgaureae | a leaf-mining fly | On wild Golden rod |
Phytomyza vitalbae | a leaf-mining fly | On wild Clematis |
Phytosciara flavipes | a fly | In deciduous woodlands. |
Pilaria batava | a cranefly | Seepages, usually rather basic. |
Pilaria discicollis | a cranefly | Common. |
Pilaria filata | a cranefly | Syn. Neolimnomyia filata |
Pilaria fuscipennis | a cranefly | Seepages. |
Pipiza austriaca | a hoverfly | Damp sites |
Pipiza bimaculata | a hoverfly | |
Pipiza noctiluca | a hoverfly | |
Pipizella viduata | a hoverfly | |
Platycephala planifrons | a fly | Waterside vegetation & reed-beds. |
Platycheirus albimanus | a hoverfly | Syn. P. cyaneus (Muller) |
Platycheirus angustatus | a hoverfly | Damp grassland |
Platycheirus clypeatus agg. | a hoverfly | |
Platycheirus clypeatus sens. str. | a hoverfly | |
Platycheirus manicatus | a hoverfly | |
Platycheirus occultus Goldlin de Tiefenau et al. | a hoverfly | |
Platycheirus peltatus | a hoverfly | |
Platycheirus scutatus | a hoverfly | |
Platypalpus ciliaris | a dance fly | |
Platypalpus luteus | a dance fly | |
Platypalpus notatus | a dance fly | |
Platypalpus parvicauda | a dance fly | |
Platypalpus pectoralis | a dance fly | |
Platystoma seminationis | a fly | Rank vegetation; varied habitats. |
Platyura marginata | a fungus gnat | |
Poecilobothrus nobilitatus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Polietes lardaria | a muscid fly | In light woodland |
Pollenia angustigena Wainwright | a fly | |
Pollenia labialis Robineau-Desvoidy | a fly | |
Pollenia rudis | a blue bottle or green bottle | |
Polyporivora picta | A flat-footed fly. | A woodland species |
Polylepta guttiventris | a fungus gnat | |
Portevinia maculata | a hoverfly | |
Potthastia gaedii | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Potthastia longimana | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Praomyia leachii | a soldier fly | From beetle burrows especially in oak. |
Prodiamesa olivacea | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Psectrocladius sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Pseudexechia trisignata | a fungus gnat | |
Pseudobrachypeza helvetica | a fungus gnat | |
Pseudocollinella humida (Haliday) (Syn. Opacifrons humida) | a fungus gnat | |
Pseudolimnophila lucorum | a cranefly | Common. |
Pseudolimnophila sepium | a cranefly | Common. |
Pseudonupedia intersecta | a fly | Syn. Paradelia intersecta |
Psila rosae | a fly | |
Psilopa nitidula (Fall?n) | a fly | |
Psychoda alternata | a moth fly/owl midge | Varied damp sites |
Ptiolina obscura | a snipe fly | |
Ptychoptera albimana | a fly | Common |
Ptychoptera lacustris | a fly | By streams |
Pyrophaena granditarsa | a hoverfly | Meadows |
Pyrophaena rosarum | a hoverfly | Meadows |
Rachispoda limosa (Fall?n) | a lesser dung fly | |
Renocera pallida | a snail-killing fly | Seepages in alder carr |
Rhabdophaga marginemtorquens | a gall midge | Galls on willow. |
Rhabdophaga salicis | a gall midge | Stem gall on willow. |
Rhagio lineola | a snipe fly | |
Rhagio scolopacea | a snipe fly | |
Rhagio tringarius | a snipe fly | |
Rhagoletis alternata (Fall?n) | a fruit fly | |
Rhamphomyia (Aclonempis) albohirta | a dance fly | |
Rhamphomyia (Aclonempis) longipes | a dance fly | |
Rhamphomyia (Holoclera) flava | a dance fly | |
Rhamphomyia (Holoclera) umbripennis | a dance fly | |
Rhamphomyia (Lundstroemiella) hybotina | a dance fly | |
Rhamphomyia (Megacyttarus) anomalipennis | a dance fly | |
Rhamphomyia (Megacyttarus) crassirostris | a dance fly | |
Rhamphomyia (Pararhamphomyia) dentipes | a dance fly | |
Rhamphomyia (Pararhamphomyia) tarsata | a dance fly | |
Rhamphomyia nitidula | a dance fly | |
Rhaphium appendiculatum | a dolichopodid fly | |
Rhaphium caliginosum | a dolichopodid fly | Near water |
Rhaphium longicorne (Fall?n) | a dolichopodid fly | |
Rhaphium monotrichum | a dolichopodid fly | |
Rheocricotopus chalybeatus | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Rheotanytarsus sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Rhingia campestris | a hoverfly | |
Rhinophora lepida | a fly | |
Rhopalomyia millefolii | a gall midge | |
Rondaniola bursaria | a gall midge | Galls on Ground-ivy. |
Rymosia bifida | a fungus gnat | |
Rymosia fasciata | a fungus gnat | |
Rymosia placida | a fungus gnat | |
Rymosia virens | a fungus gnat | |
Sapromyza sexpunctata | a fly | |
Sapromyza sordida | a fly | |
Sarophaga carnaria | A Flesh-fly | Scarce |
Sarcophaga sinuata Meigen | a flesh fly | |
Sargus bipunctatus | a soldier fly | |
Sargus iridatus | a soldier fly | |
Scaeva pyrastri | a hoverfly | |
Scaptomyza flava | a fruit fly | Mines on Tropaeolum majus |
Scaptomyza graminum | a fruit fly | Mines on Chenopodium album |
Scaptomyza pallida | a leaf-mining fly | Mines on Allium cepa |
Scatella paludum (Meigen) | a shore fly | |
Scathophaga furcata | a dung fly | |
Scathophaga inquinata Meigen | a dung fly | |
Scathophaga stercoraria | a dung fly | |
Scathophaga suilla | a dung fly | |
Sceptonia membranacea | a fungus gnat | |
Sciapus longulus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Sciapus platypterus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Sciara thomae | a fly | Common on Hogweed umbels. |
Scleroprocta pentagonalis | a cranefly | On dead wood by streams |
Scleroprocta sororcula | a cranefly | On dead wood by streams |
Senometopia excisa | a parasitic fly | A record dated 1895 in Belshaw (R.) 1993 Handbook for the Iden. of Br. Insects Vol. 10 Pt. 4a (i) Royal En. Soc. Specimen in BM. From Lynton. |
Sepsis cynipsea | a lesser dung fly | |
Sepsis orthocnemis Frey | a lesser dung fly | |
Sericomyia lappona | a hoverfly | Seepages |
Sericomyia silentis | a hoverfly | |
Sicus ferrugineus | a fly | |
Simulium angustitarse | a black fly | By flowing water. |
Simulium argyreatum | a black fly | By flowing water. |
Simulium aureum | a black fly | By flowing water. |
Simulium brevicaule | a black fly | By flowing water. |
Simulium equinum | a black fly | By flowing water. |
Simulium ornatum | a black fly | By flowing water. |
Simulium reptans | a black fly | By flowing water. |
Simulium rheophilum | a black fly | Records of this from R. Exe 1978 by S.W. Water but now synonymous with S. argyreatum. |
Simulium vernum | a black fly | By flowing water. |
Sitodiplosis phalaridis | a gall midge | |
Spelobia cambrica (Richards) | a lesser dung fly | |
Spelobia nana (Rondani) | a lesser dung fly | |
Spelobia palmata | a lesser dung fly | |
Speolepta leptogaster | a fungus gnat | |
Sphaerophoria interrupta (Fabricius) | a hoverfly | |
Sphaerophoria philantha | a hoverfly | Woodland margins. |
Sphaerophoria scripta | a hoverfly | |
Sphegina clunipes | a hoverfly | Wet dead wood |
Sphegina kimakowiczi | a hoverfly | Now included with S. elygans |
Sphegina verecunda | a hoverfly | On wet dead wood. |
Stempellinella sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Stomoxys calcitrans | Stable Fly | Bites animals and humans |
Suillia atricornis | a fly | Syn. Allophyla atricornis |
Suillia bicolor | a fly | Syn. Hetomyza bicolor |
Suillia dumicola | a fly | on fungi |
Suillia fuscicornis | a fly | |
Suillia pallida (Fall?n) | a fly | |
Suillia variegata | a fly | |
Sylvicola cinctus (Fabricius) | a window gnat | |
Sylvicola fenestralis | a window gnat | Frequent. |
Sylvicola punctatus | a window gnat | Syn. Anisopus punctatus. Recorded from damp sites. |
Symmerus annulatus | a fungus gnat | |
Symplecta stictica (Meigen) | a cranefly | |
Synapha fasciata | a fungus gnat | |
Synapha vitripennis | a fungus gnat | |
Synorthocladius semivirens | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Synplasta excogitata | a fungus gnat | |
Syntormon monilis | a dolichopodid fly | Near water |
Syntormon pallipes | a dolichopodid fly | Near water |
Syntormon sulcipes (Meigen) | a dolichopodid fly | |
Syritta pipiens | a hoverfly | |
Syrphidae sp. | a hoverfly | |
Syrphus ribesii | a hoverfly | |
Syrphus torvus | a hoverfly | |
Syrphus vitripennis | a hoverfly | |
Tabanus autumnalis | a horse fly | |
Tabanus bromius | a horse fly | |
Tachina fera | a parasitic fly | |
Tachina grossa | a parasitic fly | |
Tachypeza nubila | a dance fly | |
Tanypus sp. | a non-biting midge | In damp sites. |
Tanytarsus sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Tarnania fenestralis | a fungus gnat | |
Tarnania nemoralis | a fungus gnat | |
Tasiocera fuscescens | a cranefly | Common. |
Tasiocera murina | a cranefly | Common. |
Taxomyia taxi | a gall midge | Galls on yew |
Tephritis bardanae (Schrank) | a fly | On Burdock (Arctium minus) |
Tephritis neesii (Meigen) | a fly | |
Tephritis vespertina | a fly | added 2016. |
Terellia tussilaninis | A Fruit-fly | Scarce |
Tetanocera ferruginea | a snail-killing fly | |
Tetanocera fuscinervis | a snail-killing fly | |
Tetanocera hyalipennis | a snail-killing fly | Seepages in alder carr. |
Tetanocera phyllophora | a snail-killing fly | Damp sites |
Tetanura pallidiventris | a snail-killing fly | Damp woodland |
Tetragoneura sylvatica | a fungus gnat | |
Thaumalea testacea | a trickle midge | Shaded wet rocks. |
Thaumalea verralli Edwards | a trickle midge | |
Thaumatomyia notata | a fly | Marshland |
Thecophora atra | a fly | Grassland. |
Themira putris | a lesser dung fly | |
Thereva nobilitata | a stiletto fly | |
Thienemanniella sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Thienemannimyia sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Thoracochaeta zosterae (Haliday) | a lesser dung fly | |
Thricops semicinerea | a muscid fly | |
Tipula (Acutipula) fulvipennis | a cranefly | Moorland fringes. |
Tipula (Acutipula) maxima | a cranefly | Damp sites in woodland. |
Tipula (Beringotipula) unca | a cranefly | Common. |
Tipula (Dendrotipula) flavolineata | a cranefly | |
Tipula (Lunatipula) cava | a cranefly | |
Tipula (Lunatipula) fascipennis | a cranefly | Common. |
Tipula (Lunatipula) selene | a cranefly | Rare. Breeds in dead wood on wet soil. |
Tipula (Vestiplex) hortorum | a cranefly | Fields, meadows, gardens. Common. |
Tipula (Vestiplex) scripta | a cranefly | Common. |
Tipula (Yamatipula) montium | a cranefly | River banks, ponds, water meadows. |
Tipula (Yamatipula) pruinosa | a cranefly | In muddy marshes. |
Tipula lateralis Meigen | a cranefly | |
Tipula oleracea | a cranefly | Common. |
Tipula paludosa | a cranefly | Damp sites. |
Tipula vernalis | a cranefly | |
Tipula vittata | a cranefly | Scarce |
Trichina elongata | a dance fly | |
Trichina pallipes | a dance fly | |
Trichocera hiemalis | a winter gnat | Common in woodland |
Trichocera regelationis | a winter gnat | Frequent. |
Tricholauxania praeusta | a fly | |
Trichomyia urbico Haliday | a moth fly | |
Trichonta melanura | a fungus gnat | |
Trichonta vitta | a fungus gnat | |
Trichopeza longicornis | a dance fly | |
Trichosia morio (Fabricius) | a fly | |
Trichosia splendens | a fly | |
Tricogena rubricosa (Meigen) | a woodlouse-fly | |
Triphleba gracilis | a scuttle fly | In woodland |
Trypeta artemisiae | a gall fly | Mines on Artemisia vulgaris. |
Trypetoptera punctulata | a snail-killing fly | |
Ula mollissima | a cranefly | |
Urophora solstitialis | a gall fly | 1918 record from Minehead. |
Urophora stylata | a gall fly | Gall on Cirsium |
Volucella bombylans | a hoverfly | |
Volucella inanis | a hoverfly | |
Volucella inflata (Fabricius) | a Hoverfly | |
Vollucella zonaria | Hornet mimic Hoverfly | |
Volucella pellucens | a hoverfly | Woods & copses |
Wiedemannia sp. | a dance fly | Near water. |
Xanthandrus comtus | a hoverfly | In meadows and scrub. |
Xanthochlorus ornatus | a dolichopodid fly | |
Xanthogramma citrofasciatum | a hoverfly | |
Xanthogramma pedissequum (Harris) | a hoverfly | |
Xenexechia leptura | a fungus gnat | |
Xylodiplosis nigritarsis | a gall midge | |
Xylophagus ater | a fly | |
Xylota florum | a hoverfly | Recorded 1915 |
Xylota segnis | a hoverfly | |
Xylota sylvarum | a hoverfly | |
Xylota xanthocnema | a hoverfly | |
Xyphosia miliaria | a gall fly | By streams |
Zavrelimyia sp. | a non-biting midge | By flowing water. |
Zodion notatum | a fly | |
Zygomyia pictipennis | a fungus gnat | |
Zygomyia vara | a fungus gnat | |
Updated to May 2019. |
Freshwater-Algae: Updated to September 2020 to include all reports to Exmoor Naturalist No. 46 Pt 2.
Introduction to the Freshwater AlgaeThe Freshwater Algae fall into five groups which are each recorded by Scientific Names from A-Z in the following list. The groups cover Green Algae and Desmids, Stoneworts, Brown Algae and Diatoms, Blue-green Algae and Red Algae. For Seaweeds please see the Maritime Check-List. The study of Algae requires microscopic research and little has been done in this section by Exmoor Natural History Field Recorders. In the 1950s Dr W. Watson published a list of his findings in the SANHS Proceedings. For sake of completeness, these are included in the following list, with due acknowledgement. Further, up to date work on this subject would be advantageous
Freshwater Algae | ||
Common Name | Scientific Name | Notes |
SECTION ONE: Green Algae and Desmids | ||
Green Algae | Ankistrodesmus falcatus | Common. |
Green Algae | Binuclearia tatrana | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Botrydina vulgaris | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Botryococcus sp. | In water filled depressions on tracks, etc. |
Green Algae | Chaetophora sp. | An epiphyte on water plants or on sticks or stones. Globular form. |
Green Algae | Characium heterorphum | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Chlamydomononas pulvisculus | Common. Round swimming cells. |
Green Algae. Blanket Weed. | Cladophora fracta | Very common in ponds and pools. |
Green Algae. A Blanket Weed. | Cladophora glomerata | Rocks in freshwater streams. |
Green Algae. A desmid. | Closterium lunula s.l. | Common in ponds and slow moving water and bogs. |
Green Algae | Coccomyxa subellipsoides | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Coelastrum spp. | On peaty moorland. |
Green Algae. A desmid. | Cosmarium sp. | In still water. |
Green Algae. A desmid. | Cylindrocystis sp. | Locally common |
Green Algae | Dactylococcus braunii | Ex Watson's List |
Greem Algae. | Draparaldia glomerata | On stones in water. |
Green Algae. A desmid. | Eurastrum sp. | Acid pools and bogs. |
Green Algae | Gloeocystis gigas | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Gloeocystis vesiculosa | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae. A desmid. | Hyalotheca sp. | Acid pools and bogs. |
Green Algae. A desmid. | Micrasterias sp. | Acid pools and bogs. |
Green Algae | Microspora spp. | Local. |
Green Algae. | Mougeotia sp. | In still water. |
Green Algae | Netrium digitus | |
Green Algae | Oedogonium itzigsohnii | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Oedogonium obsoletum | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Oedogonium rufescens | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Oedogonium vaucherii | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Oocystis elliptica | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Oocystis solitaria | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Palmella mucosa | Moorland Combes. Ex Watson's List. |
Green Algae | Phycopeltis arundinacea | Locally common on trees and shrubs |
Green Algae | Pleurococcus vulgaris | On tree trunks. Ex Watson's List. |
Green Algae | Prasiola crispa | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae. | Scenedesmus sp. | Widespread. |
Green Algae | Spirogyra cataeniformis | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Spirogyra tenuissima | Common in standing water. |
Green Algae. A desmid. | Staurastrum sp. | Locally common. |
Green Algae | Tetraspora sp | In still water. |
Green Algae. | Trentepohlia aurea | Locally common on damp rocks. |
Green Algae | Ulothrix aequalis | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Ulothrix moniliformis | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Ulothrix subtilis | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Ulothrix zonata | Common. |
Green Algae | Vaucheria hamata | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Vaucheria ornithocephala | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Vaucheria sessilis | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae | Volvox aureus | Common. Colonies in puddles and ponds. |
Green Algae | Westella botyroides | Ex Watson's List |
Green Algae. | Zygnema sp. | Common in ponds and puddles. |
Yellow-Green Algae | Tribonema bombycinum | Ex Watson's List |
A Green Flagellate | Euglena sp. | Ponds and most water. |
Stonewort | Nitella flexilis | Old 1930s records. |
Stonewort | Nitella translucens | Local. In ponds. |
Brown Algae. Diatom | Fragilaria spp. | Chain forming diatom. |
Brown Algae. Diatom | Melosira varians | Ex Watson's List |
Brown Algae. Diatom | Navicula sp. | Locally common on mud. |
Brown Algae. Diatom | Pinnularia spp. | Common. |
Brown Algae. Diatom | Surirella sp. | In ponds and rivers. |
Brown Algae. Diatom | Synedra ulna | Non chain forming. Ex Watson's List |
Brown Algae. Diatom | Tabellaria sp. | In acid water. |
Blue-green Algae | Anabaena torulosa | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Anabaena variabilis | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Aphanothece microscopica | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Glaucocystis nostochinearum | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Calothrix pariatine | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Chamaeosiphon incrustans | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Chroococcus macrococcus | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Gloecapsa coracina | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Gloeothece confluens | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Gloeothece granosa | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Nostoc coeruleum | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae. Nostoc | Nostoc commune | Wet ground. Colony forming. |
Blue-green Algae | Nostoc sphaericum | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Nostoc verrucosum | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Oscillatoria irrigua | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Oscillatoria rubiginosa | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Oscillatoria tenuis | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Phormidium autumnale | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Rivularia crustacea | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Scytonema mirabile | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Stigonema minutum | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Stigonema ocellatum | Ex Watson's List |
Blue-green Algae | Symploca muscorum | Ex Watson's List |
Red Algae | Batrachospermum moniliforme | Ex Watson's List |
Red Algae. Frogspawn alga. | Batrachospermum vagum | On stones in streams. |
Red Algae | Hildenbrandia rivularis | Rocks in freshwater streams. |
Red Algae | Sacheria fluviatilis | Ex Watson's List |
Red Algae | Sacheria mammilosa | Ex Watson's List |
Fungi: Ascomycetes, (Cup Fungi).
Updated to 31st December 2022Species: Ascomycetes (Cup Fungi) | (Host)/Common Name | Phyla/Division |
Acanthophiobolus helicosporus (Berk. & Broome) J. W. | ||
Acrospermum compressum Tode | upon Urtica dioica | |
Aleuria aurantia (Pers.) Fuckel | Orange Peel Fungus | |
Anthracobia macrocystis (Cooke) Boud. | Charcoal Goldeneye | |
Ascobolus denudatus Fr. | ||
Ascobolus furfuraceus Pers. | ||
Ascocoryne sarcoides (Jacq.) J. W. Groves & D. E. Wilson | Purple Jellydisc | |
Ascodichaena rugosa Butin | ||
Belonidium mollissimum (Fuckel) Raitv. | ||
Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S. E. Carp. | Lemon Disco | |
Biscogniauxia nummularia (Bull.) Kuntze | Beech Tarcrust | |
Botrytis cinerea Pers. | Grey Mould | |
Bulgaria inquinans (Pers.) Fr. | Black Bulgar | |
Byssonectria fusispora (Berk.) Rogerson & Korf | ||
Cheilymenia granulata (Bull.) J. Moravec | ||
Cheilymenia stercorea (Pers.) Boud | ||
Cheilymenia theleboloides (Alb. & Schwein.) Boud. | ||
Chlorociboria aeruginascens (Nyl.) Kanouse ex. CSR et al. | Green Elfcup | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. | Ergot | |
Cordyceps militaris (L.) Fr. | Scarlet Caterpillar Fungus | |
Cudoniella acicularis (Bull.) J. Schr?t. | Oak Pin | |
Cudoniella clavus (Alb. & Schwein.) Dennis | Spring Pin | |
Cyathicula cyathoidea (Bull.) Th?m. | upon Urtica dioica | |
Daldinia concentrica (Bolton) Ces. & De Not. | Cramp Ball | |
Daldinia fissa Lloyd | Gorse Cramp Ball | |
Dialonectria episphaeria (Tode) Cooke | ||
Diaporthopsis urticae (Fr.) Arx & E. M?ll. | Nettle Shield | |
Diatrype disciformis (Hoffm.) Fr. | Beech Barkspot | |
Diatrype stigma (Hoffm.) Fr. | Common Tarcrust | |
Diatrypella favacea (Fr.) Ces. & De Not. | Birch Blackhead | |
Diatrypelia quercina (Pers.) Cooke | Oak Blackhead | |
Disciotis venosa (Pers.) Arnould | Bleach Cup | |
Echinosphaeria canescens (Pers.) A. N. Mill & Huhndorf | ||
Elaphomyces granulatus (Fr.) | False Truffle | |
Epichloe typhina subsp. typhina (Pers.) Tul. & C. Tul. | Choke | |
Erysiphe alphitoides (Griffon & Maubl) U. Braun & S. Takam. | Oakleaf powdery mildew | |
Erysiphe aquilegiae DC. | ||
Erysiphe aquilegiae var aquilegiae DC. | a powdery mildew | |
Erysiphe circaeae L. Junell | ||
Erysiphe cruciferarum Opiz ex L. Junell | upon Lunaria | |
Erysiphe heraclei (de Candolle) Wallroth | powdery mildew upon Anthriscus sylvestris | |
Erysiphe hyperici (Wallr.) S. Blumer | ||
Erysiphe lycopsidis R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen | ||
Erysiphe mougeotii (L?v.) de Bary | ||
Erysiphe trifoliorum (Wallr.) U. Braun | ||
Eutypa maura (Fr.) Sacc. | ||
Eutypa spinosa (Pers.) Tul. & C. Tul. | Spiral Tarcrust | |
Geoglossum atropurpureum (Batsch) Pers. BAP | Dark Purple Earthtongue | |
Geoglossum cookeanum Nannf. ex Minter & P. F. Cannon | ||
Geoglossum fallax E. J. Durand | an Earthtongue | |
Geoglossum peckianum Cooke | Slimy Earthtongue | |
Geoglossum umbratile Sacc. | Plain Earthtongue | |
Geopora sumneriana (Cooke ex W. Phillips) M. Torre | Cedar Cup | |
Geoscypha ampelina (Gillet) Van Vooren & Dougoud | ||
Glutinoglossum glutinosum (Pers.) Hustad, A. N. Mill et al. | Glutinous Earthtongue | |
Golovinomyces artemisiae(Grev.) V. P. Heluta | ||
Golovinomyces asterum (Schwein.) U.Braun | Powdery mildew of Michaelmas Daisy | |
Golovinomyces cichoracearum (DC.) V. P. Heluta | ||
Golovinomyces cynoglossi (Wallr.) V. P. Heluta | Forget-me-not mildew | |
Golovinomyces macrocarpus (Speer) U. Braun | upon Tanacetum vulgare | |
Golovinomyces orontii (Castagne) V. P. Heluta | ||
Helvella crispa (Scop.) Fr. | White Saddle | |
Helvella elastica Bull. | Elastic Saddle | |
Helvella ephippium L?v. | ||
Helvella lacunosa Afzel. | Elfin Saddle | |
Humaria hemisphaerica (F. H. Wigg) Fuckel | Glazed Cup | |
Hymenoscyphus calyculus (Fr.) W. Phillips | ||
Hymenoscyphus epiphyllus (Pers.) Rehm ex Kauffman | ||
Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (T. Kowalski) Barai, Queloz & Hosoya | Ash Dieback Disease | |
Hymenoscyphus fructigenus (Bull.) Gray | Nut Disco | |
Hymenoscyphus humuli (Lasch) Dennis | ||
Hymenoscyphus pileatus (P. Karst.) Kuntze | ||
Hymenoscyphus scutula (Pers.) W. Phillips | ||
Hypomyces aurantius (Pers.) Fuckel | Orange Polypore Mould | |
Hypomyces chrysospermus Tul. & C. Tul. | Bolete Mould | |
Hypomyces rosellus (Alb. & Schwein.) Tul. & C. Tul. | Pink Polypore Mould | |
Hypoxylon fragiforme (Pers.) J. Kickx f. | Beech Woodwart | |
Hypoxylon fuscum (Pers.) Fr. | Hazel Woodwart | |
Hypoxylon howeanum Peck | ||
Hypoxylon rubiginosum (Pers.) Fr. | Rusty Woodwart | |
Hysterobrevium smilacis (Schwein.) E. Boehm & C. L. Sch | upon Rubus | |
Jackrogersella multiformis (Fr.) L. Wendt, Kuhnert & M. St. | Birch Woodwart | |
Kretzschmaria deusta (Hoffm.) P. M. D. Martin | Brittle Cinder | |
Lachnellula occidentalis (G. G. Hahn & Ayers) Dhame | Larch Disco | |
Lachnum brevipilosum Baral. | ||
Lachnum virgineum (Batsch) P. Karst. | Snowy Disco | |
Lasiobolus papillatus (Pers.) Sacc. | ||
Lasiosphaeria ovina (Pers.) Ces. & De Not. | Woolly Woodwart | |
Legaliana badia (Pers.) Van Vooren | Bay Cup | |
Leotia lubrica (Scop.) Pers. | Jellybaby | |
Leptosphaeria acuta (Fuckel) P. Karst. | Nettle Rash | |
Lophiostoma macrostomum (Tode) Ces. & De Not. | ||
Lophodermium pinastri (Schrad.) Chevall. | Pine Needle Split | |
Microglossum viride (Pers.) Gillet | Green Earthtongue | |
Mitrula paludosa Fr. | Bog Beacon | |
Mollisia cinerea (Batsch) P. Karst. | Common Grey Disco | |
Monilinia fructigena (Pers.) Honey | Brown Rot | |
Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. | Morel | |
Myriosclerotinia sulcatula T. Schumach & L. M. Kohn | Sedge Fungus | |
Nectria cinnabarina (Tode) Fr. | Coral Spot | |
Nemania confluens (Tode) Laess?e & Spooner | on Quercus lignum | |
Nemania effusa (Nitschke) Pouzar | ||
Nemania serpens (Pers.) Gray | ||
Neobulgaria pura (Pers.) Petr. | Beech Jellydisc | |
Neoerysiphe galeopsidis (DC.) U. Braun | ||
Neottiella rutilans (Fr.) Dennis | ||
Onygena corvina Alb. & Schwein. | Feather Stalkball | |
Onygena equina (Willd.) Pers. | Horn Stalkball | |
Ophiocordyceps sphecocephala (Klotzch ex Berk.) et al. | ||
Ophiognomonia leptostyla (Fr.) Sogonov | Walnut Leaf Blotch | |
Ophiostoma ulmi (Buisman) Nannf. | Dutch Elm Disease | |
Otidea alutacea (Pers.) Massee | Tan Ear | |
Otidea bufonia (Pers.) Boud. | Toad's Ear | |
Otidea leporina (Batsch) Fuckel | Rabbit's Ear | |
Otidea onotica (Pers.) Fuckel | Hare's Ear | |
Paragalactinia succosa (Berk.) Van Vooren | Yellowing Cup | |
Penicillium digitatum (Pers.) Sacc. | Green Mould | |
Peroneutypa scoparia (Schwein.) Camar?n & A. I. Romero | pathogenic dieback disease | |
Peziza cerea Sowerby | Cellar Cup | |
Peziza echinospora P. Karst. | Charcoal Cup | |
Peziza merdae Donaldini | rare | |
Peziza repanda Wahlenb. ex Fr. | Palomino Cup | |
Peziza vesiculosa Bull. | Blistered Cup | |
Phaeohelotium carneum (Fr.) Hengstm. | ||
Phyllactinia guttata (Wallr.) L?v. | ||
Podosphaera aphanis var aphanis (Wallr.) U. Braun et al. | upon Geum urbanum | |
Podosphaera clandestina var clandestina (Wallr.) L?v. | upon Crataegus | |
Podosphaera erigerontis-canadensis (L?v.) U. Braun & T. Z. Liu | upon Taraxacum | |
Podosphaera epilobii (Wallroth) de Bary | powdery mildew of Willowherb | |
Podosphaera filipendulae (Zhao) Liu & Braun | powdery mildew of Meadowsweet | |
Podosphaera leucotricha (Ellis & Everh.) E. S. Salmon | upon Malus | |
Podosphaera spiraeae (Sawada) U. Braun & S. Takam. | upon Spiraea prunifolia | |
Poronia punctata (L.) Fr. BAP | Nail Fungus | |
Protomyces macrosporus Unger | Water-dropwort rust | |
Rhizina undulata Fr. | Pine Firefungus | |
Rhytisma acerinum (Pers.) P. Karst. | Sycamore Tarspot | |
Rhopographus filicinus (Fr.) Nitschke ex Fuckel | Bracken Map | |
Rodwayella citrinula (P. Karst.) Spooner | ||
Rutstroemia firma (Pers.) P. Karst. | Brown Cup | |
Ruzenia spermoides (Hoffm.) O. Hilber | ||
Sarcoscypha austriaca (Beck ex Sacc.) Boud. | Scarlet Elf Cup | |
Sarcoscypha coccinea (Gray) Boud. | Ruby Elf Cup | |
Scutellinia scutellata (L.) Lambotte | Common Eyelash | |
Scutularia citrina (Chevall.) Sacc. | ||
Seifertia azaleae (Peck) Partr. & Morgan-Jones | Rhododendron Bud Blast | |
Septoria lavandulae Desm. | Lavender Leaf Spot | |
Sowerbyella radiculata (Sowerby) Nannf. | ||
Stictis stellata Wallr. | ||
Taphrina betulina Rostr. | Birch Besom | |
Taphrina deformans (Berk.) Tul. | Peach Leaf Curl | |
Taphrina pruni (Fuckel) Tul. | Pocket Plum | |
Tarzetta catinus (Holmsk.) Korf & J. K. Rogers | Greater Toothed Cup | |
Tarzetta cupularis (L.) Svrček | Toothed Cup | |
Trichoderma pulvinatum (Fuckel) Jakitsch & Voglmayr | Ochre Cushion | |
Trichoglossum hirsutum (Pers.) Boud. | Hairy Earthtongue | |
Trichophaea woolhopeia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Boud. | ||
Trochila craterium (DC.) Fr. | Ivy Speckle | |
Trochila ilacina (Nees ex Fr.) Courtec. | Holly Speckle | |
Xylaria carpophila (Pers.) Fr. | Beechmast Candlesnuff | |
Xylaria filiformis (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. | ||
Xylaria hypoxylon (L.) Grev. | Candlesnuff Fungus | |
Xylaria longipes Nitschke | Dead Moll's Fingers | |
Xylaria polymorpha (Pers.) Grev. | Dead Man's Fingers | |
As at 26/05/2021: Species: 164 Genera: 94 |
Fungi: Basidiomycetes.
Updated to 31st December 2022 to include all reports to the Exmoor Naturalist No 48. Pt.2Species: Basidiomycetes | (Host)/Common Name | Phyla/Division | |
Macro Fungi revised May 2021 | |||
Abortiporus biennis (Bull.) Singer | Blushing Rosette | ||
Agaricus abruptibulbus Peck | |||
Agaricus arvensis Schaeff | Horse Mushroom | ||
Agaricus augustusFr. | The Prince | ||
Agaricus bernardii Qu?l. | Salty Mushroom | ||
Agaricus bisporus (J. E. Lange) Imbach | Cultivated Mushroom | ||
Agaricus bitorquis (Qu?l.) Sacc. | Pavement Mushroom | ||
Agaricus bresadolanus Bohus | |||
Agaricus campestris L. | Field Mushroom | ||
Agaricus comtulus Fr. | Ornamented Mushroom | ||
Agaricus cupreobrunneus (Jul. Sch?ff. & Steer) Pil?t | Copper Mushroom | ||
Agaricus dulcidulus Schulzer | Rosy Wood Mushroom | ||
Agaricus fuscofibrillosus (F. H. M?ller) Pil?t | |||
Agaricus impudicus (Rea) Pil?t | Tufted Wood Mushroom | ||
Agaricus lanipes (F. H. Møller & Jul. Schäff.) Hlaváček | The Princess | ||
Agaricus langei (F. H. M?ller) F. H. M?ller | Scaly Wood Mushroom | ||
Agaricus lutosus F. H. M?ller | |||
Agaricus moelleri Wasser | Inky Mushroom | ||
Agaricus phaeolepidotus F. H. M?ller | |||
Agaricus porphyrocephalus F. H. M?ller | |||
Agaricus subperonatus (J. E. Lange) Singer | A mushroom | ||
Agaricus sylvaticus Schaeff. | Blushing Wood Mushroom | ||
Agaricus sylvicola (Vittad) Peck | Wood Mushroom | ||
Agaricus urinascens (Jul.Schaff.& F.H. Moller) Singer | Macro Mushroom | ||
Agaricus xanthodermus Genev. | Yellow Stainer | ||
Agrocybe molesta (Lasch) Singer | Bearded Fieldcap | ||
Agrocybe pediades (Fr.) Fayod | Common Fieldcap | ||
Agrocybe rivulosa Nauta | Wrinkled Fieldcap | ||
Amanita ceciliae (Berk. & Broome) Bas | Snakeskin Grisette | ||
Amanita citrina Pers. | False Deathcap | ||
Amanita crocea (Qu?l.) Singer | Orange Grisette | ||
Amanita echinocephala (Vittad) Qu?l. | Solitary Amanita | ||
Amanita excelsa (Fr.) Bertill. | Grey-spotted Amanita | ||
Amanita franchettii (Boud) Fayod | |||
Amanita fulva Fr. | Tawny Grisette | ||
Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. | Fly Agaric | ||
Amanita pantherina(DC.) Krombh. | Panther Cap | ||
Amanita phalloides (Vaill. ex Fr.) Link | Death Cap | ||
Amanita porphyria Alb. & Schwein. | Grey-veiled Amanita | ||
Amanita rubescens Pers. | The Blusher | ||
Amanita submembranacea (Bon) Gr?ger | |||
Amanita vaginata (Bull.) Lam. | Grisette | ||
Amaropostia stiptica (Pers.) BK Cui, LL Shen & YC Dai | Bitter Bracket | ||
Ampulloclitocybe clavipes (Pers.) Redhead, Lutzoni et al. | Clubfoot | ||
Antrodiaalbida (Fr.) Donk | |||
Antrodia xantha (Fr.) Ryvarden | Yellow Crust | ||
Apioperdon pyriforme (Schaeff.) Vizzini | Stump Puffball | ||
Armillaria gallica Marxm. & Romagn. | Bulbous Honey Fungus | ||
Armillaria mellea (Vahl.) P. Kumm. | Honey Fungus | ||
Armillaria ostoyae (Romagn.) Herink. | Dark Honey Fungus | ||
Arrhenia acerosa (Fr.) K?hner | Moss Oysterling | ||
Arrhenia griseopallida (Desm.) Watling | |||
Arrhenia retiruga (Bull.) Redhead | Small Moss Oysterling | ||
Aspropaxillus giganteus (Sowerby) K?hner & Maire | Giant Funnelcap | ||
Asterophora parasitica(Bull.) Singer | Silky Piggyback | ||
Atheniella flavoalba (Fr.) Redhead, Moncalvo et al. | Ivory Bonnet | ||
Atractosporocybe inornata (Sowerby) P. Alvarado et al. | |||
Aureoboletus gentilis (Qu?l.) Pouzar | Gilded Bolete | ||
Auricularia auricularia-judae (Bull.) Qu?l. | Jelly Ear | ||
Auricularia mesenterica (Dicks.) Pers. | Tripe Fungus | ||
Auriscalpium vulgare Gray | Earpick Fungus | ||
Baeospora myosura (Fr.) Singer | Pinecone Fungus | ||
Battarrea phalloides (Dicks.) Pers. BAP | Sandy Stiltball | ||
Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.) P. Karst. | Smoky Bracket | ||
Bogbodia uda (Pers.) Redhead | Peat Brownie | ||
Bolbitius reticulatus (Pers.) Ricken | Netted Fieldcap | ||
Bolbitius titubans (Bull.) Fr. | Yellow Fieldcap | ||
Boletus edulis Bull. | Penny Bun/Cep | ||
Boletus reticulatus Schaeff. | Summer Bolete | ||
Boletus subtomentosus L. | Su?de Bolete | ||
Bonomycessinopicus (Fr.) Vizzini | Spring Funnel | ||
Bovista nigrescens Pers. | Brown Puffball | ||
Bovista plumbea Pers. | Grey Puffball | ||
Bovistella utriformis (Bull.) Demoulin & Rebriev | Mosaic Puffball | ||
Butyriboletus appendiculatus (Schaeff.) Arora & Frank | Oak Bolete | ||
Byssomerulius corium (Pers.) Parmasto | Netted Crust | ||
Caloboletus calopus (Pers.) Vizzini | Bitter Beech Bolete | ||
Caolboletus radicans (Pers.) Vizzini | Rooting Bolete | ||
Calocera cornea(Batsch.) Fr. | Small Stagshorn | ||
Calocera furcata (Fr.) Fr. | Forked Stagshorn | ||
Calocera glossoides(Pers.) Fr. | |||
Calocera pallidospathulata D. A. Reid | Pale Stagshorn | ||
Calocera viscosa (Pers.) Fr. | Yellow Stagshorn | ||
Calocybe carnea (Bull.) Donk | Pink Domecap | ||
Calocybe gambosa (Fr.) Donk | St. George's Mushroom | ||
Calvatia gigantea (Batsch.) Lloyd | Giant Puffball | ||
Cantharellus amethysteus (Qu?l.) Sacc. | Amethyst Chanterelle | ||
Cantharellus cibarius Fr. | Chanterelle/Girolle | ||
Cantharellus cinereus (Pers.) Fr. | Ashen Chanterelle | ||
Cantharellus ferruginascens P. D. Orton | Pale Chanterelle | ||
Cantharellus friesii Qu?l. BAP | Orange Chanterelle | ||
Carcinomyces polyporinus (D. A. Reid) Yurkov | |||
Ceriporia reticulata (Hoffm.) Domański | |||
Cerioporus leptocephalus (Jacq.) Zmitr. | Blackfoot Polypore | ||
Cerioporus mollis (Sommerf.) Zmitr. & Kovalenko | Common Mazegill | ||
Cerioporus squamosus (Huds.) Qu?l. | Dryad's Saddle | ||
Chalciporus piperatus (Bull.) Bataille | Peppery Bolete | ||
Chlorophyllum rhacodes(Vittad.) Vellinga | Shaggy Parasol | ||
Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers.) Pouzar | Silver Leaf Fungus | ||
Chromocyphella galeata (Schumach.) W. B. Cooke | |||
Chromosera citrinopallida (AH Sm. & Hesler) Vizzini & Erc. | Arched Waxcap | ||
Chroogomphus rutilus (Schaeff) O. K. Mill. | Copper Spike | ||
Clathrus archeri (Berk.) Dring | Devil's Fingers | ||
Clathrus ruber P. Micheli ex Pers. | Red Cage Fungus | ||
Clavaria argillacea Pers. | Moor Club | ||
Clavaria fragilis Holmsk. | White Spindles | ||
Clavaria fumosa Pers. | Smoky Spindles | ||
Clavaria rosea Fr. | Rosy Spindles | ||
Clavaria zollingeri L?v. | Violet Coral | ||
Clavulina cinerea (Bull.) J. Schr?t. | Grey Coral | ||
Clavulina coralloides (L.) J. Schr?t. | Crested Coral | ||
Clavulina rugosa (Bull.) J. Schr?t. | Wrinkled Club | ||
Clavulinopsis corniculata (Schaeff.) Corner | Meadow Coral | ||
Clavulinopsis fusiformis (Sowerby) Corner | Golden Spindles | ||
Clavulinopsis helvola (Pers.) Corner | Yellow Club | ||
Clavulinopsis luteoalba (Rea) Corner | Apricot Club | ||
Clavulinopsis laeticolor (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) R. H. Petersen | Handsome Club | ||
Clavulinopsis umbrinella (Sacc.) Corner | Beige Coral | ||
Clitocybe dealbata (Sowerby) P. Kumm. | Ivory Funnel | ||
Clitocybe fragrans (With.) P. Kumm. | Fragrant Funnel | ||
Clitocybe harmajae Lamoure | |||
Clitocybe metachroa (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Twotone Funnel | ||
Clitocybe nebularis (Batsch) P. Kumm. | Clouded Funnel | ||
Clitocybe odora (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Aniseed Funnel | ||
Clitocybe phaeopthalma (Pers.) Kuyper | Chicken Run Funnel | ||
Clitocybe phyllophila (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Frosty Funnel | ||
Clitocybe rivulosa (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Fool's Funnel | ||
Clitopilus pinsitus (Fr.) Joss. | |||
Clitopilus prunulus (Scop.) P. Kumm. | The Miller | ||
Collybia cirrhata (Schumach) Qu?l. | |||
Collybia cookei (Bres.) J. D. Arnold | Splitpea Shanklet | ||
Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill | TIGER’S EYE | ||
Collybia tuberosa (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Lentil Shanklet | ||
Coniophora puteana (Schumach.) P. Karst. | Wet Rot | ||
Conocybe apala (Fr.) Arnolds | Milky Conecap | ||
Conocybe aporos Kits van Wav. | |||
Conocybe arrhenii (Fr.) Kits van Wav. | Ringed Conecap | ||
Conocybe blattaria(Fr.) K?hner | |||
Conocybe filaris (Fr.) K?hner | Fool's Conecap | ||
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) K?hner | Downy Conecap | ||
Conocybe pulchella (Velen.) Hauskn. & Svrček | |||
Conocybe rickenii (Jul. Sch?ff.) K?hner | |||
Conocybe semiglobata K?hner & Watling | |||
Conocybe subovalis K?hner & Watling | |||
Conocybe tenera (Schaeff.) Fayod | |||
Conocybe velutipes (Velen.) Hauskn. & Svrček | Fleecyfoot Conecap | ||
Conocybe vestita (Fr.) K?hner | |||
Connopus acervatus (Fr.) K. W. Hughes, Mather et al. | |||
Coprinellus bisporus (J. E. Lange) Vilgalys, Hopple et al. | Two-spored Inkcap | ||
Coprinellus callinus (M. Lange & A. H. Sm.) Vilgalys, Hopple et al. | |||
Coprinellus disseminatus (Pers.) J. E. Lange | Fairy Inkcap | ||
Coprinellus impatiens (Fr.) J. E. Lange | |||
Coprinellus micaceus (Bull.) Vilgalys, Hopple & Jacq. Johnson | Glistening Inkcap | ||
Coprinellus pelucidus (P. Karst.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | |||
Coprinellus silvaticus (Peck) Gminder | Woodland Inkcap | ||
Coprinellus subimpatiens (M. Lange & A. H. Sm.) Redhead et al. | |||
Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | |||
Coprinopsis acuminata (Romagn.) Redhead et al. | Humpback Inkcap | ||
Coprinopsis atramentaria (Bull.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Common Inkcap | ||
Coprinopsis cinerea (Schaeff.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Grey Inkcap | ||
Coprinopsis echinospora (Buller) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Warty Inkcap | ||
Coprinopsis foetidella (P. D. Orton) A. Ruiz & G. Mu?oz | |||
Coprinopsis lagopus (Fr.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Hare's Foot Inkcap | ||
Coprinopsis macrocephala (Berk.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Bighead Inkcap | ||
Coprinopsis marcesibilis (Britzelm.) Őrstadius & E. Larss. | |||
Coprinopsis nivea (Pers.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Snowy Inkcap | ||
Coprinopsis patouillardii (Qu?l.) Gminder | |||
Coprinopsis picacea (Bull.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | Magpie Inkcap | ||
Coprinopsis pseudoradiata (K?hner & Joss. ex Watling) Redhead et al. | |||
Coprinopsis radiata (Bolton) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | |||
Coprinopsis stercorea (Fr.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo | |||
Coprinus comatus (O .F. Mull) Pers. | Shaggy Inkcap | ||
Cortinarius acutus (Pers.) Fr. | Peaked Webcap | ||
Cortinarius alboviolaceus (Pers.) Fr. | Pearly Webcap | Sericeocybe | |
Cortinarius anomalus (Fr.) Fr. | Variable Webcap | Sericeocybe | |
Cortinarius armillatus (Fr.) Fr. | Red-banded Webcap | Telamonia | |
Cortinarius balteatocumatilis Rob. Henry ex P. D. Orton | Phlegmacium | ||
Cortinarius basililaceus A. Pearson ex P. D. Orton | Phlegmacium | ||
Cortinarius bolaris (Pers.) Fr. | Dappled Webcap | ||
Cortinarius brunneus (Pers.) Fr. | Telamonia | ||
Cortinarius bulbosus (Sowerby) Gray | Telamonia | ||
Cortinarius bulliardii (Pers.) Fr. | Hotfoot Webcap | Telamonia | |
Cortinarius camphoratus (Fr.) Fr. | Goatcheese Webcap | Seri./Near Threatened | |
Cortinarius cinnabarinus Fr. | |||
Cortinarius cinnamomeus (L.) Gray | Cinnamon Webcap | Dermocybe | |
Cortinarius croceus (Schaeff.) Gray | Saffron Webcap | Dermocybe | |
Cortinarius croceocoeruleus (Pers.) Fr. | Myxacium | ||
Cortinarius decipiens (Pers.) Fr. | Sepia Webcap | Telamonia | |
Cortinarius delibutus Fr. | Yellow Webcap | Myxacium | |
Cortinarius elatior Fr. | Wrinkled Webcap | Myxacium | |
Cortinarius epipurrus Chevassut & Rob. Henry | |||
Cortinarius evernius (Fr.) Fr. | Silky Webcap | Telamonia | |
Cortinarius flexipes (Pers.) Fr. | Pelargonium Webcap | Telamonia | |
Cortinarius fulvosquamulosus P. D. Orton | rare | ||
Cortinarius hemitrichus (Pers.) Fr. | Frosty Webcap | Telamonia | |
Cortinarius hinnuleus Fr. | Earthy Webcap | Telamonia | |
Cortinarius illibatus Fr. | |||
Cortinarius infractus (Pers.) Fr. | Bitter Webcap | Phlegmacium | |
Cortinarius inolens (H. Lindstr.) Bidaud | Pine Pelargonium Webc. | Telamonia | |
Cortinarius malachius (Fr.) Fr. | Sericeocybe | ||
Cortinarius mucifluoides Rob. Henry ex Bidaud, Mo?nne-Locc. & R. | Purple Stocking Webcap | Myxacium | |
Cortinarius obtusus (Fr.) Fr. | Blunt Webcap | Telamonia | |
Cortinarius ochroleucus Schaeff. | Cream Webcap | ||
Cortinarius pholideus (Lilj) Fr. | Scaly Webcap | Sericeocybe | |
Cortinarius purpurascens Fr. | Bruising Webcap | Leprocybe | |
Cortinarius purpureus (Pers.) Fuckel | Imperial Webcap | Dermocybe | |
Cortinarius rheubarbarinus Rob. Henry | Telamonia | ||
Cortinarius rubellus Cooke (syn. C. speciosissimus) | Deadly Webcap | Cortinarius | |
Cortinarius sanguineus (Wulfen) Gray | Bloodred Webcap | Dermocybe | |
Cortinarius saturninus (Fr.) Fr. | Telamonia | ||
Cortinarius semisanguineus (Fr.) Gillet | Surprise Webcap | Dermocybe | |
Cortinarius subbalaustinus Rob. Henry | Telamonia | ||
Cortinarius tabularis (Fr.) Fr. | Phlegmacium | ||
Cortinarius torvus (Fr.) Fr. | Stocking Webcap | Telamonia | |
Cortinarius triumphans Fr. | Birch Webcap | Leprocybe | |
Cortinarius umbrinolens P. D. Orton | |||
Cortinarius. variicolor (Pers.) Fr. | Contrary Webcap | Leprocybe | |
Cortinarius violaceus (L._ Gray) | VIOLET WEBCAP | ||
Craterellus cornucopioides (L.) Pers. | Horn of Plenty | ||
Craterellus lutescens (Fr.) Fr. | Golden Chanterelle | ||
Craterellus tubaeformis (Fr.) Qu?l. | Trumpet Chanterelle | ||
Crepidotus applanatus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Flat Oysterling | ||
Crepidotus autochthonus J. E. Lange | Grounded Oysterling | ||
Crepidotus bresadolae Pil?t | |||
Crepidotus calolepis(Fr.) P. Karst. | |||
Crepidotus caspari Velen | Pale Oysterling | ||
Crepidotus cesatii (Rabenh.) Sacc. | Roundspored Oysterling | ||
Crepidotus epibryus (Fr.) Qu?l. | Grass Oysterling | ||
Crepidotus mollis (Schaeff.) Staude | Peeling Oysterling | ||
Crepidotus variabilis (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Variable Oysterling | ||
Crucibulum laeve (Huds.) Kambly. | Common Bird's Nest | ||
Cuphophyllus fornicatus (Fr.) Lodge, Padamsee & Vizzini | Earthy Waxcap | ||
Cuphophyllus lacmus (Schumach.) Bon | Grey Waxcap | ||
Cuphophyllus pratensis (Fr.) Bon | Meadow Waxcap | ||
Cuphophyllus virgineus (Wulfen) Kovalenko | Snowy Waxcap | ||
Cyanoboletus pulverulentus (Opat.) Gelardi, Vizzini & S. | Inkstain Bolete | ||
Cyathus olla (Batsch) Pers. | Field Bird's Nest | ||
Cyathus striatus (Huds.) Willd. | Fluted Bird's Nest | ||
Cyclocybe cylindracea (DC.) Vizzini & Angelini | Poplar Fieldcap | ||
Cylindrobasidium evolvens (Fr.) J?lich | Tear Dropper | ||
Cystodermaamianthinum (Scop.) Fayod | Earthy Powdercap | ||
Cystoderma carcharias (Pers.) Fayod | Pearly Powdercap | ||
Cystoderma jasonis (Cooke & Massee) Harmaja | Pine Powdercap | ||
Cystodermella granulosa (Batsch) Harmaja | |||
Cystodermella terryi (Berk. & Broome) Bell? | |||
Cystolepiota bucknallii (Berk. & Broome) Singer & C. | Lilac Dapperling | ||
Cystolepiota hetieri (Boud.) Singer | |||
Cystolepiota pulverulenta (Huijsman) Vellinga | |||
Cystolepiota seminuda (Lasch) Bon | Bearded Dapperling | ||
Cystolepiota sistrata (Fr.) Singer | |||
Dacrymyces deliquescens (Bull.) Duby. | |||
Dacrymyces stillatus Nees. | Common Jelly Spot | ||
Daedalea quercina (L.) Pers. | Oak Mazegill | ||
Daedaleopsis confragosa (Botton) J. Schr?t | Blushing Bracket | ||
Deconica coprophila (Bull.) P. Karst. | |||
Deconica montana (Pers.) P. D. Orton | Mountain Brownie | ||
Dermoloma cuneifolium (Fr.) Singer ex Bon | Crazed Cap | ||
Dermoloma pseudocuneifolium Herink ex Bon | Dark Crazed Cap | ||
Deronica crobula (Fr.) Romagn. | A mushroom | ||
Desarmillaria tabescens (Scop.) R. A. Koch & Aime | Ringless Honey Fungus | ||
Dichomitus campestris (Quél.) Domański & Orlicz | Hazel Porecrust | ||
Ditiola peziziformis (L?v.) D. A. Reid | |||
Echinoderma echinaceum (J.E. Lange) Bon | A probably toxic toadstool | ||
Echinoderma hystrix (F. H. M?ller & J. E. Lange) Bon | |||
Entoloma cetratum (Fr.) M. M. Moser | Honey Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma chalybeum (Pers.) Noordel. | Indigo Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma clypeatum (L.) P. Kumm. | Shield Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma conferendum (Britzelm.) Noordel. | Star Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma corvinum (K?hner) Noordel. | Crow Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma euchroum (Pers.) Donk | Stump Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma hebes (Romagn.) Trimbach | Pimple Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma hirtipes (Schumach.) M. M. Moser | |||
Entoloma incanum (Fr.) Hesler | Mousepee Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma longistriatum (Peck) Noordel. | |||
Entoloma lucidum (P. D. Orton) M. M. Moser | |||
Entoloma ortonii Arnolds & Noordel. | |||
Entoloma papillatum (Bres.) Dennis | Papillate Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma pleopodium (Bull.) Noordel. | Aromatic Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma poliopus var poliopus (Romagn.) Noordel. | |||
Entoloma porphyrophaeum (Fr.) P. Karst. | Lilac Dapperling | ||
Entoloma prunuloides (Fr.) Qu?l. | Mealy Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma rhodopolium (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Wood Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma sericellum (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Cream Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma serrulatum (Fr.) Hesler | Blue Edge Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma sinuatum (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Livid Pinkgill | ||
Entoloma tjallingiorum Noordel. | |||
Entoloma sordidulum (K?hner & Romagn.) P. D. Orton | |||
Exidia glandulosa (Bull.) Fr. | Witches Butter | ||
Exidia nigricans (With.) P. Roberts | Warlock's Butter | ||
Exidia thuretiana (L?v.) Fr. | White Brain | ||
Exidiopsis effusa (Bref. ex Sacc.) M?ller | Hair Ice/ Goblin's Beard | ||
Fibroporia vaillantii (DC.) Parmasto | |||
Fistulina hepatica (Schaeff.) With. | Beefsteak Fungus | ||
Flammula alnicola (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Alder Scalycap | ||
Flammulaster carpophilus (Fr.) Earle ex Vellinga | |||
Flammulaster granulosus (J. E. Lange) Watling | |||
Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer | Velvet Shank | ||
Fomes fomentarius (L.) Fr. | Hoof Fungus | ||
Fomitopsis betulina (Bull.) B. K. Cui, M. L. Han & Y. C. Dai | Birch Polypore | ||
Fuscoporia ferrea (Pers.) G. Cunn. | Iron Porecrust | ||
Fuscoporia ferruginosa (Schrad.) Murrill | Rusty Porecrust | ||
Galerina cinctula P. D. Orton | |||
Galerina hypnorum (Schrank) K?hner | Moss Bell | ||
Galerina marginata (Batsch) K?hner | Funeral Bell | ||
Galerina mniophila (Lasch) K?hner | |||
Galerina mycenoides (Fr.) K?hner | |||
Galerina paludosa (Fr.) K?hner | Bog Bell | ||
Galerina vittiformis (Fr.) Singer | Hairy Leg Bell | ||
Gamundia striatula (K?hner) Raithelh. | Lined Meadowcap | ||
Ganoderma adspersum (Schulzer) Donk | |||
Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. | Artist's Bracket | ||
Ganoderma australe (Fr.) Pat. | Southern Bracket | ||
Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst. | Lacquered Bracket | ||
Ganoderma pfefferi Bres. | Beeswax Bracket | ||
Ganoderma resinaceum Boud. | |||
Geastrum fimbriatum Fr. | Sessile Earthstar | ||
Geastrum fornicatum (Huds.) Hook | Arched Earthstar | ||
Geastrum nanum Pers. | Dwarf Earthstar | ||
Geastrum quadrifidum DC. ex Pers. | Rayed Earthstar | ||
Geastrum rufescens Pers. | Rufous Earthstar | ||
Geastrum triplex Jungh. | Collared Earthstar | ||
Gliophorus irrigatus (Pers.) A. M. Ainsw. & P. M. Kirk | Slimy Waxcap | ||
Gliophorus laetus (Pers.) Herink | Heath Waxcap | ||
Gliophorus psittacinus (Schaeff.) Herink | Parrot Waxcap | ||
Gloeophyllum sepiarum (Wulfen) P. Karst. | Conifer Mazegill | ||
Gloioxanthomyces vitellinus (Fr.) Lodge, Vizzini et al. | |||
Granulobasidium vellereum (Ellis & Cragin) J?lich | |||
Grifola frondosa (Dicks) Gray | Hen of the Woods | ||
Gymnopilus hybridus (Gillet) Maire | |||
Gymnopilus junonius (Fr.) P. D. Orton | Spectacular Rustgill | ||
Gymnopilus penetrans (Fr.) Murrill | Common Rustgill | ||
Gymnopus androsaceus (L.) Della Magg & Trassin. | Horsehair Fungus | ||
Gymnopus brassicolens (Romagn.) Antonin & Noordel. | Cabbage Parachute | ||
Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull.) Murrill | Russet Toughshank | ||
Gymnopus erythropus (Pers.) Antonin, Hailing & Noordel. | Redleg Toughshank | ||
Gymnopus fusipes (Bull.) Gray | Spindle Shank | ||
Gyroporus castaneus (Bull.) Qu?l. | Chestnut Bolete | ||
Hapalopilus rutilans (Pers.) Murrill | Cinnamon Bracket | ||
Hebeloma crustiliniforme(Bull.) Qu?l. | Poisonpie | ||
Hebeloma laterinum (Batsch) Vesterh. | |||
Hebeloma leucosarx P. D. Orton | Pale Poisonpie | ||
Hebeloma mesophaeum (Pers.) Qu?l. | Veiled Poisonpie | ||
Hebeloma radicosum (Bull.) Ricken | Rooting Poisonpie | ||
Hebeloma saccariolens Qu?l. | Sweet Poisonpie | ||
Hebeloma sinapizans (Paulet) Gillet | Bitter Poisonpie | ||
Hemimycena lactea (Pers.) Singer | Milky Bonnet | ||
Hemimycena tortuosa (P. D. Orton) Redhead | Dewdrop Bonnet | ||
Henningsomyces candidus (Pers.) Kuntze | White Tubelet | ||
Hericium cirrhatum (Pers.) Nikol. BAP | Tiered Tooth | ||
Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. | Root Fomes | ||
Hodophilus foetens (W. Phillips) Birkebak & Adamčik | Stinking Fanvault | ||
Hohenbuehelia cyphelliformis (Berk.) O. K. Mill | |||
Hohenbuehelia petaloiodes (Bull.) Schulzer | |||
Hohenbuehelia serotina (Pers.) Singer | Olive Oysterling | ||
Homophron cernuum (Vahl) Őrstadius & E. Larss. | |||
Homophron spadiceum (P. Kumm.) Őrstadius & E. Larss. | Chestnut Brittlestem | ||
Hortiboletus rubellus (Krombh.) Simonini, Vizzini & G. | Ruby Bolete | ||
Hydnellum concrescens (Pers.) Banker BAP | Zoned Tooth | ||
Hydnellum scabrosum (Fr.) E. Larss., K. H. Larss. & K?ljalg BAP | Bitter Tooth | ||
Hydnellum scrobiculatum (Fr.) P. Karst. BAP | Ridged Tooth | ||
Hydnellum spongiosipes (Peck) Pouzar BAP | Velvet Tooth | ||
Hydnum repandum L. | Wood Hedgehog | ||
H. rufescens Pers. | Terracotta Hedgehog | ||
Hydropus floccipes (Fr.) Singer | |||
Hygrocybe acutoconica (Clem.) Singer | Persistent Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe cantharellus (Schwein.) Murrill | Goblet Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe ceracea (Sowerby) P. Kumm. | Butter Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe chlorophana (Fr.) W?nsche | Golden Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe citrinovirens (J. E. Lange) Jul. Schaff. | Citrine Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe coccinea (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Scarlet Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Blackening Waxcap* | ||
Hygrocybe flavescens (Kauffman) Singer | Yellow Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe glutinipes (J. E. Lange) R. Haller Aar | Glutinous Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe helobia (Arnolds) Bon. | Garlic Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe insipida (J. E. Lange) M. M. Moser | Spangle Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe intermedia (Pass.) Fayod | Fibrous Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe miniata (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Vermilion Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe mucronella (Fr.) P. Karst. | Bitter Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe nigrescens (Qu?l.) K?hner | Blackening Waxcap** | ||
Hygrocybe nitrata (Pers.) W?nsche | Nitrous Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe punicea (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Crimson Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe quieta (K?hner) Singer | Oily Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe reidii K?hner | Honey Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe russocoriacea (Berk. & T. K. Mill) P. D. Orton & Watling | Cedarwood Waxcap | ||
Hygrocybe spadicea (Scop.) P. Karst. BAP | Date Waxcap | ||
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Wulfen) Maire | False Chanterelle | ||
Hygrophorus hypothejus (Fr.) Fr. | Herald of Winter | ||
Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dicks.) L?v. | Oak Curtain Crust | ||
Hymenopellis radicata (Relhan) R. H. Petersen | Rooting Shank | ||
Hyphoderma setigerum (Fr.) Donk. | |||
Hyphodontia barba-jovis (Bull.) J. Erikss. | |||
Hypholoma capnoides (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Conifer Tuft | ||
Hypholoma fasciculare (Huds.) P. Kumm. | Sulphur Tuft | ||
Hypholoma lateritium (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Brick Tuft | ||
Hypholoma marginatum J. Schr?t | Snakeskin Brownie | ||
Hypholoma subericaeum (Fr.) K?hner | |||
Imleria badia (Fr.) Vizzini | Bay Bolete | ||
Infundibulicybe geotropa (Bull.) Harmaja | Trooping Funnel | ||
Infundibulicybe gibba (Pers.) Harmaja | Common Funnel | ||
Inocybe abjecta P. Karst. | |||
Inocybe acuta Boud. | |||
Inocybe assimilata Britzelm | |||
Inocybe asterospora Qu?l. | Star Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe cincinnata (Fr.) Qu?l. | Collared Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe curvipes P. Karst. | |||
Inocybe euviolacea E. Ludw | Violet Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe fibrosa (Sowerby) Gillet | |||
Inocybe flocculosa Sacc. | Fleecy Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe fraudans (Britzelm) Sacc. | Pear Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe fuscidula Velen. | |||
Inocybe geophylla (Bull.) P. Kumm. | White Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe grammata Qu?l. | |||
Inocybe griseolilacina J. E. Lange | Lilac Leg Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe hirtella Bres. | |||
Inocybe lacera (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Torn Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe lanuginosa (Bull.) P. Kumm. | |||
Inocybe napipes J. E. Lange | Bulbous Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe petiginosa (Fr.) Gillet | Scurfy Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe posterula (Britzelm) Sacc. | |||
Inocybe pyriodora (Pers.) P. Kumm. | |||
Inocybe serotina Peck | |||
Inocybe sindonia (Fr.) P. Karst. | Beige Fibrecap | ||
Inocybe squarrosa Rea | |||
Inocybe whitei (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. | Blushing Fibrecap | ||
Inonotus hispidus (Bull.) P. Karst. | Shaggy Bracket | ||
Inosperma adaequatum (Britzelm.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | |||
Inosperma calamistratum (Fr.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Greenfoot Fibrecap | ||
Inosperma cookei (Bres.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Straw Fibrecap | ||
Inosperma erubescens (A. Blytt) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Deadly Fibrecap | ||
Inosperma maculatum (Boud.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Frosty Fibrecap | ||
Ischnoderma benzoinum (Wahleng.) P.Karst | BENZOIN BRACKET | ||
Ischnoderma resinosum (Schrad.) P. Karst. | |||
Kuehneromyces mutabilis (Schaeff.) Singer & A. H. Sm. | Sheathed Woodtuft | ||
Laccaria amethystina Cooke | Amethyst Deceiver | ||
Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P. D. Orton | Bicoloured Deceiver | ||
Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Cooke | Deceiver | ||
Laccaria proxima (Boud.) Pat. | Scurfy Deceiver | ||
Laccaria purpureobadia D. A. Reid | |||
Laccaria pumila Fayod | Willow Deceiver | ||
Laccaria tortilis (Botton) Cooke | Twisted Deceiver | ||
Lachnella villosa (Pers.) Donk | |||
Lacrymaria lacrymabunda (Bull.) Pat. | Weeping Widow | ||
Lactarius aurantiacus (Pers.) Gray | Orange Milkcap | ||
Lactarius azonites (Bull.) Fr. | White Milkcap | ||
Lactarius blennius (Fr.) Fr. | Beech Milkcap | ||
Lactarius camphoratus (Bull.) Fr. | Curry Milkcap | ||
Lactarius chrysorrheus Fr. | Yellowdrop Milkcap | ||
Lactarius cyathula (Fr.) Fr. | |||
Lactarius deliciosus (L.) Gray | Saffron Milkcap | ||
Lactarius deterrimus Gr?ger | False Saffron Milkcap | ||
Lactarius flavidus Boud. | |||
Lactarius fulvissimus Romagn. | Tawny Milkcap | ||
Lactarius glyciosmus (Fr.) Fr. | Coconut Milkcap | ||
Lactarius helvus (Fr.) Fr. | Fenugreek Milkcap | ||
Lactarius hepaticus Plowr. | Liver Milkcap | ||
Lactarius hysginus (Fr.) Fr. | |||
Lactarius pallidus Pers. | Pale Milkcap | ||
Lactarius pubescens (Fr.) | Bearded Milkcap | ||
Lactarius pyrogalus (Bull.) Fr. | Fiery Milkcap | ||
Lactarius quietus (Fr.) Fr. | Oak Milkcap | ||
Lactarius rufus (Scop.) Fr. | Rufous Milkcap | ||
Lactarius serifluus (DC.) Fr. | Watery Milkcap | ||
Lactarius spinosulus Qu?l. & Le Bret. | Lilacscale Milkcap | ||
Lactarius subdulcis (Pers.) Gray | Brown Milkcap | ||
Lactarius tabidus Fr. | Birch Milkcap | ||
Lactarius torminosus (Schaeff.) Pers. | Woolly Milkcap | ||
Lactarius turpis (Weinm.) Fr. | Ugly Milkcap | ||
Lactarius uvidus (Fr.) Fr. | Shiner | ||
Lactarius vietus (Fr.) Fr. | Grey Milkcap | ||
Lactifluus bertillonii (Neuhoff ex Z. Schaef.) Verbeken | |||
Lactifluus piperatus (L.) Roussel | Peppery Milkcap | ||
Lactifluus vellereus (Fr.) Kuntze | Fleecy Milkcap | ||
Lactifluus volemus (Fr.) Kuntze | Fishy Milkcap | ||
Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.) Murrill | Chicken of the Woods | ||
Leccinum cyaneobasileucum Lannoy & Estad?s | Greyshank Bolete | ||
Lecinellum pseudoscabrum (Kallenb.) Miksik. | Hazel Bolete | ||
Leccinum scabrum (Bull.) Gray | Brown Birch Bolete | ||
Leccinum variicolor Watling | Mottled Bolete | ||
Leccinum versipelle (Fr. & H?k) Snell | Orange Birch Bolete | ||
Lentinellus cochleatus (Pers.) P. Karst. | Aniseed Cockleshell | ||
Lentinus brumalis (Pers.) Zmitr. | Winter Polypore | ||
Lentinus substrictus (Bolton) Zmitr. & Kovalenko | Fringed Polypore | ||
Lenzites betulinus (L.) Fr. | Birch Mazegill | ||
Lepiota bickhamensis P. D. Orton | |||
Lepiota boudieri Bres. | Girdled Dapperling | ||
Lepiota castanea Qu?l. | Chestnut Dapperling | ||
Lepiota clypeolaria (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Shield Dapperling | ||
Lepiota cristata (Botton) P. Kumm. | Stinking Dapperling | ||
Lepiota echinella Qu?l. & G. E. Bernard | |||
Lepiota ignivolvata Bousset & Joss. ex Joss. | |||
Lepiota pseudolilacea Huijsman | |||
Lepista irina (Fr.) H. E. Bigelow | Flowery Blewit | ||
Lepista luscina (Fr.) Singer | rare | ||
Lepista nuda (Bull.) Cooke | Wood Blewit | ||
Lepista panaeolus (Fr.) P. Karst. | Spotted Blewit | ||
Lepista personata (Fr.) Cooke | Field Blewit/Blue Leg | ||
Lepista sordida (Schumach.) Singer | Sordid Blewit | ||
Leratiomyces ceres (Cooke & Massee) Spooner & Bridge | Red-lead Roundhead | ||
Leucoagaricus brunneocingulatus (P. D. Orton) Bon. | |||
Leucoagaricus croceovelutinus (Bon & Boiffard) Bon | |||
Leucoagaricus serenus (Fr.) Bon & Boiffard | |||
Leucoagaricus sericifer (Locq.) Vellinga | |||
eucoagaricus. tener (P. D. Orton) Bon | |||
Leucocoprinus badhamii (Berk. & Broome) Locq. | |||
Leucocoprinus brebissonii (Godey) Locq. | Skullcap Dapperling | ||
Leucocybe connata (Schumach.) Vizzini, P. Alvarado et al. | White Domecap | ||
Leucocybe houghtonii (W. Phillips) Halama & Pencakowski | |||
Lichenomphalia umbellifera (L.) Redhead, Lutzoni et al. | Heath Navel | ||
Loreleia postii (Fr.) Redhead, Moncalvo, Vilgalys & Lutzoni | |||
Lycoperdon echinatum Pers. | Spiny Puffball | ||
Lycoperdon excipuliforme (Scop.) Pers. | Pestle Puffball | ||
Lycoperdon lividum Pers. | Grassland Puffball | ||
Lycoperdon nigrescens Pers. | Dusky Puffball | ||
Lycoperdon perlatum Pers. | Common Puffball | ||
Lycoperdon pratense Pers. | Meadow Puffball | ||
Lycoperdon umbrinum Pers. | Soft Puffball | ||
Lyophyllum decastes (Fr.) Singer | Clustered Domecap | ||
Macrocystidia cucumis (Pers.) Joss. | Cucumber Cap | ||
Macrolepiota excoriata (Schaeff.) Wasser | Frayed Parasol | ||
Macrolepiota konradii var konradii (Huijsman ex P. D. Orton) MM Moser | |||
Macrolepiota mastoidea (Fr.) Singer | Slender Parasol | ||
Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer | Parasol Mushroom | ||
Marasmiellus candidus (Fr.) Singer | |||
Marasmiellus confluens (Pers.) J. S. Oliveira | Clustered Toughshank | ||
Marasmiellus peronatus (Bolton) J. S. Oliveira | Wood Woollyfoot | ||
Marasmiellus ramealis (Bull.) Singer | Twig Parachute | ||
Marasmiellus vaillantii (Pers.) Singer | Goblet Parachute | ||
Marasmius epiphylloides (Rea) Sacc. & Trotter | Ivy Leaf Parachute | ||
Marasmius epiphyllus (Pers.) Fr. | Leaf Parachute | ||
Marasmius hudsonii (Pers.) Fr. | Holly Leaf Parachute | ||
Marasmius oreades (Botton) Fr. | Fairy Ring Champignon | ||
Marasmius rotula (Scop.) Fr. | Collared Parachute | ||
Marasmius wynneae Berk. & Broome | Pearly Parachute | ||
Megacollybia platyphylla (Pers.) Kotl. & Pouz. | Whitelaced Shank | ||
Melanoleuca arcuata (Bull.) Singer | |||
Melanoleuca cognata (Fr.) Konrad & Maubl. | Spring Cavalier | ||
Melanoleuca melaleuca (Pers.) Murrill | Bald Knight | ||
Melanoleuca polioleuca (Fr.) K?hner & Maire | Common Cavalier | ||
Melanoleuca strictipes (P. Karst.) Jul. Sch?ff. | |||
Melanophyllum haematospermum (Bull.) Kreisel | Redspored Dapperling | ||
Mensularia radiata (Sowerby) L?zaro Ibiza | Alder Bracket | ||
Meripilus giganteus (Pers.) P. Karst. | Giant Polypore | ||
Mucidula mucida (Schrad.) Pat. | Porcelain Fungus | ||
Mutinus caninus (Huds.) Fr. | Dog Stinkhorn | ||
Mycena aetites (Fr.) Qu?l. | Drab Bonnet | ||
Mycena amicta (Fr.) Qu?l. | Coldfoot Bonnet | ||
Mycena archangeliana Bres. | Angel's Bonnet | ||
Mycena atroalba (Bolt.) Gray | |||
Mycena bulbosa (Cejp.) K?hner | Rush Bonnet | ||
Mycena capillaripes Peck | Pinkedge Bonnet | ||
Mycena epipterygia (Scop.) Gray | Yellowleg Bonnet | ||
Mycena erubescens H?hn. | |||
Mycena filopes (Bull.) P. Kumm. | Iodine Bonnet | ||
Mycena flavescens Velen. | |||
Mycena galericulata (Scop.) Gray | Common Bonnet | ||
Mycena galopus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Milking Bonnet | ||
Mycena haematopus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Burgundydrop Bonnet | ||
Mycena inclinata (Fr.) Qu?l. | Clustered Bonnet | ||
Mycena leptocephala (Pers.) Gillet | Nitrous Bonnet | ||
Mycena maculata P. Karst. | Stained Bonnet | ||
Mycena megaspora Kauffman | Rooting Bonnet | ||
Mycena metata (Secr. ex Fr.) P. Kumm. | |||
Mycena mucor (Batsch) Qu?l. | |||
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee | Brownedge Bonnet | ||
Mycena pearsoniana Dennis ex Singer | |||
Mycena pelianthina (Fr.) Qu?l. | Blackedge Bonnet | ||
Mycena polygramma (Bull.) Gray | Grooved Bonnet | ||
Mycena pseudocorticola K?hner | |||
Mycena pura (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Lilac Bonnet | ||
Mycena rosea Gramberg | Rosy Bonnet | ||
Mycena sanguinolenta (Alb. & Schwein.) P. Kumm. | Bleeding Bonnet | ||
Mycena silvae-nigrae Maas Geesteranus & Schw?bel | Pine Bonnet | ||
Mycena stipata (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Clustered Pine Bonnet | ||
Mycena stylobates (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Bulbous Bonnet | ||
Mycena tenerrima (Berk.) Qu?l. (syn. Mycena adcendens | Frosty Bonnet | ||
Mycena tintinnabulum (Paulet) Qu?l. | |||
Mycena vitilis (Fr.) Qu?l. | Snapping Bonnet | ||
Mycoacia uda (Fr.) Donk | |||
Myxarium nucleatum Wallr. | Crystal Brain | ||
Naematelia encephala (Pers.) Fr. | CONIFER BRAIN | ||
Naucoria bohemica Velen. | |||
Naucoria escharioides (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Ochre Aldercap | ||
Naucoria luteolofibrillosa (K?hner) K?hner & Romagn. | |||
Naucoria scolecina (Fr.) Qu?l. | |||
Naucoria striatula P. D. Orton | Striate Aldercap | ||
Neoantrodia serialis (Fr.) Audet | Serried Crust | ||
Neoboletus luridiformis (Rostk.) Gelardi, Simonini & Vizzini | Scarletina Bolete | ||
Omphalina pyxidata (Bull.) Qu?l. | Cinnamon Navel | ||
Omphalina setipes (Fr.) Raithelh. | |||
Oxyporus populinus (Schumach) Donk | Poplar Bracket | ||
Panaeolina foenisecii (Pers.) Maire | Brown Mottlegill | ||
Panaeolus ater (J. E. Lange) K?hner & Romagn. ex Bon | Turf Mottlegill * | ||
Panaeolus fimicola (Pers.) Gillet | Turf Mottlegill** | ||
Panaeolus papilionaceus (Bull.) Qu?l. | Petticoat Mottlegill | ||
Panaeolus rickenii Hora | Dewdrop Mottlegill | ||
Panaeolus semiovatus (Sowerby) S. Lundell & Nannf. | Egghead Mottlegill | ||
Panellus stipticus (Bull.) P. Karst. | Bitter Oysterling | ||
Panus conchatus (Bull.) Fr. | Lilac Oysterling | ||
Pappia fissilis (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Zmitr. | Greasy Bracket | ||
Paragymnopus perforans (Hoffm.) J. S. Oliveira | Stinking Parachute | ||
Paralepista flaccida (Sowerby) Vizzini | Tawny Funnel Cap | ||
Parasola conopilea (Fr.) Őrstadius & E. Larss. | Conical Brittlestem | ||
Parasola leiocephala (P. D. Orton) Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple | Bald Inkcap | ||
Parasola plicatilis (Curtis) Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple | Pleated Inkcap | ||
Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. | Brown Rollrim | ||
Paxillus rubicundulus P. D. Orton A576 | Alder Rollrim | ||
Peniophora incarnata (Pers.) P. Karst. | Rosy Crust | ||
Peniophora limitata (Chaillet ex Fr.) Cooke | |||
Peniophora lycii (Pers.) H?hn. & Litsch. | |||
Peniophora quercina (Pers.) Cooke | Oak Crust | ||
Phaeoclavulina flaccida (Fr.) Giachini | |||
Phaeolus schweinitzii (Fr.) Patt. | Dyer's Mazegill | ||
Phallus impudicus L. | Stinkhorn | ||
Phaeotremella foliacea (Pers.) Wedin, JC Zamora & M. | Leafy Brain | ||
Phaeotremella frondosa (Fr.) Spirin & Malysheva | a Leafy Brain fungus | ||
Phellinus igniarius (L.) Qu?l. | Willow Bracket | ||
Phellinus pomaceus (Pers.) Maire | Cushion Bracket | ||
Phellodon melaleucus (Sw. ex Fr.) P. Karst. BAP | Grey Tooth | ||
Phellodon niger (Fr.) P. Karst. BAP | Black Tooth | ||
Phlebia radiata (Fr.) | Wrinkled Crust | ||
Phlebia rufa (Fr.) M. P. Christ | |||
Phlebia tremellosa (Schrad.) Nakasone & Burds. | Jelly Rot | ||
Phlebiopsis gigantea (Fr.) J?lich | |||
Phloeomana hiemalis (Osbeck) Redhead | Rancid Bonnet | ||
Phloeomana minutula (Sacc.) Redhead | |||
Phloeomana speirea (Fr.) Redhead | Bark Bonnet | ||
Pholiota adiposa (Batsch) P. Kumm. | |||
Pholiota aurivella (Batsch) P. Kumm. | Golden Scalycap | ||
Pholiota carbonaria (Fr.) Singer | Bonfire Scalycap | ||
Pholiota conissans (Fr.) Kuyper & Tjall.-Beuk. | |||
Pholiota gummosa (Lasch) Singer | Sticky Scalycap | ||
Pholiota squarrosa (Vahl) P. Kumm. | Shaggy Scalycap | ||
Pholiota tuberculosa (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | |||
Phylloporus pelletieri (L?v.) Qu?l. BAP | Golden-gilled Bolete | ||
Pleurotus columbinus Qu?l. | Blue Oyster | ||
Pleurotus cornucopiae (Paulet) Rolland | Branching Oyster | ||
Pleurotus dryinus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Veiled Oyster | ||
Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. | Oyster Mushroom | ||
Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Qu?l. | Pale Oyster | ||
Pluteus aurantiorugosus (Trog.) Sacc. | Fire Shield | ||
Pluteus cervinus (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | Deer Shield | ||
Pluteus chrysophaeus (Schaeff.) Qu?l. | Yellow Shield | ||
Pluteus diettrichii Bres. | |||
Pluteus hispidulus (Fr.) Gillet | Fleecy Shield | ||
Pluteus petasatus (Fr.) Gillet | Scaly Shield | ||
Pluteus phlebophorus (Ditmar) P. Kumm. | Wrinkled Shield | ||
Pluteus podospileus Sacc. & Cub. | |||
Pluteus pseudorobertii M. M. Moser & Stangl | |||
Pluteus romellii (Britzelm) Sacc. | Goldleaf Shield | ||
Pluteus thomsonii (Berk. & Broome) Dennis | Veined Shield | ||
Pluteus umbrosus (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Velvet Shield | ||
Polyporus picipes Fr. | Bay Polypore | ||
Porphyrellus porphyrosporus (Fr. & H?k.) E.-J. G. BAP | Dusky Bolete | ||
Porpolomopsis calyptriformis (Berk.) Bresinsky BAP | Pink/Ballerina Waxcap | ||
Postia caesia (Schrad.) P. Karst. | Conifer Blueing Bracket | ||
Postia cerifluua (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) J?lich | |||
Postia ptychogaster (F. Ludw.) Vesterh. | Powderpuff Bracket | ||
Postia tephroleuca (Fr.) J?lich | Greyling Bracket | ||
Protostropharia semiglobata (Batsch) Redhead et al. | Dung Roundhead | ||
Psathyrella artemisiae (Pass.) Konrad & Maubl | Petticoat Brittlestem | ||
Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Maire | Pale Brittlestem | ||
Psathyrella corrugis (Pers.) Konrad & Maubl. | Red Edge Brittlestem | ||
Psathyrella laevissima (Romagn) Singer | Slender Stump Brittlestem | ||
Psathyrella microrhiza (Lasch) Konrad & Maubl. | Rootlet Brittlestem | ||
Psathyrella multipedata (Peck) A. H. Sm. | Clustered Brittlestem | ||
Psathyrella obtusata (Pers.) A. H. Sm. | |||
Psathyrella pennata (Fr.) A. Pearson & Dennis | |||
Psathyrella piluliformis (Bull.) P. D. Orton | Common Stump Brittlestm | ||
Psathyrella spintrigera (Fr.) Konrad & Maubl. | |||
Psathyrella spintrigeroides P. D. Orton | |||
Psathyrella squamosa (P. Karst.) A. H. Sm. | |||
Pseudoboletus parasiticus (Bull.) Šutara | Parasitic Bolete | ||
Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis (Bull.) Singer | The Goblet | ||
Pseudocraterellus undulatus (Pers.) Rauschert | Sinuous Chanterelle | ||
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum (Scop.) P. Karst. | Jelly Tooth | ||
Pseudoinonotus dryadeus(Pers.) T. Wagner & M. Fisch | Oak Bracket | ||
Pseudosperma rimosum (Bull.) Matheny & Esteve-Rav. | Split Fibrecap | ||
Psilocybe coronilla (Bull.) Noordel. | Garland Roundhead | ||
Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. | Liberty Cap | ||
Psilocybe subviscida (Peck) Kauffman | |||
Radulomyces confluens (Fr.) M. P. Christ. | |||
Ramaria stricta (Pers.) Qu?l. | Upright Coral | ||
Ramariopsis kunzei (Fr.) Corner | Ivory Coral | ||
Resinomycena saccharifera (Berk. & Broome) Redhead | |||
Resupinatus applicatus (Batsch) Gray | Smoked Oysterling | ||
Resupinatus trichotis (Pers.) Singer | Hairy Oysterling | ||
Rhizomarasmius setosus (Sowerby) Antonin & A. Urb. | Beechleaf Parachute | ||
Rhodocollybia butyracea (Bull.) Lennox | Butter Cap | ||
Rhodocollybia maculata (Alb. & Schwein.) Singer | Spotted Toughshank | ||
Rhodotus |